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Star Trek Online how it should be. From a Fans point of view.

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
So here is what i think is ok and what needs changing in the game as it is.
This will also cut down on the server load and be able to have more stability.
As myself a long term online MMO player and gamer i could say i have some exp in this.

OK lets start.
The tutorial is fine as it is, it learns you alot of what is most needed in the game,
May be some help on the skill side of things would help and change the order of the
skill so you only train what you need not having to train those skills you don't need.

Ok back to the tutorial up to the point where you have to use the Turbo lift.
Plz can you change this so the turbo lift doors open you enter the lift
choose a Command from the menu and the doors close and all you see is the lift moving
while loading the next content in the back ground.
Then the doors open and your in the Admirals office (which should be the Admin's Office)
this is what you should do with all the turbo lifts in the game.
another example going to your bridge. You beam on board is just not right,
how about you get a quick blank screen and then moved to the turbo lift.
doors open and you exit onto your bridge, Same with leaving the bridge.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Ok to move on a little.

    the station to reduce lag reduce the number of NPC's that walk like robots
    around the station went real players are in there.
    All the rest seems fine but some more voice's from the NPC's would be nice.
    Another point regarding naming your ship. Captain kirk and all other that flew her
    never got a new ship names something else it was always the Enterprise.

    If you start the game with the U.S.S Terminator as a example, My next new ship
    should be called the U.S.S. Terminator-B not a totally new name then given the choice
    to change it at a price. Keep the same name and those who want to change it should pay the price,

    Ok moving on. I did say this would be in depth.

    Your beamed on to your new ship you have designed. and in normal 3rd person view.
    you then click warp to sector space and away you go of to sector space.
    This is ware the lag get bad as there could be quite alot of pep in there at any one time.

    This is my proposal to reduce this lag and make the game feel more like Star Trek Online should.
    So you click the icon to go in to sector space your watch as you warp out then are moved to the
    turbo lift to enter the bridge. the view screen show you at warp and in the back ground the sector
    space is loading. You sit in the captains chair and a officer say we have reached sector space captain
    or what ever rank you are at the time.
    Then you drop out of warp and all you see is space, you go to your 3rd person view and nothing but space
    around you star ect. So you re enter your bridge, and do a long range scan which pulls up the sector space
    I.E Use Sector space as a map more than a way of getting around.

    Then your officer says in coming message from star fleet command. the message weather in text or
    voice give you your first mission once you accept the mission the coordinate is feed in to your computer,
    you then pick the coordinate and away you go. a office then says eta 5 mins or what ever,
    This has already reduced the server load and whats a bit of travel time World of war craft has it with 11 mil subs
    Is travel time real important lets make if feel right and add travel time to reach a place.

    So your there sitting in your chair (untill thay add more content) and you jump out of warp into the
    mission area. I have nothing against the battle in space missions nor the surface missions. so I'm
    not really for now getting into those,

    Once you finished your mission or blown up ships. you then warp to sector space.
    which again is nothing but stars and so on. you then do again a long range scan
    which brings up the sector space and shows whats around you.

    And then you ask your officer to contact star fleet to get your reward and wait for the
    next mission while doing ship repairs.

    I have noticed that the NPC's can go into full impulse and warp out if they are loosing
    a fight give the same option to the players if they are loosing a fight hit full impulse
    and warp out, do repairs have another go or get upgraded or call for help.
    Before re entering the mission.
    If you loose your ship you should be beamed to star fleet command to get another ship but the
    ship will only have standard equipment on it the rest you have to do your self.

    I guess you all by now can see where i am going with this
    I just hope as a Star Trek Fans point of view it will be listen to by those
    doing the design to this game.

    I hope that i can get the fans support for what i have suggested here and not to flame what
    need to be done to make this game the best ever.

    Other suggestions are put in another post but here they are below.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Here are a few suggestions that need sorting fast,

    1, Loading screens, Theres to many of them.

    Suggestion, As said before have things load in the background, it can be done, look at WOW
    a stream less world with little loading at all.

    Example, Turbo lifts. at the moment you go to the flashing lift and click the text.
    Why not have it where the doors open and you enter the turbo lift and then have a menu of where to go.
    At this point having chosen the lift doors close and you see the turbo lift moving, while its moving you
    could load the next contents ready for the doors to open.

    2, PvPing this could get intresting ie, The Federation are at war with the klingons.

    Suggestion, Have it so the klingons/Federation can take a planet and system over, How to do this.
    First a space battle with Star Fleet and the Klingons players of cause, if won by the klingons the next stage is a
    ground battle.
    If the Klingons win the ground battle they take the planet, Then it will be up to Star Fleet players to take it back,
    First fighting the Klingon Fleet in Space hoping the Klingon players have players there to fight, Followed by a ground
    battle. It would be up to the Federation players and Klingon players in the game to join in or let someone else do it.
    This is mainly aimed at the PVP players of the game.

    3. Space Battles. These are quite fun and need little changes.

    Suggestion, The mission battles need to feel more real.. You can tell in the map area where the roids are and
    beyond that nothing, you go fall impulse to explore more only to hit the wall of the playing area,
    One mission the planet you have to look at is right by the wall area and it feels just wrong.
    No sense of being in open space.

    4. Missions are quite good after you hit tier 3 ship, i quite like them.
    Missions from tier 1 and 2 are much the same over and over, this needs addressing.
    Also can we remove the sea shells out of some of the ground mission maps.
    You can tell they are sea shells and make the planet look unreal.

    5. Loads more voice overs.

    Suggestion, The whole game needs more Voice overs. in every area.
    example. We entering TRIBBLE system captain, incoming message captain, we are being hailed captain.
    and so on. Not just the pop up messages. get some one or too members of Cryptic to do this it would be hard to do.

    6. Travel Time.
    Travel time in a MMO is normal. look at WOW and Eve Online theres loads of travel time in those games
    and the game is still loved by loads. Adding more travel time to this game would be great and give you the
    chance do other things.

    Here are just a few suggestions anyone who wishes to expand on this can do so.
    Plus if you start a suggestion forum, could you move this over to there thanks.

    Thanks for reading what i have put together here and sorry about any spelling mistakes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    just a bump till i get some feed back :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    where did you copy and paste this rambling mess from?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i didn't i wrote it up just, if you take the time to read it you will understand where i'm coming from.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am just curious is English your first language?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it is indead but my spelling fails me big time. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok, judging by the post, English is not your first language.
    If you are going to demand it be stickied i would suggest having someone proof it for you.
    That being said, it does not deserve to be a sticky.

    Also, if English is your first language, you owe it an apology.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The warning signs come quite early on...
    NightMerc wrote:
    Plz Sticky this thread as i feel it will help in the long term.
    NightMerc wrote:
    I am Kirk. of the U.S.S Terminator
    NightMerc wrote:
    But There needs to be a big change in the game

    I read it all and am a poorer man for it and would dissuade anyone else from doing so. These post(s) are mainly nonsense alot of the sentences didn't make sense, what I could make out was fairly inane such as 'reduce the lag' (constructive).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    okay sea shells, how are they bad, like no one notices it, your idea of a death penalty is like eve or in other words a restart penalty, you want STO to be more sim then mmo, but as ive said on these boards and swtors boards, this is a MMo first canon second, while it would be nice for eveything to be canon its more about what would be funner, and as this being a mmo we aint gunna go extreme realism,

    also crytpic isnt good at voiceovers, look at champions, all heros are darth vader clones
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well it was only a suggestion so i don't mind the bad comments the post is getting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NightMerc wrote:
    and theres nothing wrong with add ing abit of realism to a mmo.
    Wow's world looks and feels very real and is steamless.

    yes but in wow when you die you dont loose eveything, maybe if they went an d added durability to items but again crytpic isnt good at penaltys
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    and theres nothing wrong with add ing abit of realism to a mmo.
    Wow's world looks and feels very real and is seamless.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "USS Terminator"

    laughs to self
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You DO realize they have already made the game the way they intended. Any changes will be in the form of patches, and I don't see them completely changing how sector works just because it doesn't look exactly like you're in an episode.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have to say I would like to see less popups and hear more voiceovers.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Plz don't sticky this thread. The only thing fundamentally -wrong- with Star Trek Online is that there isn't enough, but as with all MMOs, that'll change soon enough.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    thats why i put in the option to be able to hit full impulse and warp out.
    so you don't get the penalty.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "USS Terminator"

    laughs to self

    And Kirk.

    I'm starting a pool on how long before those get changed...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ZenBrillig wrote:
    And Kirk.

    I'm starting a pool on how long before those get changed...

    rember its crytic, i bet 2012
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    so from the replys i have got so far.
    No one realy agrees with the suggestions i have made in my posts.
    Not even the PVP battles to take a planet.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NightMerc wrote:
    so from the replys i have got so far.
    No one realy agrees with the suggestions i have made in my posts.
    Not even the PVP battles to take a planet.

    You catch more views with a spell checker than without. Maybe repost in a much more compact and grammatically correct manner and people will take it more seriously...And don't mention your ingame name anymore :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    actully i agree with the pvp planet battles, i made a thread on it this mornin, but cryptics gunna instance it so it wont make a differnce :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the hole point of wrighting it as i did minus the spelling mistakes was to give
    peps a insight feel of what i was trying to put across.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NightMerc wrote:
    the hole point of wrighting it as i did minus the spelling mistakes was to give
    peps a insight feel of what i was trying to put across.

    You can get your point across in a more compact manner and still have the same meaning. Add some bullet points or something, no one wants to read an entire multi-post rant on what needs to be fixed. Theres plenty of threads with that already.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yes but for tutorial chanegs they are nto really needed, if youve seen how the tutorial has evolved you would see this si the best we are gunna get, if anything we should get a klingon tutorial
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't think you understand half of what you say, to be honest I suffer no lag in the slightest.

    What you need to do is differentiate between server lag and PC lag.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well i can't have pc lag due to having a gaming system with duel 3.9 ghz cpu's 4 gig mem.
    it can't be my conection to the internet i have a 50Mb conection.

    So it must be the game and the amount of peps in space at the time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I guess i will come back and check this later,
    it seems all i'm going to get is negative feed back from some
    peps in this forum, just hope there are some who can see what i'm trying to put across here.

    So of to play some STO cya laters
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