As already mentioned in this
thread, we need some ground scanning abilities for the Klingons as well.
Here an idea concerning this issue:
If a Klingon looks for anomalies or computerconsoles, they could use their normal scanner/tricorder, like the feds do.
But why we don't use a Targ for "scanning" the next ground enemy? You could instigate a Targ to find the next group, like a hound dog (it already looks like a mix of a dog and a boar, both have a really good osphresis).
Additionally the Targ could be used like a member of your away team, that could be trained (growing from a puppy to adult) or stuffed (bodyarmor, sharpened teeth and claws,...) to attack enemies stronger (or find to them faster). And the Targ take place like Portos in the captains quarter
Another addition could be a battle between the Targs... Petfight between the captains!
Sehlat could implemented on the federation site.
I think that is a great and funny addition. What do you think about that? Some additions?
You are right, the feds won't use animals for scanning... they will got pets on the ship or in quarters. And the klingons use them for fighting and scanning
Sicking him on a fed or other baddie on away missions, or making a BO that has a skill to summon 2 or 3 at a time to ambush an enemy would be a splendid job. I doubt that Cryptic would even look into it.
I would like to have some over-sized targ to wreak havoc on my opponents...Maybe for some targ-wrestling matches? lol
Quick, hide, that darned Michael Vick is here...he's working for the feds!!!!!!
Somehow I can see them as saying it would be illegal to do this in the game...
They could be used in missions like Dogs are used to find drugs. Maybe Targs could stay as pets like the way they are now (but add a whole breeding system, like tribbles) and then make the Monster Dog act as the Hound dog. Seems like that would diversify it more and give the Klingons more content.