Just a quick suggestion - there's a lot in the planet-side environments that interferes with the BOffs' ability to keep up with the main player. Very often I get so far on a map and realize that one or more of my BOffs is stuck somewhere, usually miles back, and I have to backtrack to recover him/her. On one map I had three officers fall down a steep hillside and had to struggle on with the mission with just one teammate.
I'd like to suggest a button on the UI that allows you to transport separated BOffs to your present location. While some players might be able to finish off missions with less than a full complement for the Away Team, others will really struggle. Also, it will make the gameplay more fluid as you won't have to keep backtracking to recover teammates who are stuck on some bulkhead somewhere - most of the starship/starbase interiors have bulkheads aplenty which really interferes with BOff NPC movements!
I agree with your sentiment but wanted to mention that currently a feature like this is part of the game. If a BO becomes separated from you by an extraordinary distance, they will auto-teleport to your side. Unfortunately I've only had this happen once (we were separated by a huge distance on a particularly accommodating exploration mission mining base). The distance it happens needs to be shortened tremendously.