This probably has to do with how much exploration I did in Open Beta. It took me about 20 hours to reach LtCmdr - mostly due to exploring as much of the map as possible.
For those who don't know, space and ground combat start picking up at that point. The game shines from level 11 (Lt Commander 1) and onward. I can only imagine what the upper echelons are like.
I'm not terribly looking forward to grinding back up to LtCmdr. and anything to expedite the process would be great (aside from those dubious services you see floating around).
This probably has to do with how much exploration I did in Open Beta. It took me about 20 hours to reach LtCmdr.
For those who don't know, space and ground combat start picking up at that point. The game shines from level 11 (Lt Commander 1) and onward. I can only imagine what the upper echelons are like.
My questions to the community are two fold:
1) Has anyone started writing a guide?
2) Does anyone feel similarly about the Lt. rank?
I must agree that the game picks up at this point, and I've been really enjoying it since.
3 hours of play? what did you do find cheat codes or what?
Heh - no. It's possible.
Not for me, mind you. I am still a LT lvl 8 and solo most of my missions. Get a team of 3-4 or 4-5 and go balls to the wall for 3-4 hours and you CAN make lvl 11+. Especially in the PVP zones.
But I dont like to powergrind. I like to take my time and enjoy the missions .
As for Vash achieving Admiral rank. Woot! Good for you. Now do the same with Klingon and youll be set for PvP no matter what! LOL
And yes, a strategy guide would be great. Especially if it details power trees, etc. for all three base classes (Tactical/Science/Engineering)
I just like taking my time and actually getting to enjoy and play the game rather than rushing past everything and not enjoying it. Has anyone noticed that the only people that are really complaining the most are the power levelers? they just rush through and say, "Well i beat the game, might aswell ***** about how fast i got there and how dissapointing it was to get here this fast." Go play EVE or go back to WOW.
I read some guide called sto mastery ( but it didn't go into too much detail about leveling. I'd definitely like to see one though as I'm a slow leveler Maybe someone of higher level wishes to share some insight?
Someone mentioned it before and its what I did to get through Lt Commander.
Hit up the Defend missions and keep changing instances till you find one over half done. Kill off the easy targets, those that have one hard one or 2-3 easy targets till done. Find another instance with over half done. Rinse and repeat. Or get 4 friends together to pound out DSE together.
Not sure on the PvP leveling since the queue is always to long for me.
I must agree that the game picks up at this point, and I've been really enjoying it since.
I think i smell... yep that's Bull**** alright!
3 hours of play? what did you do find cheat codes or what?
Exploit fleet action perhaps?!?
Heh - no. It's possible.
Not for me, mind you. I am still a LT lvl 8 and solo most of my missions. Get a team of 3-4 or 4-5 and go balls to the wall for 3-4 hours and you CAN make lvl 11+. Especially in the PVP zones.
But I dont like to powergrind. I like to take my time and enjoy the missions .
As for Vash achieving Admiral rank. Woot! Good for you. Now do the same with Klingon and youll be set for PvP no matter what! LOL
And yes, a strategy guide would be great. Especially if it details power trees, etc. for all three base classes (Tactical/Science/Engineering)
And this, of course....
I read some guide called sto mastery ( but it didn't go into too much detail about leveling. I'd definitely like to see one though as I'm a slow leveler
Hit up the Defend missions and keep changing instances till you find one over half done. Kill off the easy targets, those that have one hard one or 2-3 easy targets till done. Find another instance with over half done. Rinse and repeat. Or get 4 friends together to pound out DSE together.
Not sure on the PvP leveling since the queue is always to long for me.