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Help Save the Klingon

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Klingon Discussion
My observation is that the Klingon was developed to give the Federation player something to shoot at. This hypotheses seems to be widely accepted among the Klingon players. There is no mission content to speak of and this has taken its toll. Several weeks back the Fleet I am in as a Klingon had two pages of names on at any given time and now there are only a few on. These missing players are still around on vent but involved in other MMO elsewhere. When I speak to them they inform me that they are still on the game for another month to see if the devs do anything for the Klingon.
I have a BG5 and can never find enough people to do the BG5 mission; Infected or Cure. There for I find myself in a very similar holding pattern and am in my last month too. If Cryptic’s idea was to raise up a monster class as was done in the Lord of the Rings I feel you failed. Please do something for the Klingons while there is still some left. Oh yes, I hope the Romulan are not treated in the same manner.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Congratulations on grinding your way to BG5. Dispite my intentions to play nothing but Klingon I couldn't force myself to go thru that. So now , dispite my contempt of the Federation, I have a RA3, might make 4 before my subscription expires.

    My Klingon Fleet (BoK) also had pages of players, but most have moved on.

    It's really a shame, I planned on playing STO for a couple of years instead of 3 months.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i gave them two mounth to sort the klingons out but no ther look cool but i like pve with a bit of pvp. in case anyone still cares this will **** up the fed cos no klingons and the only have fvf to pvp on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It seems that the developers have forgotten the Klingons. All the C-Store stuff seems to be on the Fed side, but bridges and common items such as a respec. Like many here we cannot do the BG5 missions because there never seems to be enough of us on. If we waits for hours we may get enough of the KDF to do a mission. I think because the Cure, Infected, and others seem to be in a sector where the Borg is a common enemy, so why can we not team with the Pu'tog Feds to fight the Borg? This way we would not have to wait for hours on end to find a group or just log.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Indeed, Cryptic has promised Klingon Missions/Episodes/content for us ever since the game came out-and what did they give us? Playable Klingon Trill (wtf? I mean, Dax was a special case, she was an Ambassador in a past incarnation! I mean, the Rigellians would've made more sense since they did some dirty work for the Klingons or even the Ferengei since they would sell their grandma to anyone (includning Klingons) for a few creds. X_x) and missions you have to be a BG5 to play (and have a WHOLE team!). I mean, I love STO and can stomach playing a Fed-rat, but c'mon, WTF Cryptic, just WTF!? At this rate, I'll soon have enough WTF Cryptic for a Top Ten List. :P So far I got:

    1: Mirror Universe Costume by buying some other game I don't want to play (for life).
    2: Tutorial for only Fed-Rats.
    3: Lack of Klink Content/Episodes/Missions.
    4: Klink Trill.
    5: A promo w/ a restaurant that most of the U.S., let alone the world, has never heard of. X_x
    6: Surveying for a new playable faction when the other anti-Fed (Klink) playable faction is still incomplete.
    7: Turning "crafting" into "vending" with "farming" mats, err, "anomolies". :rolleyes:

    There's more probably, I just can't think of any right now, plus it's a Top Ten, not Top One Hundred. XP :rolleyes:

    Sorry, I really do enjoy this game (all though it may be hard to believe from reading the above. XP), it's just I wish they'd flesh it out more before they released it. :( And ranting can make you fell better too. :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Face it, it's over for the kdf. There are what, 3 or 4 good pvp'ers left on the kdf side. That is not enough to put together a group, and even then they are all dps'ers, which is not good enough to crack a balanced team.

    Why would they bother with new content for what amounts to a handful of players when the federation players are not going to bother with it now even if they did, might as well go for a new faction and hope the 'freshness' of it attracts some players over. Roll a fed and just move on, at least fvf is supposed ok and you have content, not that i have seen any that i actually thought was fun to do, tho the odd quest has a decent reward which makes it worth suffering.

    the forums are all but dead i have seen more posts and posters on swg and that game has been classed as dead for yrs what is left of the population moving to only a few remaining servers, there are what 20 or 30 people who post here with a game losing subs left an right, i wonder how many more will be gone at the resub cycle on the 5th
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I really wish i could help save them. I roleld my Klingon after CB again but got so bored of it i havnt logged on in weeks. I really wanted this 1.1 to fix the Klingons. We Feds need them. whats the point of an RVR with no Klingons!!! However Cryptic is obviously doing what it wants with the faction which is simply to kill it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's not as bad as you guys make it sound. You have to give Cryptic some time to work on the missions. You can't expect them to release a whole game's worth of PvE content for a faction in the span of two months. They did what they could in the short time between Release and Season 1 and gave us Explore missions. You all have too high expectations for the speed and quality in which Cryptic can release these things. If you guys want it so fast, expect it to be bug-ridden and incomplete. I'd rather give them some time to flesh it out and make it worth of release. If they release it with poor quality, people on the forums will have a total fit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh?

    I have plenty of fun on my Brigadier General, and she still has a long ways to go before "completion"; I still have to equip her out with better gear and do the Special Task Forces. But I rolled her knowing full well what I was getting into-- a PVP faction without any PVE (this was before Season 1 came out). Heck, I knew there wasn't even a tier 2 option for Cruisers, and I stuck it out and had a lot of fun-- and continue to have a lot of fun. I'm sorry for everyone who was hoping for an engaging PvE experience with the Klingons... but even a few moments of research would have told you that wouldn't happen for a while. But it's coming.

    Cryptic hasn't forgotten about Klingons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    At least some small additions of content (I don't mean Endgame content) would have been good to show that there is really interest in keeping up the Klingon faction. By now there are only warm words that at some time in the futuret here might be an update.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well, let me quote a part of signature a few post above, which imho says all about it:

    -"The patient warrior is rewarded."

    -"You are Klingons, you need no one but yourselves."

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    They could have started out with the small things, like get Klingon scanners working.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hausenwulf wrote: »
    They could have started out with the small things, like get Klingon scanners working.

    They did start with small things; they gave us Star Cluster missions, fleet actions, and endgame deep space encounters. They definitely still need more, but you cant say that the devs haven't given us anything; just not as much as we would like.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Excuse me?

    We are Klingons, we need no one but ourselves? with the recent changes to many science skills, and the silent nerf to damage in order to try to help balance things. I find that 1 fed ship can take down 3 klingon ships without even taking a dent to them.

    They cried and cried that the KDF were more powerful, they got changes that help them. Just look the the PVP Queue the last couple nights, 45 Feds 2 Klings in a Q. Its because several reason, Feds have choices, even if they are just grinding exploration garbage.

    Excort Style ships are a thing of the past, now all you see are Cruisers and Science Vessels. Spamming Feedback Pulse, Subnucleonic Beam , Extend Shields, Science Team, Engineering Team, Hazard Emitters, Reverse Shield Polarity, while blasting you with Beam Overload and High Yield. There is no strategy anymore, you might as well make it Cruisers Versus Battle Cruisers from now on.

    So , my point is, you could at least give us missions that work, even if they are the same old grinding garbage.

    25% of these mission actually give you experience, 90% give you credit, 20% don't work at all, 25% of these are Federation Missions that spawn fellow KDF which we can't even attack.

    So your answer to me will be send in bug reports so that they will correct these missions. Excuse me? Send in Bug reports so that they can delete those missions that aren't working so we can be stuck with doing 4 missions over and over again, because we all see how the fixes go thus far.

    Before the Patch, Carriers were TRIBBLE everyone.... after the patch, Cruiser and Science ships are TRIBBLE everyone. So what next? the next patch, Danube Runabouts will be the next big bad overpowered ship?

    Thank Goodness other options are around the corner.... 2 space mmorpg's are coming. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Does saving parts of Klingons count?

    I know a lot of Fed RA5's like to mount a Klink head in the wardroom. The teeth are GREAT for opening beer bottles.

    As to why the Federation doesn't issue twist tops....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's not as bad as you guys make it sound. You have to give Cryptic some time to work on the missions. You can't expect them to release a whole game's worth of PvE content for a faction in the span of two months. They did what they could in the short time between Release and Season 1 and gave us Explore missions. You all have too high expectations for the speed and quality in which Cryptic can release these things. If you guys want it so fast, expect it to be bug-ridden and incomplete. I'd rather give them some time to flesh it out and make it worth of release. If they release it with poor quality, people on the forums will have a total fit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, huh?

    I have plenty of fun on my Brigadier General, and she still has a long ways to go before "completion"; I still have to equip her out with better gear and do the Special Task Forces. But I rolled her knowing full well what I was getting into-- a PVP faction without any PVE (this was before Season 1 came out). Heck, I knew there wasn't even a tier 2 option for Cruisers, and I stuck it out and had a lot of fun-- and continue to have a lot of fun. I'm sorry for everyone who was hoping for an engaging PvE experience with the Klingons... but even a few moments of research would have told you that wouldn't happen for a while. But it's coming.

    Cryptic hasn't forgotten about Klingons.

    It is bad, and only a lack of viewing reality would help right now. Do I have to give them time? No, this should have been done by release, period. It's not like KDF is a brand new faction, that needs a few tweaks. I'd also like to state, supposedly S1 was to bring us near par, it did not, not even close. Are my expectations high? No, they are realistic, as are most people's here. You state the product would be bug ridden and incomplete... Um, aren't we already there? The coding and core of the game is junk, and hastely put together. Every patch breaks old fixes, and creates new ones. There is no QA, nor is there any stress testing, much less pvp testing. A few moments of research? They have volumes of episodes from the TV series, books, and games to get this all right. Did they? NO.. so it's not us who's to blame, it is them.
    DidymusFox wrote:
    Excuse me?

    We are Klingons, we need no one but ourselves? with the recent changes to many science skills, and the silent nerf to damage in order to try to help balance things. I find that 1 fed ship can take down 3 klingon ships without even taking a dent to them.

    They cried and cried that the KDF were more powerful, they got changes that help them. Just look the the PVP Queue the last couple nights, 45 Feds 2 Klings in a Q. Its because several reason, Feds have choices, even if they are just grinding exploration garbage.

    Excort Style ships are a thing of the past, now all you see are Cruisers and Science Vessels. Spamming Feedback Pulse, Subnucleonic Beam , Extend Shields, Science Team, Engineering Team, Hazard Emitters, Reverse Shield Polarity, while blasting you with Beam Overload and High Yield. There is no strategy anymore, you might as well make it Cruisers Versus Battle Cruisers from now on.

    So , my point is, you could at least give us missions that work, even if they are the same old grinding garbage.

    25% of these mission actually give you experience, 90% give you credit, 20% don't work at all, 25% of these are Federation Missions that spawn fellow KDF which we can't even attack.

    So your answer to me will be send in bug reports so that they will correct these missions. Excuse me? Send in Bug reports so that they can delete those missions that aren't working so we can be stuck with doing 4 missions over and over again, because we all see how the fixes go thus far.

    Before the Patch, Carriers were TRIBBLE everyone.... after the patch, Cruiser and Science ships are TRIBBLE everyone. So what next? the next patch, Danube Runabouts will be the next big bad overpowered ship?

    Thank Goodness other options are around the corner.... 2 space mmorpg's are coming. :)

    Pretty much, especially the state of what I've seen in PvP, the bugs, etc. Not that I'm a bad player, just not much you can do vs ES/RSP spam, being that TSS:S or SNB is the only true counter, and that w/ ET spam, only 1 is a real counter, and it's science capt specifc, and only a long cd.
    5x RSP = RSP is only down for 15sec, 1x SNB w/ a 1min+ cd or 1x TSS:S every 30sec can't handle that. Can I solo players w/ my BoP, yes, but only if SNB is off cd. RSP alone, usually buys them enough time, to get help, and i get stomped.
    Waffadeuce wrote: »
    Does saving parts of Klingons count?

    I know a lot of Fed RA5's like to mount a Klink head in the wardroom. The teeth are GREAT for opening beer bottles.

    As to why the Federation doesn't issue twist tops....

    Fedbears aren't even worth mounting in my bowl of my toilet before I flush... at least from your viewpoint, KDF stiill has a use. Fed is just here to take up space, and use KDF O2.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    @arcian :D

    Another good way to save the Klingons - bury Klink corpses kneeling with just their heads in the dirt.

    They make great bicycle stands...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    They did start with small things; they gave us Star Cluster missions, fleet actions, and endgame deep space encounters. They definitely still need more, but you cant say that the devs haven't given us anything; just not as much as we would like.

    Copy and paste mission? dont count does it count when you copy and past some elses work if you say yes then you dumber evey time you do it.So please dont try and say these are adding depth to the KDF side man i did these mission for about two day a almost went into comma. We Need PVP open PvP a flag system i mean after all we are the PvPing Faction or so i was lead to believe
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's really a very simple concept. Klingon content (PvP+PvE+customization) needs to be on a par with what the federation enjoys. It doesn't have to be identical, but it must be of equal or close to equal "value".

    Currently the Feds have lots of customization for both characters and ships. Klingons have a bare minimum.

    Currently the Feds and Klingons have equally bad PvP.

    Currently the Federation has far and away more and better quality PvE.

    Since release the Federation has received 3 to 5 times the amount of new content as Klingons. The "content gap" is getting greater, not closing.

    No content, no Klingons. As I said, it's very simple.

    Only Cryptic can save the Klingons. We've tried to help them, but they don't seem to get it, and at this point I doubt they could pull it off if they did.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Exactly, i did not sign on to play a Fed... i could care less about the Feds and what they stand for... I want to play as part of the Empire and what they stand for.

    Equal pay for equal play is all i'm asking for here...

    And for all that is holy, can we please have more than one set of boots to wear?
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