Lets get some KLINGONS voting in this poll! We all know there's roughly 9 times more federation* players, so lets not let them ruin our faction even more. Get yer votes in!
*No, you can't play both factions. That's unthinkable.
But wonder if the Vo'cha refit will be configured? Would it have an extra tactical slot? And wonder what this would do to PVP? Because that configuration would be basically like a Sovereign with superior turning radius.
Why not? The Defiant-R is basically like a Raptor with a better turning radius. The Vor'cha probably wouldn't have the hull points of a Sovereign, just like a Defiant-R doesn't have the hull points of a Raptor. Seems pretty balanced to me.
I agree, get over there and vote, for too long have we complained about them not showing us ANY attention, we are moving in the right direction and now they are asking for input...although I disagree with the fact the K'vort isnt an option...they are still asking for imput on KLINGON ships so speak up and let your opinions be known:)
I voted 6 times muhahahahahahahh
just messing glad to see the klink faction getting some love.
Well weaker hull is a bit different.
The K'Vort is already on the way.
Not quite, CapnLogan knows its wanted and has plans to make it "at some point" but that does not mean its on its way, or that it ever will be.
I love the K'Vort, its my all-time favourite Star Trek ship, but I have a feeling its addition will wind up being controversial because although it looks like a Bird of Prety, and although its usualy placed with BoPs in various stats, it is a cruiser and so if it ever made its way into STO, should be added as a cruiser and not a Bird of Prey - but that's unlikely to happen, which means there will be a Bird of Prey bigger than a Vor'Cha spinning around at BoP speeds and blowing up as quickly as a BoP - which is just going to look stupid and, frankly, ruin the best fricking ship in the entire KDF.
T5 BoP = 100
Qin Raptor = 200
Outside of innate hull regeneration the crew doesn't mean much.
Well since Cryptic turned the Raptor Battlecruiser into an Escort, it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination them making the K'Vort another T4/5 BoP, instead of it retaining it's Cruiser status.
Use the D-7 from startrek the motion picture, and for the K'tings use the K'tinga.. there reference shots of both models all over the net much less from paramount. How Cryptic managed to not only get the K'tinga not just wrong but horrible wrong si beyond me.
In SFC the first things that got modded by players were the ships. And there were HUNDREDS of ship models made.. many cannon, many non cannon, many pulled from many scources with the old FASA ST-RPG as a favorite scouce for the Klingons, there was even a set done for the TOS era taken from star fleet battle (based on the old franz Joseph designs stuff.
The Vorcha is enspired by the nut and bolts and many greelies that happened to starship dwpictions after star wars. But the orginal D-7 had that wondeerfull predetory look which is still hard to top.
True, it doesn't mean much. But it is a difference that does keep getting overlooked in the ongoing discussion. The ships aren't exactly the same.
But yeah, after more than a few heated cruiser debates about the difference between 800 and 1000 crew ... I'm still of the opinion crew doesn't mean much.
Heck, I voted the first day it was out...
The Vor'cha better have something tasty for us...well, any ship that is...I would hate to think they would gimp us again by having a ship that has less consoles than a normal T5 ship and no frickin special power....If there is no special power, I suppose I could get over it eventually, just, make sure that we have the same weapsons slots and console slots for our current T5 class ships...
Or do they plan to cheat us yet again??????????
That really depends how you look at it.
IMO one thing that needs to change with the KDF ships is the naming of the ship classes.
"Bird of Prey" class needs to be renamed as "Scout" and "Raptor" needs to be renamed as "Escort".
Once you've removed "Bird of Prey" from the ship class and given it the more accurate name of "Scout" it becomes far easier to understand where the ship should exist. Personaly I would say the same for the Raptor as well.
The raptor may once have been a Battlecruiser, but when compared to existing Cruisers it clearly better fits the role of an escort. Escorts are small, powerful, fast, but have weak health - thats the raptor.
Scouts are small, powerful, fast, weak health and have dynamic bridge slots. Thats a B'Rel.
Cruisers are large, powerful, medium speed, strong health. That's the K't'inga, Vor'Cha, Negh'Var etc etc
Carriers are massive, moderate firepower, slow speed, moderate health. That's the Vo'Quv etc.
So the question on where to put the K'Vort is a simple matter of:
Is the K'vort a Scout? No. Too big, too slow, too strong.
Is the K'Vort an Escort? No. Same as above.
Is the K'Vort a carrier? No. Too small.
So by process of illimination that really only leaves it being a Cruiser.
I don't know about you, but that seems fairly glairingly obvious to me even despite the fact that the K'Vort is endlessly referred too as a "Cruiser".