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BUY ANOTHER $%%$ing SERVER...Already...

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
You had these issues in Closed Beta, You had these issues in Open Beta, You had these issues in HeadStart...And now you are having them at game release....

How long, how many complaints, how many clueless IT Directors working at Cryptic is it going to take before you pull your collective heads out, and realize you have a damn problem????
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have an old Commodore VIC-20 I'd gladly donate. It would help.

    Geesh. Get a real server already!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What makes you think they aren't constantly buying servers and that the load just keeps rising? Also adding the server to the cluster takes a bit longer than going down to you local beige box computer store.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    theCorvus wrote:
    What makes you think they aren't constantly buying servers and that the load just keeps rising? Also adding the server to the cluster takes a bit longer than going down to you local beige box computer store.

    Results. As in little has improved since open beta.

    I am a Systems Engineer by profession. It doesn't take this long to upgrade a server cluster. They simply aren't willing to invest the money in a cluster that will handle their current load. Which tells me they have no intention of retaining or growing their player base.

    They could have fixed the server issue weeks ago if they were serious about it.

    They are trying to improve their code, but Cryptic isn't letting them buy the hardware needed. And that's assuming the Devs even have a design in mind that will handle the load. Which is why the fact that they haven't opened a second server (at least one for Europe) is telling.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    performance has slowly risen, actually. from what ive seen, at least.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Palaxormi wrote:
    performance has slowly risen, actually. from what ive seen, at least.

    By now players are also leaving in frustration. Coincidence, no?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm just guessing, buy it's not easy installing a server or a farm of servers. You have to place them. Then you have to wire them. Then program them. Let's not forget you have to get with the local phone company to get your broadband. That alone can take weeks ( I know that much I use to install T-1s for At&T). I just saying your reaction is typical for most people when it comes to connections. You don't care if it does work. In fact, you don't even acknowledge that it is working. When it goes down, that's when you start the crying. Man, be patient. Ths is out of your controll. I know you will say " but I paid for it." That doesn't mean a thing because it still doesn't make the servers install faster. You are the guy who pushes the elevator button 20 times in hopes that the elevator will come faster. In reality, it comes whan it can, and you have no control over that.

    If you don't like it, Im not rying to be rude, but leave. Exercise your right as a consumer. Don't pay for the product any longer.

    You can't change the way Crytic does bizz anymore then they can make you play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wildcat84 wrote: »
    Results. As in little has improved since open beta.

    As load has steadily risen. The boxed game has been out for less than a week. Demand won't plateau for at least another few weeks.

    Cryptic didn't have a fixed load like in a business environment with months to plan how to meet it. They had a projected load which was rapidly exceeded.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    theCorvus wrote:
    What makes you think they aren't constantly buying servers and that the load just keeps rising? Also adding the server to the cluster takes a bit longer than going down to you local beige box computer store.

    1. The situation hasn't been improved.
    2. Cryptic only report GOOD news. If they had done this, it would have been posted as news. They did not, therefore they haven't.
    3. Your last sentence is exactly what was said in Open Beta & Headstart. It doesn't take weeks to get a new server enabled. They have the funds, they're just being tight about it. It's expenditure they don't really want to spend. I understand it's not the "usual beige box" (who buys beige these days anyway??), but they've had more than enough time to implement it seeing as it's been a huge problem for weeks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    theCorvus wrote:
    What makes you think they aren't constantly buying servers and that the load just keeps rising? Also adding the server to the cluster takes a bit longer than going down to you local beige box computer store.

    well actually when they are not totally dump it doesn NOT take more. you get a server push it in and add it to the cluster. Even my 16 year old brother can do that !
    And btw we are not talking about days that this problem with the servers are here. its been MONTH.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok then lets go out on a limb and use basic common sense shall we???

    A) This is NOT Cryptics first MMO they are aware of what it takes to create a stable running game as this is there now 3rd MMO

    B) Star Trek by default is going to have a huge following, therefore by default there should have been servers in place to handle this load magnitude.

    C) The fact that boxed addition just came out means little as excuse to not having enough servers in place. They were aware that the load would increase, hence more servers would be required to handle the addional load....to say otherwise is stupid.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    opaPac wrote:
    you get a server

    Which can take up to a week. These are not Dells from BestBuy. These are enterprise level blade servers. And yes configuring the routing for a large cluster like this is something I doubt even the IT professionals here have done, it isn't something you slap together in an afternoon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tibe-r-us wrote:
    B) Star Trek by default is going to have a huge following, therefore by default there should have been servers in place to handle this load magnitude.

    And Cryptic said pre-orders alone exceeded what their marketing guys estimated. "Huge" isn't a number. Their number was wrong.
    Tibe-r-us wrote:
    C) The fact that boxed addition just came out means little as excuse to not having enough servers in place. They were aware that the load would increase, hence more servers would be required to handle the addional load....to say otherwise is stupid.

    Which just shows you don't even understand what we are talking about. They have been adding servers constantly since around launch. But growth in additional capacity is not exceeding the growth in load.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    theCorvus wrote:
    Which can take up to a week. These are not Dells from BestBuy. These are enterprise level blade servers. And yes configuring the routing for a large cluster like this is something I doubt even the IT professionals here have done, it isn't something you slap together in an afternoon.

    For the n'th time, people are aware it's NOT a system you pick up at your local PC World. But it's been weeks since OB came out, and they should have known then to start taking action. Why is it everyone who defends Cryptic all come out with the same rubbish? We KNOW it's not cheap, and we KNOW it's not something you could pick up down the road. But as you pointed out in your previous post about pre-orders...
    Cryptic said pre-orders alone exceeded what their marketing guys estimated. "Huge" isn't a number. Their number was wrong.

    If it exceeded their estimates (considering people were pre-ordering LAST YEAR), then why is it taking so long to sort this mess out? OB started on Jan 12th. That should of set alarms bells off - yet the same people defending were the usual "It's just Open Beta... it will get better" coming out every 5 mins). So why has it taken almost a month, to be in no better position? They have more than enough money what with ALL the pre-orders AND lifetime / annual subs that got placed.

    The fact remains, this isn't their first MMO, and they should have known better. Anyone with a good understanding would know Star Trek would have been quite a big hit amongst fans. To still be using one server is just insulting.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    While the influx of gold farmers/spammers is significant, I doubt it equals the players lost in the last week.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    SamuraiHQ wrote: »
    For the n'th time, people are aware it's NOT a system you pick up at your local PC World. But it's been weeks since OB came out, and they should have known then to start taking action.

    Learn to read. Demand isn't a fixed number in an MMO launch. It is a curve, one that is still increasing. The additional capacity is also increasing but isn't exceeding the growth in demand. You can argue they aren't doing enough, but to claim they haven't done anything because the cluster is still highly loaded shows you are so ignorant of the subject matter you shouldn't be holding forth an opinion about it.
    SamuraiHQ wrote: »
    If it exceeded their estimates (considering people were pre-ordering LAST YEAR), then why is it taking so long to sort this mess out? OB started on Jan 12th. That should of set alarms bells off

    It did. They just haven't been growing it fast enough to beat the demand curve.
    SamuraiHQ wrote: »
    To still be using one server is just insulting.

    Whelp this shows how you completely don't know what you are talking about.

    It isn't one "server" it is one "cluster" made up of a hell of a lot of blade servers. Splitting the current amount of hardware into fifteen different shards/realms would make zero difference except then load could not be dynamically balanced and you would get "high pop" and "low pop" shards.

    If they had of gone with a more traditional design all the launch shards would be full and have just as bad load issues, except you might get a free transfer to a new shard (of course then you can't play with people you have meet recently etc).

    Every new big name MMO is going to be using a similar system. WoW has everything but the four continent servers already set up as a similar cluster. It removes so many issues with MMO networking that the companies can't resist.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wildcat84 wrote: »
    Results. As in little has improved since open beta.

    I am a Systems Engineer by profession. It doesn't take this long to upgrade a server cluster. They simply aren't willing to invest the money in a cluster that will handle their current load. Which tells me they have no intention of retaining or growing their player base.

    They could have fixed the server issue weeks ago if they were serious about it.

    They are trying to improve their code, but Cryptic isn't letting them buy the hardware needed. And that's assuming the Devs even have a design in mind that will handle the load. Which is why the fact that they haven't opened a second server (at least one for Europe) is telling.

    I'm actually the Czar of Russia. On the internet, I am everything I want to be.
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