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Back of the line if I change characters?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
So we have the queue issue. Cryptic, I am loving the game, but did you not have high expectations? Set your goals too low? I won't bash. I just hope the network issues are getting resolved so I can play. I gave up playing the #1 MMO to play STO. Purchased the Lifetime Membership. So *I* can say I set my expectations HIGH.

So now on to my biggest gripe....

I sat through a queue of 300. Not so bad. I played a while and then decided I wanted to play my Federation character. Why am I being logged off the server to change characters? I logged out and it put me in a queue 700 long.

If I am in, I should be in...changing a character should not send me to the back of the line.

Oh and a sugestion. Don't mistake sudden drop in log in attempts as the cure for the queue. Some of us are l ikely just stepping away, not playing queue wars while this gets fixed.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    elricman wrote: »
    So we have the queue issue. Cryptic, I am loving the game, but did you not have high expectations? Set your goals too low? I won't bash. I just hope the network issues are getting resolved so I can play. I gave up playing the #1 MMO to play STO. Purchased the Lifetime Membership. So *I* can say I set my expectations HIGH.

    So now on to my biggest gripe....

    I sat through a queue of 300. Not so bad. I played a while and then decided I wanted to play my Federation character. Why am I being logged off the server to change characters? I logged out and it put me in a queue 700 long.

    If I am in, I should be in...changing a character should not send me to the back of the line.

    Wait until you complete a mission and get "Disconnected from Server" and dumped back to the end of that line AGAIN.

    Oh yeah, and if you alt+tab while you're in Q it dumps you back to login so you can get to the back of the line yet again.

    I'm not bitter, much.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My wife and I logged out to have lunch and came back on to find a queue of 703. Last time we ever log out lol. This just creates an incentive to use 3rd party macros to keep people logged in while AFK, further compounding the problem. Hope they sort this out. Somewhere within Cryptic is a dev telling management "I told you this would happen if we didn't resource sufficiently".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    grimben wrote: »

    Oh yeah, and if you alt+tab while you're in Q it dumps you back to login so you can get to the back of the line yet again.

    Don't think that's correct. I've been alt-tabbing to post here and I've made steady progress from 703 to (now) 319.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Regnor wrote: »
    Don't think that's correct. I've been alt-tabbing to post here and I've made steady progress from 703 to (now) 319.

    Well, it happened to me twice now. Maybe something on my end... :confused:
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