I know the Klingons have red consoles and such inside their ships, and there were some episodes showing this, but... it's overdone in the game in my opinion. They also had some orange consoles and such in the shows/movies.
But the overall feeling/lighting on the Klingon ship interiors feels *too* red. Can this be reduced a little bit please devs? I'm not saying get rid of it, just reduce it a little and add a little more normal lightning.
Look at the interior of Martok's bird of prey on DS9. Hardly any red in comparison to what we have in game. Can we more closely match Martok's BoP's interior lightning/coloring please?
I agree, but the red in Klingon ship interiors isnt nearly as bad as the blue in Federation interiors. blue consoles and lighting. At least Klingon interiors have some white lighting...
Probably just need some alternate Bridge interiors. In the real world, for humans anyway, red lighting is less distracting, so better for critical thinking. Faster adjusting to darkness than full white light also.
Especially due to the enhanced budget, Klingon ship interiors became more sophisticated over the years.
As did the computer consoles.
The interiors and equipment should look a lot more like this:
Sure, it's darker than a typical Federation ship, but it's grey, brown and the interfaces are a combination of red, yellow and green.
And I'm pretty certain they'd take as much time to create as the red ones we currently have, they'd just have to switch the colours from red to green and yellow occasionally while doing them.
I think the interiors themselves are okay except for the ready room and engineering, which is pretty red. The default bridges are pretty red I don`t really like the look of it. To alleviate that, I bought some Bird of Prey bridges in the C-store, which gives me six options but sadly only two, possibly three gives you a less reddish colour scheme.
Do you have Anti-aliasing turned on? I had these same horrible glowing bits until I finally turned of Anti-aliasing and I'm running a 8800 GTX, so not like I've got a trash vid card, but something tells me it's a problem with the coding.
Do you have Anti-aliasing turned on? I had these same horrible glowing bits until I finally turned of Anti-aliasing and I'm running a 8800 GTX, so not like I've got a trash vid card, but something tells me it's a problem with the coding.
Nah, it's just that i have the bloom settings too high lol
Nah, it's just that i have the bloom settings too high lol
Yeah I played with that too, but I still had this weird glowing ring around my character every time I went to Earth Station, the graphics glitches on here are what annoy me most.
Yup, the red + bloom settings = epileptic seizure. Someone needs to look at the red consoles..Perhaps by adding random other colors like yellows, oranges, and such it might bring the level down.
And for cripes sake, add some normal lighting in Klingon engineering...That plus the exposed warp core makes me feel as though the ship could blow up at any time...Oh yes, I think my character standing next to the exposed warp core helped kill my gfx cards a bit...
I could definitely go for a bit more change in the interiors and bridges as far as lighting goes...perhaps to the motion picture idea.....But then again, what do I know...lol
In general I don't mind the red but if we could have some sort of slider bar to put in just a little more white/yellow light it would really be a nice option.
When I walk into the mess hall and stand by the trophy wall you can barely see across the room it is so dark and murky. I need to see where my gagh is to make sure none of it crawls away
Even the IKS Amar, our first look inside a Klingon ship was not exclusively red.
There is blue, green even a little yellow.
Especially due to the enhanced budget, Klingon ship interiors became more sophisticated over the years.
As did the computer consoles.
The interiors and equipment should look a lot more like this:
Sure, it's darker than a typical Federation ship, but it's grey, brown and the interfaces are a combination of red, yellow and green.
And I'm pretty certain they'd take as much time to create as the red ones we currently have, they'd just have to switch the colours from red to green and yellow occasionally while doing them.
I like the lighting and style on the K't'tinga from the Undiscovered Country film. Less dark and red, but still had a Klingon feel.
Do you have Anti-aliasing turned on? I had these same horrible glowing bits until I finally turned of Anti-aliasing and I'm running a 8800 GTX, so not like I've got a trash vid card, but something tells me it's a problem with the coding.
Nah, it's just that i have the bloom settings too high lol
Yeah I played with that too, but I still had this weird glowing ring around my character every time I went to Earth Station, the graphics glitches on here are what annoy me most.
And for cripes sake, add some normal lighting in Klingon engineering...That plus the exposed warp core makes me feel as though the ship could blow up at any time...Oh yes, I think my character standing next to the exposed warp core helped kill my gfx cards a bit...
I could definitely go for a bit more change in the interiors and bridges as far as lighting goes...perhaps to the motion picture idea.....But then again, what do I know...lol
When I walk into the mess hall and stand by the trophy wall you can barely see across the room it is so dark and murky. I need to see where my gagh is to make sure none of it crawls away