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Allow inventory item dragging to action bar

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Cryptic, please alter the way we have to equip our characters with devices and such. Having to open the character screen, then click the main character, then click Status, then drag from inventory to slots there is ridiculous. Just allow us to drag straight from the inventory to the action bar.

Also, fix it so once we equip a secondary weapons function (i.e. sniper shot) it stays in that slot until replaced with something else. As it is now, it disappers in between instances and has to be re-equipped. Sucks when you beam down and engage enemies right away to not have that function available.

Oh yeah, and server capacity. fix that too please. so far been waiting 20 mins to get in today.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
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