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Please fix "anonymous"

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
The anonymous command needs some serious tweaking.... obviously it's not priority #1, but it doesn't serve it's purpose.

Since the devs decided to go with the @name system so that names would not be unique (which is fine, I'm not complaining), that brings up some privacy issues. I realize this is an MMO, but sometimes you just want to play quietly. You can't make an alt without everyone on your friends list immediately knowing your new alt since that is tied to @name. And yes, I realize you can get rid of or ignore friends, but I didn;t say that, sometimes you just want ... quiet...

What's worse is that the way "anonymous" works, the system sends everyone on your friend's list a message that you have logged in and immediately that you have logged out, EVERY time you zone. So not only aren't you playing quietly, but if you are zoning a lot you are perpetually spamming your online friends with "x has logged in", "x has logged out".

Not the first thing to be worked on, but it would be nice at some point if stealth playing worked :-)
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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