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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I have been with you since beginning of Open Beta so I have seen as it progressed form quite dificult to super easy to something in between.

I remember people were screaming their heads off about all those multiple torpedo voleys, and other TRIBBLE, but yes - it was nice, I had a cruiser and if I started a fight with 3 Neghvars i was soooo dead. And this is how it should be. But I understand that some guy in escort who wants to make 1000k dmg in 10 sec can be annyoed if he has to respawn all the time because he dies too quickly.

Well... all I have to say - do not make it all to easy!! I mean - I understand perhaps nerfing Negh'Vars and Romulans and Borg is necessary to keep those moaning happy. But why do it to all the ships??

If I were you I would make combat easier by replacing Negh'vars with K'tingas or BoPs. Because Neghvar is a very advanced battleship. IT IS MEANT TO BE TOUGH. VERY TOUGH. Especially for some lowry leutenants in their Mirandas. Same goes for Dderidex battleship, Scimitar and borg...

OMG... especially Borg! Borg is an ultimate enemy, unstopable, powerfull and adaptive. here I can solo a borg cube... well... I did not know they send paper ships to Wolf 359 to get destroyed by something so lame as a Borg Cube which I can destroy in some funky Cheyene Class cruiser.

Why would you do that? Why not make enemies more dificult by throwing more garbadge at players and keep big ships for the endgame? You may say because people will get bored destroying 100th Bird of Prey. well... I am bored anyways, no matter if its a Dderidex, which I can take out in 25 sec in my heavy cruiser, 3 BoP (always 3??? why???) or anything else.

So - I hope that the day will come and you will decide to do something about making this game a bit more realistic. In a movie Galaxy class has a problem with a Dderidex ship, here you can kill one in miranda if you are persistent enough.

And Borg is just funny. Yesterday it took 4 borg cubes to take me down - and i took 1 with me. Plain and simple - ridiculous.

If you are worried about loosing people because game is too dificult - think about people who will leave because this game is too remote from Star Trek canon they like so much. And do not kidd youself - at this moemnt this game does not bring anytinig so super amazing that it would keep so many people playing if it was not Star Trek.

There is honestly a potential for huge improvement, this game can be most amazing because of a universe it's placed in, just dont destroy it by listening to 12yo kids who are too imaptient to sit and take an extra minute or five to kill an opponent who SHOULD be dificult.
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