The reason people can't find Sulu is actually because where he stands in relation to the Admiral.
When you enter the office for the first time, you see a a few people, but only one of them has an icon above his head. You move up to that player, grab his quests (and a lot of players doesn't bother reading quests), then you move out of the room.
The thing is, that even if there is now an icon above Sulu's head, most people are right handed and have their mouse on the right side of the keyboard; this means that mot people turn left towards the door since that's the most natural movement for right handed people using a mouse, which means that they won't even see Sulu with his all new shiny icon.
Basic psychology + level design.
It doesn't help that if the quest is selected, the "Sulu is here"-icon on the map is located somewhere in the club...
What does it matter as to where he is when you can just tap your communicator and talk to him?