you can do that already. The Keybinds part of the UI is fully capable of doing it. using that myself already (cept not Control +). Have Shift + Mouse Scroll = zoom in/out. Mouse scroll = throttle.
i have my mousewheel set to throttle too but i wonder if we can set smaller increments instead of 1/4, a bit more fine tuning would be welcome. im sure there is a way, maybe someone knows.
you can do that already. The Keybinds part of the UI is fully capable of doing it. using that myself already (cept not Control +). Have Shift + Mouse Scroll = zoom in/out. Mouse scroll = throttle.
I'll try that tonight but I want to keep mouse scrool as zoom in/out. I want to be able to do CTRL+wheel to throttle.
I also do not want to move 1/4 each time. That can be done easily. I want move smaller number. It want it work to the same as scrolling down/up everywhere else.
i have my mousewheel set to throttle too but i wonder if we can set smaller increments instead of 1/4, a bit more fine tuning would be welcome. im sure there is a way, maybe someone knows.
hover over the throttle command in Options->Keybinds, the number in the command is the increment amount - just use /bind Control+WheelPlus "throttleadjust .10" and /bind Control+WheelMinus "throttleadjust -.10"
the number is a float (decimal) and 1=100%, divide the desired number of increments by 1, plug in number where .10 is or .25 by default. It won't show in Options though so you may want to /bind_save_file <filename.txt> to store a copy (you can edit it and use /bind_load_file).
I also do not want to move 1/4 each time. That can be done easily. I want move smaller number. It want it work to the same as scrolling down/up everywhere else.
hover over the throttle command in Options->Keybinds, the number in the command is the increment amount - just use /bind Control+WheelPlus "throttleadjust .10" and /bind Control+WheelMinus "throttleadjust -.10"
the number is a float (decimal) and 1=100%, divide the desired number of increments by 1, plug in number where .10 is or .25 by default. It won't show in Options though so you may want to /bind_save_file <filename.txt> to store a copy (you can edit it and use /bind_load_file).
EDIT: Worked GREAT! Thanks! This should still be something available i nthe interface though.