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Vice Admiral Coat not moving right

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Federation Discussion
I like the VA coat, I really do. The one problem with it, is it moves wrong. It should not stick to the back of the players legs like a skin tight skirt but more like a short trench coat.

The one thing I can suggest is cutting the weight of the mesh to the legs and instead set it to a bone at the bottom of the coat and weight it between the bone and the lower back of the player. The reason for this is if you look at any trench coat, from the waist down, it does not move with the legs but from the bottom edge with influence from the middle and lower back.

I understand its a lot of work just to weight it right, but this would go a long way to including the visual quality of the coat from a body skirt to a dress coat.
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