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Dev leads and Producer Take note

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I've been vocal on the boards before, and I hope you're not ignorant to the critical mass you have here in STO.

I also hope that the 'oh so helpful' forum trollers you have roaming around stuck so far up your bottoms with their rude and sarcastic one liners back at your fairly new customers aren't getting too many chuckles from the trenches.

These people are the gasoline to your raging fire.

You may not be able to solve the design flaws right now, the pretty clear fact that you reskinned the CO engine if not in part than in total to get what you have today, the having to actually shut off CO functions that you failed to eliminate before brining STO online, etc.

Now, right away you're 'here since beta' gloryboys will be gleefully scrambling to tell me how much of a fool I am and how truly little I know about the making of MMO's, but what I do know is how many of the things in STO were'nt typical growing pains; they were plain oversights, lazy, ignored or not smart choices.

And you can't wave a wand to fix a lot of that, not overnight. You can't flip a switch to ease the completely legitimate concerns the hundreds (thousands?) of posters who complain, feeling they have been ripped off by a buggy game with ridiculous downtimes, feel they are in a 'paid beta', login queues in week one, almost no end content, features partially or completely not working - the list goes on.

There is no easy or quick fix and I'm hoping that behind the scenes the situation is being looked at as grave, because without the base of players beyond the 'typical MMO' folks and these marvelously helpful forum trolls you have here, STO won't need to expand infrastructure because within 9 to 12 months you'll actually be needing to downsize.

Fast forward to the next LOGIN conference or GDC and we'll get to sit through another boring conference on how converting brand IP over to MMO storylines 'gee, why doesn't it or hasn't it really worked?'

What you can do - is dump every available hand into customer service roles NOW and over communicate to these people. Get creative, get apologetic and start taking some responsibility. Get some in game action going on, hell grant some experience bonuses to people who you can see have had particularly rough times.

In other words, start showing people that you don't in fact sit back there thinking this is all par for the course and part of the 'normal launch process'.

Otherwise, more than threads will roll.

My two cents. Love the game, hope it all works out.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yep. if they don't fix the problems in a heroic fashion, bye bye million subs, hello 50K and a 5 person Dev team.

    Devs, you won't have jobs if you let this continue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    All I can talk about is my own actions and experiences dealing with Cryptic,
    and from them I come to believe that Cryptic only cares about one thing. Retail Sales.
    Once the initial box sale has been completed. we are on our own.
    They will try to get you to buy early by offering anything they can think of, even if they know it dosen't work.

    Let me just say that after CO and now my experience with STO, I will probably not purchase another Cryptic game ever.

    I am personaly amazed that I let Cryptic take me in again but the lure of a STO MMO was just to much. I will continue to play STO..They got my money from DDE and I can't refund that. but I have definatly learnt my Cryptic lesson
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