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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Ok so i've been playing for about a week and here are a few things i would like to see fixed in the near future.

Storage!!! OMG there was a thread about this and i have an idea... Cryptic, you know how you added a bank in memory alpha... Hey why not add like a ship bank on say the ship's bridge so that you can dump your goodies off on your ship that you what to sell later so that you don't have to warp back to the starport before carrying out another mission. I'm sick of running through missions and in the middle of one... Inventory Full...

Ok, let's talk about mission difficulty.. I'm currently LCDR 4 and just finished a mission that was a LCDR 6 rank mission... This was actually a perfect match for me solo. This is what a LCDR 4 mission should be at that level. now all the other missions i played were far too easy.. but for a new player it should be fairly easy as to get used to the combat but I was getting bored up until this point because it was a little ridiculous. The mission in reference is Doomsday Device. It was long and i enjoyed it as it was challenging for me. i died a few times and actually had to make some changes in my tactics to defeat some of the groups on ground combat for once I couldn't just run up with my 4 bridge officers and blow them to bits. I think though this should have started to happen a little be before this point or maybe a bit more gradual... instead of like a slap in the face kinda jump.

Mission lengths are good. I would say they are pretty long but i enjoy them. and i like the fact that if i need to go i can comeback to where i left off in that step of the mission. however if i'm in a group well i would have to find another group .

ok the market..:eek:.. OMFG it sucks:eek:........ this is the worst market design i think i've ever seen. I made a mistake thinking oh i'll put my stack of say 40 radiation samples and sell them for 1k each.... nope the whole stack for 1k.... omg so mad...... the dev who made this market design needs to be slapped and sent back to the drawing board. First if i put a stack on the market i want to sell not the entire stack for that amount but for each one. two if i want to buy more than one item I should beable to click buy and it ask how many i want.... third I want an option to sort the items on the market by price..... so i don't have to scrolll up and down to make sure i have the best value.... oh how about a space market on the bridge too... (maybe too much too soon.)

FINALLY WOULD YOU PLEASE MAKE THE GOLD SPAMMING STOPPPPPPPP... ( i know it's just a dream but some mmo's have managed to find ways to reduce the problem)

USS Hong Yan Yu
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