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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    joe_blue wrote:
    Regarding the Op: I think Caitians are a good sign; personally, I'd never roll one nor would I ever commission one as a BO, but several (very loud, often shrill and petulant) people indicated from the start that they would like to see Caitians, and continually lobbied for them.

    To see them introduced, and done very well in my opinion, indicates that the developers are indeed listening to us. Although I'm inclined to agree with you that more content and fixes should be added, I also see that Cryptic is working on that, too.

    It's a tough job balancing so many demands from so many different people, but I think Cryptic is making a good faith effort to respond to us as well and as quickly as it can.

    who are the "us" being listened to? ppl here are clamoring for more Klingon content, and yes it's coming in season2, but as i see it, that's not enuff. Klingons, roms and feds are the 3 major factions in trekverse and all 3 should've been fleshed out, even if it meant taking another year before STO was released. it's all a matter of priorities, and what's more important, content or bling? if it's bling, then you're not a gamer and should go back to playing my little pony your toy consoles. imo a gamer wants content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Krenn wrote: »
    who are the "us" being listened to? ppl here are clamoring for more Klingon content, and yes it's coming in season2, but as i see it, that's not enuff. Klingons, roms and feds are the 3 major factions in trekverse and all 3 should've been fleshed out, even if it meant taking another year before STO was released. it's all a matter of priorities, and what's more important, content or bling? if it's bling, then you're not a gamer and should go back to playing my little pony your toy consoles. imo a gamer wants content.

    Look, I'm not saying that Cryptic is perfect in this regard, only that Caitians are an example of Cryptic listening to its customers. In the past, I've called Caitians wallpaper, because they're about that important in terms of the Trek ethos.

    I absolutely agree with you that there should be more Klingon content, and that to my mind, the world of Trek needs Klingons much, much more than it needs Caitians. In my opinion, some other important things, such as diplomacy or the spirit of exploration, really need fleshing out, too.

    People who call themselves "gamers" tend to have a very smug sense of the superiority of their opinions, and seem to find fault easier than breathing: I have yet to meet a self-styled "gamer" who couldn't tell me what's wrong with every game ever made. But the fact is that I do not know what is happening behind Cryptic's doors, and neither do you, so neither of us can say that Cryptic has the wrong priorities.

    Again, I see the Caitians as an example of the company listening to us; therefore I choose to think of it as evidence that our desire for more Klingon content will be fulfilled.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    tarjan wrote: »
    Dont get me started on caitians they shouldent eaven been put in before they worked their butt off fleshing out klingons , there is way to much TRIBBLE beeing made for the fed side while they are ignoring and driving away the klingon faction we loosing players left and right cause its turning more and more into fedration online with klingon monster play ala Lord of the rings monster play !

    What the heck were the artists who did the Caitians supposed to do for Klingons?

    They can't code, write content, balance PvP. They're artists. Specifically character artists. The ONLY thing they could have done for Klingons were a few hairstyles.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Introducing cosmetic fluff creates the illusion of depth. It covers up the game's incredible shallowness. It also gives the cosplay crowd something to get all worked up over. This is basically a dress-up game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    They have different values than you.

    A long time ago, U.S. grocery stores mostly carried thoroughly pureed spaghetti sauce.

    A market researcher named Howard Moskowitz started conducting studies and found some people love large food particles (i.e. chucky spaghetti sauce) rather than the traditional, heavily pureed sauces.

    So, they launched several styles: chucky and traditional.

    They showed great business success and soon other companies followed suit: there were extra-chucky sauces, mushroom sauces, cream sauces in U.S. grocery stores.

    Moral of the story: there is no one right answer, there are merely right answers.

    Some players value the cosmetic side of it, others the PvP.
    Some love grinding, some value storylines.
    Some craft, others love to sell items they collect.

    There are dozens of playtstyles out there: the caitians weren't created for your playstyle. However, they are bound to match someone's.

    Darren I love the way you pwn people in a really logical non confrontational way. You sir are awesome. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Unfortunately, that is a LOT of lacking content. Feds have episodes that take them most of the way throughout their ranks. With Season 2, Klingons will have a total of 8 episodes.

    That's true, Nagus, but at least it's progress. I don't think the Klingons will ever be as fleshed out as the Federation side, the same with the Romulans if/when they add them. However, eight episodes is better than constant PvP and Exploration Missions.

    For whatever reason, be it time, money or manpower, Cryptic shelved the idea of the Klingons as a fully fleshed-out faction and left them as something on the level of the 'Monster Play' seen in Lord of the Rings Online. The fact they're trying to change that, even a little due to player arguments is a positive step.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    That's true, Nagus, but at least it's progress. I don't think the Klingons will ever be as fleshed out as the Federation side, the same with the Romulans if/when they add them. However, eight episodes is better than constant PvP and Exploration Missions.

    For whatever reason, be it time, money or manpower, Cryptic shelved the idea of the Klingons as a fully fleshed-out faction and left them as something on the level of the 'Monster Play' seen in Lord of the Rings Online. The fact they're trying to change that, even a little due to player arguments is a positive step.

    I agree. However, my post was a response to another post that was can be summed up as "That beings said, the KDF's woes are generally overplayed for effect on these forums", which I simply cannot agree with. The Klingons were launched about 1/3 done, and that IS a valid reason for complaint until they are actually finished. Can you imagine how bad the complaints would be if the Feds were launched in that state?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I agree. However, my post was a response to another post that was can be summed up as "That beings said, the KDF's woes are generally overplayed for effect on these forums", which I simply cannot agree with. The Klingons were launched about 1/3 done, and that IS a valid reason for complaint until they are actually finished. Can you imagine how bad the complaints would be if the Feds were launched in that state?

    Sure, but the Federation is the 'core' of Star Trek, every single show is from the Federation point-of-view. Therefore, if the Federation was released in an unfinished state, there wouldn't be much of a game. ;) If the Klingons, a 'secondary' group is released in an unfinished state, then its simply something to catch up on.

    I guess you could think of it based around the original series where the Klingons didn't have that much in the way of culture they were just enemies to fight, just as they are in STO. They looked like they were more belligerent humans in slightly different clothes with and different ships. It took them until the Star Trek: TMP to add their head-crests and the first inklings of the whole warrior culture that became their trademark.

    So, they're working on the Klingons, but it'll be awhile since they were re-designed as a PvP race for whatever reason.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sure, but the Federation is the 'core' of Star Trek, every single show is from the Federation point-of-view. Therefore, if the Federation was released in an unfinished state, there wouldn't be much of a game. ;) If the Klingons, a 'secondary' group is released in an unfinished state, then its simply something to catch up on.

    I guess you could think of it based around the original series where the Klingons didn't have that much in the way of culture. They looked like they were more belligerent humans in slightly different clothes with and different ships. It took them until the Star Trek: TMP to add their head-crests and the first inklings of the whole warrior culture that became their trademark.

    So, they're working on the Klingons, but it'll be awhile since they were re-designed as a PvP race for whatever reason.

    No offense, but all of that is kind of stating the obvious, and I dont disagree with the obvious. What I do disagree with is someone implying that another faction being unfinished doesnt really matter or down playing the valid complaints of people who play that faction simply because it isnt the faction THEIR interested in. Believe it or not, I dont actually play a Klingon. But I do argue on behalf of those that do because they have a valid complaint. There are alot of people who bought this game to play as Klingons, and there is no reason their gameplay should be any less important to the Devs than other players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    To be honest, I am one of those that think the Klingons should not have been at launch. I think the should have been added later. However hindsight is 20/20 and no reason to cry over spilled milk.

    ...giving companies free passes when they continue to make poor decisions and seem to be out for a quick half-arsed buck, rather than putting in real effort to make a 'good' game... yeah, that shows them how they really need to step up their game. :rolleyes:

    It is people sitting back and saying 'oh well' that allows Cryptic to make 'poor unfinished' game after 'poor unfinished' game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No offense, but all of that is kind of stating the obvious, and I dont disagree with the obvious. What I do disagree with is someone implying that another faction being unfinished doesnt really matter or down playing the valid complaints of people who play that faction simply because it isnt the faction THEIR interested in. Believe it or not, I dont actually play a Klingon. But I do argue on behalf of those that do because they have a valid complaint. There are alot of people who bought this game to play as Klingons, and there is no reason their gameplay should be any less important to the Devs than other players.

    Oh, don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that it doesn't matter or that I'm downplaying the -VALID- complaints. All I'm trying to say is that A) Whatever Cryptic had planned for the Klingons was changed before release. B) Due to player-pressure they're working on fixing it. C) Many of the complaints these days are that they aren't doing enough fast enough, ignoring the fact that Cryptic has limited resources.

    Throwing out the same arguments over and over again like many of the players complaining about Klingons do isn't going to make Cryptic get it done any faster simply because they're doing what they can. While some of the arguments Klingon players have are very valid, others, much like some of the Federation complaints are, in my opinion, simply whining and trolling. Do I believe Klingons should be fleshed out? Of course! Do I believe 85 threads stating that fact over and over again are going to magically give Cryptic the resources to get that done instantly? No.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Open PVP

    Open Exploration

    User Generated Content

    and generally more things to do (from Crafting to Dabo).

    I think / or better *hope* that the pre scripted Episode Missions will turn into the background as this game continues to grow.
    And what does the Federation have what the klingons dont?
    ...Episode Missions, Memory Alpha and DSE's.
    The Klingons are not realy missing out on much, they just dont have Episode Missions to level up and those are gone for Feds once you reach RA5.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Throwing out the same arguments over and over again like many of the players complaining about Klingons do isn't going to make Cryptic get it done any faster simply because they're doing what they can.

    Thats not necessarily true, you see. Just to give you an example of what I mean, take the new FDC system. As a Fed player, this is something I'm definitely looking forward to. However, the time spent making it(for a faction that is already "finished" mind you) could have been spent working on more Klingon episodes than the 8 they will be getting in Season 2. Now, I'm not personally saying that I wish that is what they had done, however that does give you an example of how its not just a matter of how fast Cryptic can work, its also a matter of their PRIORITIES. So "throwing out the same arguments over and over" like you said above may not make Cryptic work FASTER, but it might convince them to put X-Klingon issue as a higher PRIORITY than X-Fed issue, meaning X-Klingon issue actually gets done first.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Thats not necessarily true, you see. Just to give you an example of what I mean, take the new FDC system. As a Fed player, this is something I'm definitely looking forward to. However, the time spent making it(for a faction that is already "finished" mind you) could have been spent working on more Klingon episodes than the 8 they will be getting in Season 2. Now, I'm not personally saying that I wish that is what they had done, however that does give you an example of how its not just a matter of how fast Cryptic can work, its also a matter of their PRIORITIES. So "throwing out the same arguments over and over" like you said above may not make Cryptic work FASTER, but it might make them decide to put X-Klingon issue as a higher PRIORITY than X-Fed issue, meaning X-Klingon issue actually gets done first.

    That's true, it is about priorities. Klingons were shifted to secondary status somewhere before release for whatever reason and I think they're going to remain that way as will any other added races simply because the Federation is the 'main' faction in the game. That's the reason you can't immediately choose a Klingon on player creation, you have to reach level 6 before they're 'unlocked'. The game isn't designed around playing Klingons as your 'main' character, the fact some players tend to do so I don't think was fully anticipated by Cryptic.

    Does that make it right that the Klingons are getting second-fiddle? No, certainly not, but at least they are finally getting some attention. If Cryptic suddenly shafted the Federation for a whole season to flesh-out the Klingons, or did the same for a Romulan faction, I think the majority of players would be enraged that the Federation was suddenly kicked to the curb for what most of them see as a 'Secondary PvP Faction'. The Klingon players would be delighted, certainly, but I don't think there are as many Klingon players as there are Federation.

    I think Cryptic is working on this in the same way they worked on adding the exclusives to the C-Store, as a matter of marketing. When they added those items to the C-Store many people who clamored for them were happy, but the smaller, more vocal group that paid more for them were unhappy and made their feelings known that they felt 'wronged' and 'slighted'. Cryptic apologized, said 'that's business' and that was that. It's the same with Klingon players, they feel wronged by the company and are making that known. The difference is that Cryptic is doing -something to change that. It won't ever be as big a something as the Federation gets, but its more than those angry at the C-Store got.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    They have different values than you.

    A long time ago, U.S. grocery stores mostly carried thoroughly pureed spaghetti sauce.

    A market researcher named Howard Moskowitz started conducting studies and found some people love large food particles (i.e. chucky spaghetti sauce) rather than the traditional, heavily pureed sauces.

    So, they launched several styles: chucky and traditional.

    They showed great business success and soon other companies followed suit: there were extra-chucky sauces, mushroom sauces, cream sauces in U.S. grocery stores.

    Moral of the story: there is no one right answer, there are merely right answers.

    Some players value the cosmetic side of it, others the PvP.
    Some love grinding, some value storylines.
    Some craft, others love to sell items they collect.

    There are dozens of playtstyles out there: the caitians weren't created for your playstyle. However, they are bound to match someone's.

    that would be all well and good, were STO a spaghetti sauce:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Krenn wrote: »
    that would be all well and good, were STO a spaghetti sauce:rolleyes:

    congratulations you missed the moral of the story. here is a gold star.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Krenn wrote: »
    that would be all well and good, were STO a spaghetti sauce:rolleyes:
    Well the purpose of the analogy was to say there's no one correct playstyle and that the developers should work on content to address all people: from PvP players, to explorers, and even the socializers.

    Analogies are meant to be about something different. :rolleyes:

    I hope your post was sarcastic :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Diluant wrote:
    ...giving companies free passes when they continue to make poor decisions and seem to be out for a quick half-arsed buck, rather than putting in real effort to make a 'good' game... yeah, that shows them how they really need to step up their game. :rolleyes:

    It is people sitting back and saying 'oh well' that allows Cryptic to make 'poor unfinished' game after 'poor unfinished' game.

    Buying a lifetime subscription to a game produced by the company that made City of Heroes and Champions Online is also a pretty lax way of letting the company know they need to step up their game.

    Just sayin'

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    congratulations you missed the moral of the story. here is a gold star.

    I thought the moral of the story was that Spaghetti Sauce, much like Cryptic, completely ignores the dread headed stepchiled of STO ... the Klingon Defense Force?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Diluant wrote:
    ...giving companies free passes when they continue to make poor decisions and seem to be out for a quick half-arsed buck, rather than putting in real effort to make a 'good' game... yeah, that shows them how they really need to step up their game. :rolleyes:

    It is people sitting back and saying 'oh well' that allows Cryptic to make 'poor unfinished' game after 'poor unfinished' game.

    Really? It would seem to be that the poor unfinished game had to come before the complaining, otherwise there would be nothing to complain about.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I guess the other way of interpreting Darren's analogy would be ...

    Starfleet Spaghetti Sauce ...

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    superchum wrote: »
    Buying a lifetime subscription to a game produced by the company that made City of Heroes and Champions Online is also a pretty lax way of letting the company know they need to step up their game.

    Just sayin'


    just saying what? I missed your unpoint.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    Really? It would seem to be that the poor unfinished game had to come before the complaining, otherwise there would be nothing to complain about.

    except they have made a couple and look to start work on a third... jury is out on how that one will turn out.

    rofl... some superfans are so funny.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Diluant wrote:
    just saying what?

    That you bought a lifetime sub to this game so you probably shouldn't blast others for supporting the company when you were more than willing to shell out hundreds of dollars to them after knowing their track record with City of Heroes and Champions Online.

    In short ... your attempts to question others' judgement really doesn't carry a lot of zing to it when your name is in blue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    superchum wrote: »
    That you bought a lifetime sub to this game so you probably shouldn't blast others for supporting the company when you were more than willing to shell out hundreds of dollars to them after knowing their track record with City of Heroes and Champions Online.

    In short ... your attempts to question others' judgement really doesn't carry a lot of zing to it when your name is in blue.

    not so in the least. if you think through your logic, you would see where people STILL giving them a pass is in question, not that they ONCE supported a company (with hopes the final product was good).

    see, knowing and accepting is different than hoping/knowing and not accepting.

    please, spend a tad more time thinking these things through. Then, you may want to type your complete thoughts out the first time... if you did, I am sure your post count would be cut by like 9/10ths.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Diluant wrote:
    not so in the least. if you think through your logic, you would see where people STILL giving them a pass is in question, not that they ONCE supported a company (with hopes the final product was good).

    see, knowing and accepting is different than hoping/knowing and not accepting.

    please, spend a tad more time thinking these things through. Then, you may want to type your complete thoughts out the first time... if you did, I am sure your post count would be cut by like 9/10ths.


    Very much so. If you think your logic through, you would see that you're criticizing others for showing faith in a company that you yourself showed faith in, after seeing how they created games that don't live up to your standards with their previous games. You see, it's the Champions thing that kills your entire point. You had ample evidence of what their designers, developers and engine could do with Champions. And still you invested hundreds of dollars into a "lifetime" subscription. You knew what their problems were but ignored them and bought the LTS.

    For you to turn around and criticize others for a mistake you yourself made and made big-time ... it ruins the strength of your criticism.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    superchum wrote: »
    Very much so. If you think your logic through, you would see that you're criticizing others for showing faith in a company that you yourself showed faith in, after seeing how they created games that don't live up to your standards with their previous games. You see, it's the Champions thing that kills your entire point. You had ample evidence of what their designers, developers and engine could do with Champions. And still you invested hundreds of dollars into a "lifetime" subscription. You knew what their problems were but ignored them and bought the LTS.

    For you to turn around and criticize others for a mistake you yourself made and made big-time ... it ruins the strength of your criticism.

    yeah, i don't think you're right in the least.

    Which also happens to explain why you are arguing a point that wasn't made, and introduce things that aren't in-line with the thought. Also, reusing part of a post to make a false point also shows lack of originality and creativity.

    I am sorry that you are wrong, but that doesn't make you right.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Bah, some people aren't going to like Cryptic and some are. Some are going to like Cryptic and hate STO and some are going to like STO and not like Cryptic. It never ends.

    What is funny is when people complain that people just give Cryptic a "pass" on some issue. That is basically like complaining that some people don't agree with you. Then it comes across as people blaming the people who don't agree with them as the people who allow Cryptic to do whatever that originator didn't like in the first place.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Diluant wrote:
    yeah, i don't think you're right in the least.

    The blue color of your name pretty much locks you in. You bought an LTS. And did so after knowing what Champions was like. Because Champions predates STO.

    You bought a lifetime sub to this game ... after knowing about all of the problems with Champions.

    You knew. And still bought this game.

    And now, you take time out of your busy day of charting my post counts, to criticize other posters on this forum for showing some faith or hope in the same company you once showed faith in when, in spite of the problems Champions Online had, you gave hundreds of dollars to.

    What's incorrect about this?

    Did you buy an LTS? Yes. Did you know about champions gameplay? I think you did. Did you criticize posters in this thread for having hope and/or faith in Cryptic? Yes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    superchum wrote: »
    The blue color of your name pretty much locks you in. You bought an LTS. And did so after knowing what Champions was like. Because Champions predates STO.

    You bought a lifetime sub to this game ... after knowing about all of the problems with Champions.

    You knew. And still bought this game.

    And now, you take time out of your busy day of charting my post counts, to criticize other posters on this forum for showing some faith or hope in the same company you once showed faith in when, in spite of the problems Champions Online had, you gave hundreds of dollars to.

    What's incorrect about this?

    Did you buy an LTS? Yes. Did you know about champions gameplay? I think you did. Did you criticize posters in this thread for having hope and/or faith in Cryptic? Yes.

    Yeah, I just don't see how you think arguing a point based upon no conversation introduced in the thread is relevant. You tend to take irrefutable points and base entire arguments upon totally random things that you introduce... maybe based on comprehension, or perhaps to allow you to feel something akin to a 'win'. Shrug, who knows.

    So, in conclusion, either way, you aren't making sense. I am sorry for that.
This discussion has been closed.