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ST:CCG content integrated into STO?...SWEET!

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Here's an idea. All that great content from Star Trek: the Customizable Card Game could be integrated into Star Trek Online once you reach Captain/Admiral levels. Example; Start having your BOffs with innate/rare traits like "Treachery" or "Diplomacy" or even "Miracle Worker" (from "Scotty" pers card) and have "rare' missions that can only be accessed with these rare innate BOff traits. Not to mention all the VERY cool missions that are present in the card game, both diverse and story driven. Most if not all of the subject matter "content" from ST:CCG innately belongs to CBS anyway. So why not just use the game content and game play ideas as a springboard to bring STO to the next level. If you agree or have ideas on how to integrate the best parts of this legendary game into STO, post, reply, and send to the developers. Here is even a site that even today currently posts virtual expansions & card decks, even AFTER the CCG game was dropped by De<!pher (we won't mention their name just to be safe), they're called the Continuing Committee.
... and the most amazing offline deck builder / card organizer (complete with great visuals of the cards) I have ever seen.
Being an avid Star Trek fan for over 25 years (and over 35yo), a professional creative consultant, and hobby tech-head. I honestly believe this can take STO to the next level if the fans continually get behind it with the developers. So check out the sites above and tell everyone, especially the developers this is an amazing idea.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The problem with this is that the Copyright/Trademarks for the collectable card game are owned by a different company, and would be very expensive to acquire... Not a very practicle suggestion here...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry, I didn't actually read the post. My response may not have anything to do with it but I think it is important to mention early in a topic that has CCG in the title...

    If a game client related ST:ECCG comes within 100 miles of the servers I will call down the fires of every god in every pantheon,real or imagined, and absolutely fry the server farm! PLEASE do not ruin a perfectly fine game with yet MORE micro-transactions! ECCGs are the work of the devil!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wow the star trek collectable card game...I haven't played/seen that since I was like in JR high...and I don't even want to think how long ago that was.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    I would suggest looking at TCG for inspiration though.

    For example, Soong-Type Androids in that game were very nice in part because they could do the Vulcan nerve pinch, largely based on Data being able to do it.

    People frequently used a mix of tactics to hold your crew captive and do "How many lights do you see...?" style brainwashing on them. So have your bridge crew get abducted as part of a mission. You have a timer to rescue them and if you don't meet the timer, they become brainwashed and you have to fight/subdue them.

    Another example: one part of the game that was particularly devious was using the tactic that O'Brien used in the DS9 pilot to move space stations from one location to another and then using a series of cards that converted the starbase's massive shield power into weapon power and another which increased shields for every person with a certain skill aboard, which could be used to wipe out enemy ships and I believe another card enabled you to wipe out planets with enough weapon power (the intent being that you'd use a fleet of ships). It was a player-made tactic all using cards that represented various things that had been done on the shows. But the end result was some guy hijacking a Starbase and turning it into a deathstar. That could make for awesome episodic content.

    Another thing that was fun was how the Q continuum became a side feature that people built decks around. The idea of maybe a Q minigame in this game would be very fun. Like maybe a bunch of Q-related missions that could be dropped into the game to spice things up and maybe even something you could trigger from anywhere when you get bored. Just use the Genesis engine to create a few hundred wacky Q encounters. Honestly, I think it would be really cool if they took a nod from the Robin Hood episode and had a Warcraft/LotRO/Guild Wars-inspired fantasy adventure Q would send you on and you had to use a sword and shield Q supplies you with.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am NOT saying to add a "mini-game" to STO or micro-transactions for extra content, but some of the ideas of the CCG. For one example; in the CCG if you were playing as Borg, you could assimilate your enemy's personnel card into a Borg drone and control them. The STO adapted version of this could be (ground combat) if the Borg assimilates one of your BOffs he/she "temporarily" turn gray and turn against you to use their skills battling you before being knocked out. See, not a literal translation of the CCG, but adapting the ideas for STO. (I also like a lot of their mission ideas.) Wow guys, don't get your panties in a bunch.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    picasso2k9 wrote: »
    I am NOT saying to add a "mini-game" to STO or micro-transactions for extra content, but some of the ideas of the CCG. For one example; in the CCG if you were playing as Borg, you could assimilate your enemy's personnel card into a Borg drone and control them. The STO adapted version of this could be (ground combat) if the Borg assimilates one of your BOffs he/she "temporarily" turn gray and turn against you to use their skills battling you before being knocked out. See, not a literal translation of the CCG, but adapting the ideas for STO. (I also like a lot of their mission ideas.) Wow guys, don't get your panties in a bunch.



    I think this kind of thing is viable. However, you won't see assimilation without a playable Borg faction.

    But, for example, Orion can and do turn you or your BOs against eachother with their "Seduce"ability, something you also see with playable Orion.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I haven't seen that game in ages. Is the on-line version still active? Was worldpress I think, maybe I'll google it later LOL
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