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Hello , my name is Semblus , and im a trekky.

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Its been a week now. a week of not being able to log in and if i am able to log in , Cripling unplayable lag where i can not even control the direction of my ship. Im not going to start scream "OMFG Cryptic studio you r teh sux!!111" Because about 3-4 days ago i got to log on for about an hour at 3am UK time and i vastly enjoyed the game. But as you can imagine readers , i am also vastly frustrated at the server/s. im not a big forum monkey.

I post now really in hope im not the only one any other UK based players having similar issues to this ?

Ive not yet lost my temper and been temped to post my "WTF Cryptic fail sub cancelled" post. I understand the game is in its "baby" stage and all MMO's go thru this. i despair at the many nerd rage quits going on this im sure will be a quality game and for me personaly had a very Star trek feel to it.

Any one out there feel the same ?
(p.s if anyone knows how the server upgrades are comming along let me know)

Yours ,

Serving on the USS Pilgrim (currently lost in the LAG sector space)
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