Please feel free to check out the Fleet Starbase Summary Concept Beta thread linked in my sig, provide your feedback and ideas. The concept may effect the Clan Hunters Fleet in the future.
I've registered at the website, so the next step would be to use ingame channel
to get invite?
Are Alts welcome? I've got 8 total characters (2 of them KDF) , Is there room left in the fleet?
Is there a KDF website or is it all one?
Looking for an active fleet Not to mention kind, courteous, and has a very "game knowledgeable" fleet roster of people willing to help with anything? (You know who you are....Methos)
Look no further...let the many fleet mates at Clan Hunters guide your way no matter the play style.....
where cake.... where.....
GIbbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Please feel free to check out the Fleet Starbase Summary Concept Beta thread linked in my sig, provide your feedback and ideas. The concept may effect the Clan Hunters Fleet in the future.
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
No body around? :eek:
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Just join our chat channel ClanH by typing /channel_join ClanH
And ask for an invite to our main fleet.
Join the -Clan Hunters- in SW: The Old Republic
Am ****ed....... can't log in for 3 days kept getting timed out from the server :mad:
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Still can log in to server still being kicked out..... :mad:
And what is this F2P thing that is circulating that affects lifetimers?....
anyone have any news about this?
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Hmmmmm where is everyone?
GIbbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
YUUUUUUHUUUUUU..... wheres everyone?
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
to get invite?
Are Alts welcome? I've got 8 total characters (2 of them KDF) , Is there room left in the fleet?
Is there a KDF website or is it all one?
I am interested in joining the Fleet.
I have an Engineer (Rear Admiral 5). I'm just getting back into the game after about 6 months off.
I'll join the Fleet channel later today when I get off of work.
Looking for an active fleet Not to mention kind, courteous, and has a very "game knowledgeable" fleet roster of people willing to help with anything? (You know who you are....Methos)
Look no further...let the many fleet mates at Clan Hunters guide your way no matter the play style.....
Clan Hunters......Get some......:D
GIbbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Anyone also experiencing patch error like me......:(
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
GIbbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea
Gibbs VA1
USS Philippine Sea