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Random suggestions from LNR to STO

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Since im tired of constant trashing of sto i decided to create a suggestion thread on the guilds forums and this is what we have come up with that we would like to see in STO.

Hope some of you out there and you guys at cryptic finds some of this usefull or good ideas.
Green - Things that has been done
Added: 02-07-2010 at 12:19 PM
- Fleet action, healing/tanking needs to get counted in somhow, aka the one taking the most damage and the one that has done the most healing should be counted on seperatly so every role get a chance on the fleet action rewards.

- All weapon slots should have Auto fire ability, since when you get to higher ships you have alot of weapon slots and the button mashing can get quite anoying. (or at least 2 more auto fire slots)

- Spliting up the space and ground skill tree, so you can be efficent as a ground character as well as space without having to split up your point and beeing a bit "meh" on both.

(- mailbox at memory alpha would be nice.)

- a filter on the remote contact list. (aka. hail starfleet window)
so you can remove low level missions.

- fleet improvements

- give your B.O.'s voiceovers for their bridge stations so instead of watching cooldowns your B.O.'s will say "torpedoes online" or "transferring power to starboard shields" or "targets shields are down" etc. it would really help the immersion level

- be able to create a set uniform for all your bridge officers so it defaults to that when you get a new officer

- I want cutscenes, ground missions that don't take a hour or more with little to no scenery. (I've seen the same pad lillies, and flower plant on what.. 6 different planets.. ??)

Hm.. I also think the tutorial system needs to be revamped, and the help page should have a encyclopedia of some sort. Other than that, I'm always irritated by the leveling window, which will say "you have 142 points till Lt Commander", but in reality for me it's like.. 2,000 points :|

- add functionality to the music player so you can point it to a specific folder or playlist. (60 gigs of music in my library and all I get to listen to is AC/DC :/)

- a group ability to mark a target, aka primary, secondary etc.
to make tactics easier.

- Quest rewards listed in the quest journal
A map system that lets you search for systems on the main map like the 3rd party site but ingame instead.
Improve the UI customization.
02-07-2010 at 21:30 PM
- Some kind of marker on repeatable missions so that you know you have at least done it once and if this isn't already in game. How about an accolade every time you've done a repeatable mission.. say every 10 times.

- accolades/achievments.

- some sort of community time rewards (such as SWG had for dedicated membership)

- Larger groups, similar to raid groups.

- Raid/fleet groups able to join a thire own zone for easier community meeting.

- Fleet rooms on starbases, where they can store fleet rewards etc.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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