A friend of mine doesn't care for PvP, and so leveled to pretty much Lt. Com. 2 before doing any. However we may have run into a problem.
The Klingon mission "Fighting Under the Flag of the Empire" says he needs to "-Fight in a Hostile Takeover or Border Skirmish"
Now, he's done several Ground and Space missions (both FvK and KvK), and it never completes. This is concerning, because my character always has two repeatable PvP missions, one to fight in 5 "House Battle or Hostile Engagement" and one to fight in 5 "Hostile Takeover or Border Skirmish". My friend ONLY has access to the mission to fight in 5 "House Battle or Hostile Engagement" (which is the Ground one, if I'm not mistaken). My fear is that his non-completable mission is a pre-req to the repeatable version to fight in 5 of them. This would suck, because that means he won't get the Space version of the mission, and space PvP is much more favorable to us than ground PvP.
My guess is that it will not complete because it's listed as a Lt 6 mission, when he is LC 5.
I've sent in a ticket a couple days ago, no response as of yet. Has anyone run into this problem before? Is it indeed a pre-req or will he open up the repeatable "fight in 5..." at a higher level?
**An extra note: When the mission is dropped, it will not show up again until he clicks on "Scenarios", then he can select and accept the mission again (and it's the same level). I thought this was a bit curious.**
No one's run into this issue? I saw a few mission issues mentioned that people could drop and pick up again to complete, but unfortunately this does not work.
Has anyone had luck with GM tickets being answered? It's been several days now and no response...
Has anyone had luck with GM tickets being answered? It's been several days now and no response...