I would like to put this idea out there as a possible Faction wide event. I propose an open series of quests and fleet activities that could take place over the span of about 2 months (Real Time) Each player would have to choose between allying with the current Chancellor J'Mpok(I believe?) or the house of Martok. This Civil war would have actual effect on the Klingon Faction. As one faction won more battles (PvP encounters, fleet actions etc..) They would gain control over more terrotories. Once one faction conquered all possible sectors, there would be an all out space battle above the Home world where you would need to kill there leader. Once the war was over, the winning faction would be leader and all those that sided with him could get cool titles, special ships ect..) Thats my idea, oh and one more thing... No FedRats allowed!! This would be a pure Klingon Civil war with no interference from them or The Romulans (Well maybe the Romulans

In fact I keep suggesting that House vs House warfare makes a good PvE story and reason for people to PVP as allies of those houses. One picks House of Martok, others J'mpok, Duras, or others.