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Devs do you hate the klings

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Klingon Discussion
Hi devs just two questions do you hate the klingons & why do you hate them ?

New Daily missions the azlesa thats ok fine
pvp for emblems = sucks i been on for over an hour 7 klings queued for capt & hold 29 feds still wont start.
daily fleet action = no chance tried 2 so far & unless i fancy wasting 3 or 4 hours on one mission got no chance of completing .

Do something now b4 all klingons quit & leave this lame arsed game.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hmm i am klingon and don't want to quit, yesterday 4 pug pvp group kicked fed 4vs7, 4 vs 6 5 times and i dont want to come back to stupid fed which with 5 mindless defiants escorts hunting for negh'var and cant even killl it, poor captain Sisco.. All those escape pods - so small... so vulnerable...

    But i will quit when rommies come out <3 Today i really like what Klingons are, weak can't even level one, real strong fight for the win and grind for the success :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hmm i have no idea what that was meant to say !! translation please :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    hmm i have no idea what that was meant to say !! translation please :eek:

    I was thinking the exact same thing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well as it stands for a klingon to get the new MK XI gear with like 10 emblems per day (if you can do the fleet actioins).
    I think it works out about 115 days to kit out a bop with MKXI gear weapons shields eng def consoles.
    thats IF you can get a group to do the fleet actions.
    you can shave some of of that if you want to do the azlesa every half hour to get + 1 emblem.

    Now here is the problem i have found first today i was queued up for pvp capt hold daily i did 2 runs in the azlesa & then wasted like an hour in the big dig fleet action.
    at one point 29 feds were waiting & 7 klings for a pvp .. seems the only cap & hold is the large & that wont start till min number is met.

    So the way i look at it is the klings actualy only get 4 emblems per day unless they wanna sit at the fleet actions for 24hours waiting on others to join
    while sitting in the pvp queue & you just know whats gonna happen you be just about to complete said fleet action & the pvp that you been waiting hours on will pop up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You said do something or klingons leave, i wont leave and explained why, coz they are awesome and always work together.
    now on topic
    PvP bugged for both sides
    Daily Fleet actions, well don't blame ppl who dosent want to do them, not the system. If you cant find party\fleet it's your problem. You shouldn't sit there, ask for help, get party.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The single biggestv mistake was letting feds complete their badge missions by fighting each otehr in pretend wargame battles. This removed the necessity of fighting Klingons.

    Many feds believe Klings are overpowered and there are not enough of them to manage regular pvp battles. The result is thre are far fewer Vs Klingons PvP matches, and many Klingons get bored waiting in queues with nothing to do and so the circle conitnues.

    I would suggest to things.

    1: Give the feds an extra pvp emblem per day fpor fighting Klingons, and or remove the wargame option altogether.

    2: Give the Klingons 3 new PvP queue buttons:
    a: Just gimme any PvP going on at any point in the match - whatever just let me at em. Ground, space, beginning, middle or end - just get me some action!
    b: Get me in any match as long as it is in space
    c: Get me in any match as long as I can get my Bat'eth out and do my ground thang

    The point is many Klingons just cannot get any PvP at all at certain times of day - Eurotimes here and I dstruggle at the weekend. Cryptic is right in identifying the spreading out of ppl across queues, but for Klingon commanders levelling this is such an essential part of thier prgression XP they really need to get in more often. This follows the same principle just pushing it a step further.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yeah que-ing sucks for PvP as its a constant battle to get into a match, but I had no problems doing the daily Azlea Nebula or Daily Fleet actions.

    edit 8/5: Learned that my dailies are not counting when I do the Azlea Nebula one. Down 15 marks now.:mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Lets pray for an open pvP zone :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well finaly got a pvp today :rolleyes: low & behold 10 feds 8 kling
    6 defiants 1 fleet escort 2 retrofit intrepids 1 deepspace sci .. welcome to the world of starfleet online.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The Devs don't hate Klingons, they are just afraid of them!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol on a side note after a solar winds pvp i got spammed by 2 feds that wernt happy that they had lost the game even with there fancy new toys.

    [Zone] VenWar@mikey22805: god i am strong

    [Zone] Elash@SteveHale: Thanks all

    [Team] Jarik@BBzMadDog: gg

    [Zone] Jarik@BBzMadDog: gg

    RAK'Va@Jade2Blade: gg

    [Zone] Aviendha@Dassem_Ultor: gg

    Resolved mission "Dominate the Leaders of the Enemy (Lt. General - Daily)".

    You received 3 Emblems

    [Zone] VenWar@mikey22805: it took every klink too kill me

    [Zone] Kilrath@Cronis: can't blame the $%&! klinks they only play when tehy have an advantage

    [Zone] Aviendha@Dassem_Ultor: o7 hwil

    [Zone] Aviendha@Dassem_Ultor: my

    [Zone] Elash@SteveHale: lmao

    [Zone] Jarik@BBzMadDog: lol

    Joined channel "Zone".

    Left channel "Zone".

    Thok'Mak has left the team.

    Queued for "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Arena - Space".

    You have left the team.

    Left channel "Team".

    You left the "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Arena - Space" queue.

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: ar eu a bad player cuz it sure seemed like it?

    You left the "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Arena - Space" queue.

    Queued for "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    @Maelstrom1001 has logged off.

    @Maelstrom1001 has logged on.

    [Tell] Kilrath@Cronis: yeah no advantage

    To VenWar@mikey22805: lol whos team won !!

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: that deosnt make u a good player if it takes 5 of u to kill 1 person u suck

    [Tell] Kilrath@Cronis: go tell someone who believes you..if you can find one

    To VenWar@mikey22805: lol we dont need new ships to beat the feddybears .. just shows how much you lot suck needing all the new toys

    @finsches123 has logged off.

    Joining "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    @finsches123 has logged on.

    You received 11,000 Energy Credits

    [Zone #7] Domak@Unwanted_Irvine: the guy next to me is ugly

    Already a member of "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    [Zone] Jarik@BBzMadDog: he must be a fedo then

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: i know u dont cuz u do 5 on 1

    @Maelstrom1001 has logged off.

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: who needs a new ship?

    [Zone #7] Domak@Unwanted_Irvine: i bet

    To VenWar@mikey22805: lol

    @Maelstrom1001 has logged on.

    @Maelstrom1001 has logged off.

    To VenWar@mikey22805: lol

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: when u can defeat me 1v1 then u will ba good player

    To VenWar@mikey22805: ha ha ha ok wot ever tool go play carebears

    [Tell] VenWar@mikey22805: run along and learn some new skills

    Joining "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    The queue Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space that you were offered couldn't start because not enough members accepted their offers.

    Queued for "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    @prime-evil has logged on.

    Added @mikey22805 to your ignore list.

    Joining "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    [Fleet] Jarik@BBzMadDog: lol omfg there are some sore loser feds out tonight

    The queue Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space that you were offered couldn't start because not enough members accepted their offers.

    [Fleet] Jarik@BBzMadDog: iv had 2 spammin me ever since they lost in a solar winds pvp

    Joining "Hostile Engagement (FvK) - Capture and Hold - Space".

    [Admin] NoPossibleMaps

    @A_X has logged off.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.



    If you love Klingons as you say, then will we be getting our new T5 ships before the end of August? Will you fix the people (or LACK thereof) in the messhall? Perhaps some screenshots or the alleged Orion and Nausicaan ships we are going to fly...

    I might not be able to speak for the entire klingon side, but if we don't get some new ships (ones we asked for...) and some love...well...info/screenies on that love, we will continue to do nothing...PVP will continue to be barren, Klingon STF's will of course not fill, and people will desert...but that's down the road..or at least that's what my psychic tells me (jk...jk).

    Oh speaking of cool things on a to do list....I want a cloak like the council members or dahar masters...The fed Va's have a nice pimp coat...we should have one too......
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol on a side note after a solar winds pvp i got spammed by 2 feds that wernt happy that they had lost the game even with there fancy new toys.

    Lol! I ran into VenWar the other day on a Solar Wind map. We beat the Feds 15-0. As I recall, the Feds took it in stride and didn't complain, except for VenWar who kept whinging about how "we Klingons had to be using hacks because there's no way he should've died in his shiny, new Intrepid-R" and he kept trying to get his team to quit in protest. He spent more time spamming Zone chat to whine than actually fighting with his team.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    lol on a side note after a solar winds pvp i got spammed by 2 feds that wernt happy that they had lost the game even with there fancy new toys.

    I want new shiny Klingon, Orion, Nausicaan, Lethian, and Gorn Ships. At least then the Feds will have some new stuff to QQ about, because lately they are sounding like broken record players.

    Oh that reminds me , to all you cloaking Galaxy/Defiant pilots please continue to decloak 3 kms behind my carrier. My Tricobalt launcher hasn’t had this much fun in ages.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    lol on a side note after a solar winds pvp i got spammed by 2 feds that wernt happy that they had lost the game even with there fancy new toys.

    LoL. I remember that match! Not because it was anything spectacular but because of how butt hurt those guys got.

    But more on topic, I doubt it's that the dev's hate Klinks. We are just more effected by the borked PvP queues because there are fewer of us on at any given time. Feds can always queue up a FvF which still pulls from the FvK pool.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    well finaly got a pvp today :rolleyes: low & behold 10 feds 8 kling
    6 defiants 1 fleet escort 2 retrofit intrepids 1 deepspace sci .. welcome to the world of starfleet online.
    Eh, it goes the other way too, though. Had a match tonight that had 5 Feds vs. 9 Klinks (Cap & Hold, so the Feds didn't really stand a chance). They fought well, though, and the Klinks made it a point to say so.

    Right now PvPers on both sides have the worst of two worlds - teaser queues and uneven matches.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.



    they don't hate the klingons, they loath them. other wise they would just kill them off in one shot and not slowly over months
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.



    Are you guys going to work on a way to retroactively award those new mission items to people that already did the missions before they were added?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    well finaly got a pvp today :rolleyes: low & behold 10 feds 8 kling
    6 defiants 1 fleet escort 2 retrofit intrepids 1 deepspace sci .. welcome to the world of starfleet online.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~InfoNinja
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    BBzMadDog wrote: »
    well as it stands for a klingon to get the new MK XI gear with like 10 emblems per day (if you can do the fleet actioins).
    I think it works out about 115 days to kit out a bop with MKXI gear weapons shields eng def consoles.
    thats IF you can get a group to do the fleet actions.
    you can shave some of of that if you want to do the azlesa every half hour to get + 1 emblem.

    Now here is the problem i have found first today i was queued up for pvp capt hold daily i did 2 runs in the azlesa & then wasted like an hour in the big dig fleet action.
    at one point 29 feds were waiting & 7 klings for a pvp .. seems the only cap & hold is the large & that wont start till min number is met.

    So the way i look at it is the klings actualy only get 4 emblems per day unless they wanna sit at the fleet actions for 24hours waiting on others to join
    while sitting in the pvp queue & you just know whats gonna happen you be just about to complete said fleet action & the pvp that you been waiting hours on will pop up.

    As a player who hasn't gone back to my fed player since i got my Klingon, I have to say the OP is correct. I am over playing my Klingon Character anymore.impossible queues, no loot, the tier 6 ship is not only not canon, It looks like some kind of steampunk crustacean. it is worthless in a support role,& dosn't stand a chance against anything heaver than an escort in a 1 vs 1. I'm going back to my fed character, Leaving 1 less 6+ hour per day pvp loving Klingon. I Know that the new season is chasing away Klingons, I'm one of them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The problem i'm having is the missions are broken. If you don't complete them, you can't reset them, Or you reset them all the way backt to the beginning of the mission. Retroactive rewards also needs to be accomplished.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.

    Mhm, seems we are back to the "You will get some cool new stuff soon" posts after the uproar in the main forum cooled down due to too few Dev responses and Fed contra arguing.

    The bugged missions are horrible. Even if they were meant for the Klingons, one can see that they weren't tested for erros. With the Feds havin got the rwelease dates for the Excelsior (August) and Nebula (september) I doubt there will be any love for Klingons coming soon. Cryptics only chance to change opinion IMO will be to show us hard evidence that there will be improvements.
    The Fed's got ist, why can't we?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.



    Care to give any kind of ETA on those.

    (Waits to hear "Soon") :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    We certainly don't hate Klingons, in fact, many of us play them as our main characters. Myself included.

    We're working on improving the PvP Queue system so that matches will start more frequently. We have more PvE content on thew way for you, as well as more ships, and I'm sure some more things that I am not aware of.



    TRIBBLE PVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *deposits 2 credits*
    I don't think it's so much they hate Klingons, but rather...
    Since the ST series centered around the Federation, the Dev assumed everyone would want to be Capt Kirk/Picard/Janeway, or some other TV Fed character, not realizing there's a heckva lot of Kor/Kang/Koloth wannabes out there.
    Apparently, this attitude is slow to change, but, they seem to be making a little progress, but...
    They have a LONG way to go...
    It is still far from the game I had hoped it would be, glad I got the Lifer thing now, because I think it's gonna be a while before it's even close.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hawks wrote: »
    Mhm, seems we are back to the "You will get some cool new stuff soon" posts after the uproar in the main forum cooled down due to too few Dev responses and Fed contra arguing.

    The bugged missions are horrible. Even if they were meant for the Klingons, one can see that they weren't tested for erros.

    They were. Have you seen some of the Federation missions? There are lots with tiny or bigger errors.

    "So I have to fight 12 dozens Terran Empire soldiers alone?"
    "Hey, were did my BOs beam off to, weren't they supposed to help me against these Hirogen?"

    Fun stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    *deposits 2 credits*
    I don't think it's so much they hate Klingons, but rather...
    Since the ST series centered around the Federation, the Dev assumed everyone would want to be Capt Kirk/Picard/Janeway, or some other TV Fed character, not realizing there's a heckva lot of Kor/Kang/Koloth wannabes out there.
    Apparently, this attitude is slow to change, but, they seem to be making a little progress, but...
    They have a LONG way to go...
    It is still far from the game I had hoped it would be, glad I got the Lifer thing now, because I think it's gonna be a while before it's even close.

    I think it is more that they did not realize that those who wanted to be Klingons would want as much PvE as the Feds. They did say that the Klingons were going to be a PvP faction. But they seem to have realized this error and are coarse correcting, though I still can't level a Klingon without grinding Nebula.

    And at the very least, they wont make the same mistake when they roll out the next Faction. Which we know wont happen until the Klingons are "fixed."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think it is more that they did not realize that those who wanted to be Klingons would want as much PvE as the Feds. They did say that the Klingons were going to be a PvP faction. But they seem to have realized this error and are coarse correcting, though I still can't level a Klingon without grinding Nebula.

    And at the very least, they wont make the same mistake when they roll out the next Faction. Which we know wont happen until the Klingons are "fixed."

    It wasnt an error the error was having a PvP faction with nothing but a borring and repetitve PvP system. There used to enough Klingons to level up in PvP and when the PvP exp was worth it as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think it is more that they did not realize that those who wanted to be Klingons would want as much PvE as the Feds. They did say that the Klingons were going to be a PvP faction. But they seem to have realized this error and are coarse correcting, though I still can't level a Klingon without grinding Nebula.

    And at the very least, they wont make the same mistake when they roll out the next Faction. Which we know wont happen until the Klingons are "fixed."

    But they stated that klingons are PvP faction, and ppl didn't mind it at beta test, as do i, i think Klingons need more PvP options like open pvp abmushes etc, like every player will cost some skill points and such.
    Let's say PvE but not like Fed, more missions with assault more fleet actions, massive battles twice what fed will have, Klingons live for fight not for exploration\diplomacy, those missions what were added was nice more those for leveling will be good, but for end game Klingons imho need more space\ground action with capture\anihilate race things, some House battles, and not like just KvK PvP, it's should be planetary\space territory control between Fleets(Houses), that could be such an awesome action, should be FvK territory control and inside conflicts, the most strong house will control space and for example it's members will recieve bigger % of loot\EC\skillpoints per kill.
    But it's to difficult for coders, well not so difficult if engine allows this but just massive amount of work.:)
    eh..dreams.. )
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