The endings for these episode, either the full episodes or just chapters within them, are routinly anti-climatic. After all the hussle and bussle, the endings are like light switches...Im just standing waiting for something o happen that demonstartes the significance of what as happened. There are no cinematic endings, no scripted animation of the characters to add substance to their reactions/responses to what just happened.
After all that with the House of Martok, it ends with crickets chirpping in the Great Hall
After the Borg Lab goes critical, all I see is black screen and then Im in orbit with my ship
After the final battle in Gre'thor gets underway, the final entity/boss just literally sat there for two minutes and stared at me until I finsihed him off.
Its like the words, "The End" came two pages too soon in the story. It felt like someone unplugged the DVD player right when the hero delivered the final blow on the bad guy.