For those of you who may not know, the Tribble Test shard is up and running! And yes, you can copy your Klingon Toon to it! Info on how in the following link
Here's the official link for what's being tested on Tribble, content that is scheduled for the first major update coming March 18th.
As of today, the following is a list of New Content available for KDF players who copy their toons to Tribble.
This does not include ship customization, etc., the following only applies to actual 'go somewhere' and 'do something' content.
Eta Eridani Sector Block Nothing new from what i can gather after going there.
Omega Leonis Sector BLock 2 Fleet actions, 4 star cluster missions, and a daily
Qonos The area outside the courtyard is still not available.
Rura Penthe Still cannot beam down to the surface.
T'Ong Nebulalocated on the Southern edge of the map, it comes with it's own mission for Lieutenants.(Explore 3 systems in the T'ong Nebula) As of this time i was unable to go into the T'ong Nebula on my BG5, even after picking up the Lt. level mission. if anyone has a KDF toon that is a Lt. and can enter T'Ong to do the mission, please tell me.
D'Kel Star Clusterlocated on the Southern edge of the map, it comes with it's own mission for Lt. Commanders. (Explore 3 systems in the D'Kel Star Cluster) As of this time i was unable to go into D'kel on my BG5, even after picking up the Lt.Cmdr. level mission. if anyone has a KDF toon that is a Lt.Cmdr. and can enter D'Kel to do the mission, please let me know.
Eridon Nebulalocated on the southern edge of the map, it comes with it's own Commander level mission. (Explore 3 systems in the Eridon Nebula) As of this time i was unable to enter the Eridon Nebula on my BG5, if anyone has a Cmdr. level KDF toon that can enter the Eridon nebula to do the mission, please tell me.
Azlesa Expanse Sector Blocklocated on the Eastern edge of the map, it comes with 2 missions. 1 Captain-level mission (explore 3 systems in the Azlesa Exp. Sec. Blk) and a daily (explore 3 systems in the Azlesa Exp. Sec. Blk.) As of this time, i'm not sure if the daily is level-restricted as the other sectors seem to be, as i'm unable to enter Azlesa, as there is no prompt when you approach it. It should be noted there is a prompt-'warp to deep space' for the previous 3 areas, however i was told in all 3 instances i was not cleared to deep space.
Qutmut (Fleet Action)Located near Qonos, this is the
Crystalline Entity fleet action, it is set in space.
Tiqchirgh (Fleet Action) Located betweeen Qonos and the Eti Eridani sector block, this is the
Dig Site fleet action, this Fleet action is ground-combat based.
Gamma Orionis i recieved a hail through the KDF to go to Gamma Orionis but that lead to the Infected mission. Not sure if upon completing it if there is another mission in the chain available, as i was the only Klingon in Cestus space at the time and couldn't group for Infected. There was also the mission to defeat 3 Enemy sensor contacts in the Cestus sector, nothing special though.
and there you have it! new customizations aside, this is what's being tested for the KDF in the 45-day Content Update on the Tribble server-
-4 exploration missions that are level-restricted
-2 Fleet Actions
just tried to do the Dig Site fleet action, and i was the only non-NPC on the map....
tried to change instances, but there were no other available maps
trying to do the Crystalline Entity, but i'm the only one here, as well.
tried changing instances, 'No possible maps' again...
any Lt Cmdrs/ Cmdrs /Captains out there wanna try?
might be annoying now, but it's worth a shot if they are bugged and we can fix em before they go live.
So did you try any of these?
looking at the Queues as i'm typing this.
no one is in them.
sucks, cause i'd really like to try em out.
all the Map Queus for space (Briar patch, Cracked Planetoid, solar wind) are now 'random maps'
except for the Capture and Hold and Assault Enemy Mine maps.
All Ground Maps (Ghost Ship, Assimilated Cruiser, Deserted Facility) are now 'random maps' as well.
there is a new one, though, 'Shanty Town', one large, one small, both FvK ..
i've tried both Zone chat and local in both FA's, but the text just isn't showing up in my Chat Box.
not sure if anyone else is having this problem, i've filed a Bug report on it though.
Appearance: Totally awesome cross between a K'tinga and a BOP. One thing that kinda sucks is that the model has these HUGE cannons on it, but you cannot mount cannons on the ship, which is consistant with other cruisers. IMO, they should either allow one weapon slot to mount cannons, or change the cannons on the model to K'Tinga style nacelles.
Stats: Turn rate of 10, which is lower then the T3 K'Tinga cruiser (which has 11). What the dilly?