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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Respecs are now on the Tribble server.

    First respec is free, the second costs merits and apparantly increases with rank.

    I tried it at Admiral 5 and it cost me 5000 merits to respec. Now if Cryptic hold true to that then respecs will be abundantly easy to acquire which suits me just fine.

    However, Cryptic claim the cost on Tribble isnt final so I have little faith Cryptic are going to do anything but increase that merit cost substantially.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    J-Sheridan wrote:
    Respecs are now on the Tribble server.

    First respec is free, the second costs merits and apparantly increases with rank.

    I tried it at Admiral 5 and it cost me 5000 merits to respec. Now if Cryptic hold true to that then respecs will be abundantly easy to acquire which suits me just fine.

    However, Cryptic claim the cost on Tribble isnt final so I have little faith Cryptic are going to do anything but increase that merit cost substantially.

    Well, if thats what they cost on the Tribble server that sounds good too me. I hope they dont change it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    respec is the core of any mmorpg, thats reason enough to keep it out of c-store

    fluff i don't care about, though that doesn't mean i'd support a few stock bridges and all new ones c-store that doesn't seem fair either considering everyone pays the same subscription.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blizz charges you for special vanity pets, which under your conditions is content because its new. There for, Blizzard is also charging just like the C-Store.

    That isn't the only thing they are in there for. When Blizzard put the panda pet in, the sales from it ($1.1 million dollars) was given by Blizzard to the Make a Wish Foundation.

    Guess you can do that by running a "successful" mmo.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torath wrote:
    That isn't the only thing they are in there for. When Blizzard put the panda pet in, the sales from it ($1.1 million dollars) was given by Blizzard to the Make a Wish Foundation.

    Guess you can do that by running a "successful" mmo.

    half the sales done within a certain time frame ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    what do you suppose would happen if nothing was "bought" from the cstore, other than those free items already included with whatever version you now have? i wonder....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krenn wrote: »
    what do you suppose would happen if nothing was "bought" from the cstore, other than those free items already included with whatever version you now have? i wonder....

    They'd probably stop developing stuff for the C Store and just put it in game instead hoping to retain subscribers. Which is what most successful mmorpgs do anyways.

    But whatever..... :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I find this argument interesting. Did no one else notice the number of responders to the survey? About 40,000.

    I know it does not represent subscriber base count, but if that is the current passionate player base they can reliably draw subscriptions/receive feedback from and with many of those likelly not paying a monthly fee to Atari/Cryptic until 3, 6, 12 months from now. They have to have options to draw income from their userbase while they continue to draw in new MONTHLy subscribers.

    Pre-paid subs only provide upfront money that can be useful in the short-term budget, but MMO are meant to be long term investments for the developer and especially the publisher, Atari, who fronts the money to Cryptic.

    Food for thought.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I will open by saying that yes Micro-Transactions do bother me, especially when they are used in a pay-to-play format. Like it or not this is the way it is going to be. But it needs to be understood that overall morale is low. A lot of folks have already written off this game, and the last couple of PR disasters have certainly thinned the flock. Even the more optimistic of us feels worry over the situation.

    The game is in dire need of content, and people have been making a bee-line for the door because of it. Those who rolled Klingons are frustrated, even if they see in this the potential for a deep strategy driven PVP game. I have heard others talk about the their methods of play, and it is quite astonishing what they can pull from such lean pickings. But many have still left, some with the intent to come back later, and others who will not be so forgiving.

    Atari as it seems is desperate for money, and if Cryptic does not produce then it might be the end for them. On one hand I can give Cryptic the benefit of the doubt, so long as the money that is gained goes to stabilizing this game. There is much at stake here, they have in their possession, one of the biggest science fiction franchises in the world. It stands shoulder to shoulder with Star Wars, while the two fan-bases tend to commit to rivalries with each other, a lot of people here like Star Wars. On The other hand, rumor has it that they are possibly already working on a third MMO, theories point to it being Neverwinter Nights Online, but nothing has been announced. I am ultimately worried about where the money is going as far as the game is concerned, and people who have thrown their weight behind this game, are no less worried.

    With that said, Cryptic is already competing with a top-grade space MMO EVE Online, even with it's reputation for merciless skulduggery, and griefing, it rose from humble and often maligned origins to where it is today. That is an incredible feat for a niche game. And then there is Star Wars: The Old Republic, a game that is being developed by the role playing veterans Bioware, responsible for many block-buster games, from their success at bringing DnD from the table to the computer, also known as Balder's Gate, all the way to the epic science fiction series, Mass Effect, which is now in it's popular sequel.

    If SWTOR is a success it will compete directly with this game, and will pull more people from this game, thus removing more money that would have possibly went to Cryptic. This game needs the money they get from the C-Store, on the other hand, it also needs significant work done, and MAJOR content additions. Cryptic must be careful going this route of using Micro-Transactions on a pay-to-play, as many have had their patience tested already with the many issues.

    There needs to be something to show for it in the end. If they fail with this game, it will rub off on the third game they are supposedly making, and thus cause this house of cards to potentially collapse. They need to be careful and show the players that their contributions are to going to benefit them. And if this game succeeds at finding solid footing, it could be the launching point to something with near unlimited possibilities.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't forget that us lifers get a free item from the C-store when this stuff rolls out, too.

    lol were arent you lucky woo woo woo get a crappy free item from C-store for all the crappy play you have had to endure and more too come
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i think respec should be for ingame currency not cp... people wont pay additional to their sub fee just to respec everytime they wanna try a new skill...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wildwing wrote: »
    i think respec should be for ingame currency not cp... people wont pay additional to their sub fee just to respec everytime they wanna try a new skill...

    Its on tribble currently for like what, 5000 merits at RA5 I think, or maybe one digit less, I forget. I'm tired.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wildwing wrote: »
    i think respec should be for ingame currency not cp... people wont pay additional to their sub fee just to respec everytime they wanna try a new skill...

    and don't forget, only those with a credit card need apply for the cstore:mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't think a car is the best analogy, cause a car doesn't improve or get better over time. I would say an amusement park. The C-Store is all the random souvenir shops that don't sell anything meaningful, just fun stuff to play with.

    Ok, sheesh, car was the best I could come up with at 0100 with no caffeine. Spouse would have maybe been a good one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rekhan wrote:
    Just to clarify this, Classified Access Codes are the C-store item that unlocks The Captain's Table, not any C-store item. We updated our current fact sheet to be more descriptive.

    Cool. Anyway, as I posted in another thread, the gesture to LTS people is appreciated and unexpected.
    Now about Romulans..... :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Preirin wrote:
    B) socialize on the bridge,. .

    That's odd. The Fleet I belong had a meeting last week, on the bridge of one of our members' ship. There were about 20 of us. Socializing.

    The ironic thing about this whole thread, raging over C-store items, is that it was made very clear from the onset that MTs were going to be a part of this game. So everyone who is angry, upset, or whatever about this, knew this was coming eventually. If you don't like the idea of MTs, don't buy anything from the C-store. Everything being release via C-store is nothing but cosmetics. As has been pointed out repeatedly, if Champions Online is any indicator, then all C-store items, outside of respecs and character slots, will most likely be purely cosmetic. I could be wrong since I, unlike so many posters on this forum, don't have a direct line into what Cryptic and Atari 's plans are for the game. lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Jaime wrote:
    My point is, we're already paying for updates. You don't see another big fantasy MMO we all know charging extra for content. Our $15 a month should cover it already.

    ummm sorry several games have c-stores

    Everquest II

    SWG ( Card game same thing as a c-store buying cards in hope of getting in game items)

    Everquest (Card game same thing as a c-store buying cards in hope of getting in game items)

    Pirates of the Burning Sea (Card game same thing as a c-store buying cards in hope of getting in game items)

    DDO ( Free too play with a C store option)

    I think the main problem is most people *****ing about the c store can't afford too buy the things they want from the c-store

    If this is you sorry sucks too be you might want too look for a better job or find a job period then it will not seem like such a big deal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Jaime wrote:
    My point is, we're already paying for updates. You don't see another big fantasy MMO we all know charging extra for content. Our $15 a month should cover it already.

    Yeah you're right..

    you just hav eot spend hours upon hours upon hours opf your time EVERY day (cutting out a social life) in order to play said content in said fantasy game and get all that "free" loot they give you.

    Personally, I do not like having to play a game 5-8 hours a night for the CHANCE to get a loot drop that I really really think looks interesting (and has no gameplay changing value.)

    You get C-store points for pre-order, you get C-store points for the surveys (and more are coming) so use those FREE points to get the cosmetic items you want.

    What does your $15 a month pay for? Well, look at the time line they are giving for those updates...and how quickly they intend to patch in STF content into the game. Honestly, I haven't seen an MMO that creates that sort of timeline for updates.

    It was never a secret since CLOSED BETA that the C-store would have ship designs, and other cosmetic items for purchase. Lets not pretend to be so SUPRISED when they did exactly what they sid they were going to do BEFORE you ever bought the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Like most, I will never go to the c-store and consider spending any more money on what I already pay monthly for is just stupid. If however, they make respecs a c-store item, the money lost on dropped subscriptions will be many times what the c-store coould ever hope to make. Respecs should be cheap and easy so you can test out different builds to find one that works for your playstyle and particular likes. The best thing they can do is make the standard respec using very affordable in-game currency and if they want to offer something in the c-store, offer a mulit or dual-spec option so you can build for different ship types or pve-vs-pvp or whatever. That would be worth going to the store for but any thought of making the standard respec a c-store item is an instant bye-bye and a very large nail in the STO coffin.
    Sometimes I like my Recon Science ship, other times I like my Fleet Escort, it would be nice to be able to spec for each of them and play the one I want at any given time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    its all about the money, its all about the dum dum ditty dum dum
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    a virtual table

    that's worth £10 a month, innit
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sorry to be getting into the thread so late but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in before prices go up and I have to pay an additional fee to post, (after all, this is not content now is it?).

    I'm of the opinion that all ingame content should be covered by the original purchase price and the monthly subscription. You should be able to access special uniforms, ship skins, etc either via special raids/missions, ingame currency, etc. Now if they are available in the C-store for real cash also for those who don't want to be bothered to earn the ingame currency or run the raids/missions then that seems reasonable.

    The C-store should be used to sell real life items like STO logo shirts, hats, coffee mugs, etc. not for the game we are already paying for.

    As to paying for future expansions a year or two down the line, I think i'll be ok with that as long as I've gotten a year or two worth of quality content for the initial purchase price.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The C-Store should be for fluff items. Items that are cosmetic. They change your appearance, that includes your captain's race, BO's and ships. Anything that will change game play with stats or gear should only be found in game.

    Cosmetic skins have nothing to do with content or game play. They are for RP or the look at me crowd. That should be in the C-Store. Content should continue to be free updates until the paid expansion that every game has after a year of so.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    okay first, the ones on my tier 5 ships are awesome, i love those bridges like the tng enterprise bridge with the wooden arch multiple doors (which i assume will be coded to go places in the ship later hehe) the battle bridge and the star explorers are my favorites.

    second, there isnt an mmo out there that doesnt have paid options for people who don't like what they are given freely. character transfers, name changes, race changes etc etc etc.

    lastly, i've read that they will be giving a free respec when it launches they would be idiots not to because that would **** so many people off if they had to pay to make that one change we've been waiting for all this time. we'll see on tribble what those new ship variants actually are. i for one think its just a simple change. i would like to see more ships period not just changed versions of the ships we already have. imho that's just weird but i guess they have to program whole new ships which would take some time rather then making ones we have with stats etc look the way we would like them to.

    lastly, did you miss the chance to voice your concern in the cryptic requested player feedback survey and not get the free C store points for doing it? it was free and didnt take five minutes. you could have gotten points to use on those items and it wouldnt have costed anything but five minutes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The "ship skins are fluff" is a strawman argument, if graphics weren't important they would not have such high hardware standards for the game. If all the ships looked like a spoon, just with different stats then we wouldn't be here because the game would have flopped.

    We're here for the "Star Trek experience". To immerse ourselves in that fantasy world we all love, for some that just means combat, to others it's the role playing, and then of course there are those of us who want it all, and feel like we're already paying a premium price to get it.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The "ship skins are fluff" is a strawman argument, if graphics weren't important they would not have such high hardware standards for the game. If all the ships looked like a spoon, just with different stats then we wouldn't be here because the game would have flopped.

    We're here for the "Star Trek experience". To immerse ourselves in that fantasy world we all love, for some that just means combat, to others it's the role playing, and then of course there are those of us who want it all, and feel like we're already paying a premium price to get it.


    They have all that in game now. They are talking about "extra" skins that are not in the game for everyone. Just like pets in other game you can buy to show off. So you can and will be more unique if you buy something from the C-Store that most players will not buy.

    That should allow you to immerse yourself in the fantasy world that you love becasue you will be more unique with a C-Store item. Most players will not get it, so you will be different if you do. If it is not worth a few bucks more for that "extra" "Star Trek experience" then that is up to each person. You can allways use all the items in game that are offered to everyone with a sub.

    There is no in game function, it is cosmetic only for RP. And you do get all you paid for in game. Everyone does, it is the extra fluff that you will have to pay for to be more unique.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol i love people and their pretending that the cstore is like the first ever and its evil lol oh the fun little everquest 2 store atlest has stuff that actually effect the game
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It must be fun to know the Cryptic Store is there, but not realize what it's there for.

    Personally, I'm happy to support a company that I like. Especially when it gets me shiny new cosmetic changes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Skylan wrote:
    They have all that in game now. They are talking about "extra" skins that are not in the game for everyone. Just like pets in other game you can buy to show off. So you can and will be more unique if you buy something from the C-Store that most players will not buy.

    That should allow you to immerse yourself in the fantasy world that you love becasue you will be more unique with a C-Store item. Most players will not get it, so you will be different if you do. If it is not worth a few bucks more for that "extra" "Star Trek experience" then that is up to each person. You can allways use all the items in game that are offered to everyone with a sub.

    There is no in game function, it is cosmetic only for RP. And you do get all you paid for in game. Everyone does, it is the extra fluff that you will have to pay for to be more unique.

    If you are referring to making your ship a camouflage color etc then I can see where you are coming from, if we are talking about being excluded from entire ship structures/classes then that is a problem.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If you are referring to making your ship a camouflage color etc then I can see where you are coming from, if we are talking about being excluded from entire ship structures/classes then that is a problem.


    Color and designs on a ship (account wide, or individual, hmm?) is one thing, having specialized ship designs, etc is another class by itself.

    Knowing Cryptic, it will be the total class design. People wanted special looks, and now, they got them... for 5-10 bucks a pop I wager.
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