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Request New Forum Topic Area

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I couldn't find an appropriate place to put this, so I thought I'd list this suggestion here....

I think there should be a Forum Topic Area specifically for Lifetime members to make suggestions. We're in for the long haul and we've committed to you because we believe in the potential for this game to go a long way. As such, I think you should seriously consider the suggestions we have to offer (not saying you have to act on them) to show your comittment back to us.

Thanks for your time....

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Prepare to be flamed, not from me but others.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This goes back to the whole Lifers and special treatment argument. Why should you get a specific forum for posting suggestions? Are your suggestions any better or worse than anyone else's? Does having a lifetime sub somehow magically make you any more capable of suggesting game improvements than anyone else?

    And if you want to get technical about it, after your lifetime sub pays for itself (around 16 months), the people who Cryptic is going to listen to most are the 1 year/monthly subbers, you know, the paying customers.

    You're confusing surplus cash with commitment. Non-lifers who enjoy the game are just as committed to it as you, we just happened to not be able to afford the lifetime sub within the perscribed time frame.
    Horrible idea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Even being a lifer I have to strictly disagree that we deserve any sort of special treatment and\or forums.

    To do so would start a sort of class war that this game just does not need.

    We have all payed to play this game one way or another. We are all here to enjoy it (Well most of us anyway). We all deserve the same level of respect and to be treated fairly.

    Not to say that you are wrong just to say that I disagree.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Debaser wrote: »
    Are your suggestions any better or worse than anyone else's? Does having a lifetime sub somehow magically make you any more capable of suggesting game improvements than anyone else?

    Actually, you're the one suggesting it since I never saw that anywhere in my post. What I said is we've shown comitment to the company...perhaps they could respond in kind.

    There's tons of people with accounts on here that have either never paid, never will pay, or have paid and didn't like it, so they returned their subscription. I'd prefer that suggestions by people who have made a commitment to the company not be lost in the deluge of posts by the aforementioned groups. Unfortunately, you can not predict what a monthly subscriber will do next month and may fall into one of the categories listed above. Lastly, I don't see any "suggestion" forum areas at all.

    That was the motivation of my post......if you thought it was some sort of superiority complex, then those are your inferiority issues....not mine. But thanks for your input.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think a separate topic area for the queue threads is more urgent.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We appreciate your faith in our product. We apologize that we cannot offer you special treatment beyond a special in game perk. The discounted lump-sum subscription you have purchased entitles you to general access to the game's shard until the game's lifetime is over. In order to maintain a longer lifetime for you the lifetime subscriber, preferential access may be offered to monthly subscribers in order to assure that we monetize the potential playerbase effectively. Thank you for your purchase, may the shard live long, and prosper.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    Actually, you're the one suggesting it since I never saw that anywhere in my post. What I said is we've shown comitment to the company...perhaps they could respond in kind.

    There's tons of people with accounts on here that have either never paid, never will pay, or have paid and didn't like it, so they returned their subscription. I'd prefer that suggestions by people who have made a commitment to the company not be lost in the deluge of posts by the aforementioned groups. Unfortunately, you can not predict what a monthly subscriber will do next month and may fall into one of the categories listed above. Lastly, I don't see any "suggestion" forum areas at all.

    That was the motivation of my post......if you thought it was some sort of superiority complex, then those are your inferiority issues....not mine. But thanks for your input.

    So you've shown commitment, big deal? I'll be paying for it monthly, and I guarantee I'll be playing for the life of the game, am I any less committed because I have bills to pay and kids to feed, which is why I couldn't shell out a huge amount before Feb. 1st?

    I think you're making too many assumptions about people with monthly subs. And really, what's to stop a lifer from dropping the game for 6 months or a year or whatever? They can just pick it up anytime with no finanical consequence because they have lifetime subs, I fail to see how not being able to afford a lifetime sub in the short window of time it was offered makes a player any less 'committed' than someone who had the surplus cash to seize the opportunity.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Debaser wrote: »
    I guarantee I'll be playing for the life of the game, am I any less committed because I have bills to pay and kids to feed, which is why I couldn't shell out a huge amount before Feb. 1st?

    Actually, you contradict yourself in your own post. Because of your bills, etc. you can not possibly guarantee you will pay monthly. Not that I wish it upon you, but you could have an issue with your income or other more urgent expenses could arise (medical) that prevent you from continuing to support this endeavor. Don't be angry at me because I CAN afford it and because I've made an investment that (as you've put it) will pay for itself in less than 2 years - I have bills also, but planned for this in advance when I first found out when the release date would be.

    You're absolutely right that a lifer could leave and come back again at any time. Hence the paying for a lifetime subscription so you don't have to put every waking hour into the game each month you pay just so you feel like you're getting a better deal. This allows me to have balance in my life - and most likely - continue with the game for a longer duration because I'm less likely to get sick of it.

    As for comitment, allow me to draw this analogy: Would you rather be working a permanent job or a term position that gets renewed monthly in which each month your term may not be renewed? Would you feel any security in that term job? Do you consider a term position to be a comitment from your employer - or are you perfectly satisfied that the term employer will keep you around indefinitely? No need to respond to that - the answer is obvious.

    That's about the best I can address your concerns.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I agree with OP, because I like thier cat.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    I think there should be a Forum Topic Area specifically for Lifetime members to make suggestions. We're in for the long haul and we've committed to you because we believe in the potential for this game to go a long way. As such, I think you should seriously consider the suggestions we have to offer (not saying you have to act on them) to show your comittment back to us.

    If they "need" to listen to anyone its those paying month to month because they will, most likely, end up making more money from us than "lifers." The reason I didn't buy the lifetime subscription was because I saw the Beta's and they were really bad. I feel like I'm playing a BETA now with the frequent crashing and the long line at the front door.

    Cryptic/Atari/CBS or whoever is in charge of this mess are you listening???? You have 28 more days and then I disable my account. Get it right or I'll get out....many of us will get out. The forums are overflowing with very unhappy people.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic, I support giving them their own forum. And to ensure that they use it, make that the only one they can post in. And if you want to save some money on rose-scented air fresheners for your bathrooms at Cryptic HQ, invite some lifetime subscribers over to use it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The_Major wrote:
    If they "need" to listen to anyone its those paying month to month because they will, most likely, end up making more money from us than "lifers." The reason I didn't buy the lifetime subscription was because I saw the Beta's and they were really bad. I feel like I'm playing a BETA now with the frequent crashing and the long line at the front door.

    Cryptic/Atari/CBS or whoever is in charge of this mess are you listening???? You have 28 more days and then I disable my account. Get it right or I'll get out....many of us will get out. The forums are overflowing with very unhappy people.

    I think that they NEED to listen to their customer base as a whole... not just lifers, or subs...

    yes... the ongoing revenue comes from subs...
    yes... the lifers have committed and put their money up front, plus will likely buy every expansion.

    I think that they need a forum section for PAYING customers only... lifers and subs...

    I am sick of the flamtards, and trollholes that most likely do not even play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    I couldn't find an appropriate place to put this, so I thought I'd list this suggestion here....

    I think there should be a Forum Topic Area specifically for Lifetime members to make suggestions. We're in for the long haul and we've committed to you because we believe in the potential for this game to go a long way. As such, I think you should seriously consider the suggestions we have to offer (not saying you have to act on them) to show your comittment back to us.

    Thanks for your time....


    Dear Falkon,

    I strongly disagree, your opinion not worth a shred more than that of any other paying customer.

    Thank you for your input.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The_Major wrote:
    If they "need" to listen to anyone its those paying month to month because they will, most likely, end up making more money from us than "lifers." The reason I didn't buy the lifetime subscription was because I saw the Beta's and they were really bad. I feel like I'm playing a BETA now with the frequent crashing and the long line at the front door.

    Cryptic/Atari/CBS or whoever is in charge of this mess are you listening???? You have 28 more days and then I disable my account. Get it right or I'll get out....many of us will get out. The forums are overflowing with very unhappy people.

    You are hilarious. In your own post, you simply prove my point. You reason didn't buy a lifetime subscription is because you thought the Beta was bad....and if it doesn't get better, you will leave. This isn't comitment...and if you leave now, how do they make more money from you? I trust things will get better and have therefore given them my support up front so they can continue to develop this game. Many monthly subscribers are only here until the next game comes along that grabs their attention more and/or they get bored of this one. Your own comments show this.

    Businesses aren't stupid. There's a reason why they offer lifetime subscriptions. Do you honestly think any business will do anything that will result in less profit?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ulfhedjinn wrote: »
    Dear Falkon,

    I strongly disagree, your opinion not worth a shred more than that of any other paying customer.

    Thank you for your input.


    See above. Never said it was more important....just more likely to be around longer....just don't want it getting lost in the shuffle with all the people that don't like the game and don't trust the developers and/or don't want to give the developers time to improve the game.

    Too many of you are reading too much into this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    See above. Never said it was more important....just more likely to be around longer....just don't want it getting lost in the shuffle with all the people that don't like the game and don't trust the developers and/or don't want to give the developers time to improve the game.

    Too many of you are reading too much into this.

    In your own words, you said that you "think [Cryptic] should seriously consider the suggestions [lifers] have to offer" to "show [their] comittment" back to you. I don't believe I'm reading too much in to this by assuming you expect Cryptic to show more loyalty to one section of paying customers than to another.

    Frankly, no. You get to make your suggestions at exactly the same volume as the rest of us, and you get to have Cryptic consider your suggestions just as strongly as the rest of us. If you expect something more than that I'd advise you somehow get yourself appointed as a chairman on Atari's board, then they will have to do what you say.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ulfhedjinn wrote: »
    In your own words, you said that you "think [Cryptic] should seriously consider the suggestions [lifers] have to offer" to "show [their] comittment" back to you. I don't believe I'm reading too much in to this by assuming you expect Cryptic to show more loyalty to one section of paying customers than to another.

    Frankly, no. You get to make your suggestions at exactly the same volume as the rest of us, and you get to have Cryptic consider your suggestions just as strongly as the rest of us. If you expect something more than that I'd advise you somehow get yourself appointed as a chairman on Atari's board, then they will have to do what you say.

    Apparently you can't read the words because you are making assumptions about what I'm saying:
    I strongly disagree, your opinion not worth a shred more than that of any other paying customer.

    Again...I never said my suggestions were any more important or worth any more. Simply that they should listen to what we have to say in a forum for people that have shown their commitment to their company by paying before we've REALLY seen the finished product. We've committed to over a year's worth of their future development - so why shouldn't those "investors" have a place where they can say what they'd like to see their investment grow into? If you want to be able to post in that forum, buy a lifetime membership instead of getting your nose all bent out of joint. Everyone has the option to join....just pay the money.

    In fact, I never said they had to do everything that's suggested - but it'd be nice to know that they actually have a place where they can read it where it's not mixed in with all the other garbage on this forum.

    EDIT: In reading that, I realized that there could also be 1 yr subscribers....they should be added to that list as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    Apparently you can't read the words because you are making assumptions about what I'm saying:

    Am I, really? I'm going to have to quote you again so that you can decrypt your meaning for me.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Again...I never said my suggestions were any more important or worth any more. Simply that they should listen to what we have to say in a forum for people that have shown their commitment to their company by paying before we've REALLY seen the finished product. We've committed to over a year's worth of their future development - so why shouldn't those "investors" have a place where they can say what they'd like to see their investment grow into? If you want to be able to post in that forum, buy a lifetime membership instead of getting your nose all bent out of joint. Everyone has the option to join....just pay the money.

    Funny, because I pre-ordered the game, so I did contribute to the future development of it. Anyone who pays from now on will be contributing to the future development of it, because quarter after quarter MMOs are changed in many unforeseen ways.

    But, despite this, it sounds like you feel I don't contribute to the development of the game.
    Falkon wrote: »
    In fact, I never said they had to do everything that's suggested - but it'd be nice to know that they actually have a place where they can read it where it's not mixed in with all the other garbage on this forum.

    EDIT: In reading that, I realized that there could also be 1 yr subscribers....they should be added to that list as well.

    Yup, there's a lot of garbage on this forum, but you're kidding yourself if you think lifers never post garbage. I don't think that you've thought this through or not, and you've not convinced me you're not asking for special treatment.

    Also, y "adding 1 yr subscribers" to this "elite group", you're just telling me it's not about contributing to the development of the game (as I explained above), but how much you contribute. Like I said, you should buy some shares in Atari and become a chairman of their board instead because the boardroom is where money talks, not the forum.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe in 6 months time, there should be a forum for people that have been subscripted for 6 months or more. That sounds pretty fair to me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mjcrawford wrote: »
    I think that they need a forum section for PAYING customers only... lifers and subs...
    This. Or more specifically the forums should be open for all to read but only subscribers to post to. WoW forums will let you create a battle.net account but you can't post unless you have an in-game character to associate it with. I'm tired of reading complaints and not knowing if it is real or just someone trying to cause problems.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tigorius wrote:
    This. Or more specifically the forums should be open for all to read but only subscribers to post to. WoW forums will let you create a battle.net account but you can't post unless you have an in-game character to associate it with. I'm tired of reading complaints and not knowing if it is real or just someone trying to cause problems.

    See, this is a fair policy. Unfortunately it would do nothing to stop "negativity", or even pure TRIBBLE.

    Just like a lifer forum wouldn't stop lifers from being negative or posting TRIBBLE. People will voice criticisms for a product they are paying for, some constructively and some loudly, and nothing short of deleting all negative posts would stop it.

    Negative posts are not bad, though. TRIBBLE, sure, but I'll bet Cryptic want to hear constructive criticism.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny how none of your response now refers to me saying the opinion of paying customers is more important, yet you're not willing to admit you made a mistake. Instead, you quote me saying...yet again...that I'd simply like an area where suggestions can be made by people that have made a long term commitment (yes, that rules out monthers for the reasons I posted much higher up in this thread in case you didn't read those either).

    Nowhere in any of my posts did I say lifers don't post garbage. Again, you make assumptions about things I haven't said.
    But, despite this, it sounds like you feel I don't contribute to the development of the game.

    Again, you make assumptions about what I didn't say. I never said monthers don't contribute. I'm saying they're either not willing or not able to put long-term trust in the developers. You may very well wind up paying more money than me.....or you may leave next month. That's my point. You're high risk for high reward later.

    I've paid my money up front, so I'm commited to getting the best quality of game that I can for as long as possible. That's called loyalty...but I've used the term commitment. I'm guaranteed income now so that the company has enough working capital to make it through the tough development times. Either way, I will be here for the long haul....and as such, have a great deal to lose if the game flops. But without my money (I'm speaking the cumulative total of lifers) up front, it's quite possible this game might not have what it needs to sustain itself in the early stages. You don't think they'd offer a deal to people so they could earn less money down the road if they didn't have a reason to generate that revenue now, do you?

    Ultimately, whether I convince you or not, I don't really care. The people I'm hoping to convince are the developers. I know you don't like my suggestion. Fair enough. I'm not forcing you to continue reading my thread. But since you keep responding to my posts with your assumptions, you simply keep it at the top of the threads where the developers are more likely to see it. Thanks!

    Please direct me to the forum topic area where long-term suggestions are to be made? Cause right now I see about 20+ topic areas that are for "discussions" and "feedback"...most of which have well over 100 threads. For example, Klingon Gameplay and PVP has almost 400 threads within the last 8 days. Please don't tell me the developers are going to read all of these. I don't see an area for the long-term development of this game to be discussed in a way that developers can feasibly read, let alone consider all of the information.

    What I see are a ton of threads about annoying things that people find about the game that they hope will be fixed immediately, rather than structural or format changes that could be made to the game as a whole to improve the overall experience for everyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    Funny how none of your response now refers to me saying the opinion of paying customers is more important, yet you're not willing to admit you made a mistake.

    Maybe because your posts keep insinuating it. :) Somehow you think that people who paid $300, or got a 1-year sub, should have their own forums so they get listened to. Why, if not because they are more important?
    Falkon wrote: »
    Instead, you quote me saying...yet again...that I'd simply like an area where suggestions can be made by people that have made a long term commitment (yes, that rules out monthers for the reasons I posted much higher up in this thread in case you didn't read those either).

    So, yet again I ask; You're saying that you deserve to be listened to if you pay more? :confused:
    Falkon wrote: »
    Nowhere in any of my posts did I say lifers don't post garbage. Again, you make assumptions about things I haven't said.

    Since I am willing to admit mistakes (you, too, seem to be making assumptions here), no I didn't see you specifically say that lifers don't post garbage. However what you said in my quote insinuated that a "lifer forum" would be pretty garbage free, and I contest this.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Again, you make assumptions about what I didn't say. I never said monthers don't contribute. I'm saying they're either not willing or not able to put long-term trust in the developers. You may very well wind up paying more money than me.....or you may leave next month. That's my point. You're high risk for high reward later.

    I've paid my money up front, so I'm commited to getting the best quality of game that I can for as long as possible. That's called loyalty...but I've used the term commitment. I'm guaranteed income now so that the company has enough working capital to make it through the tough development times. Either way, I will be here for the long haul....and as such, have a great deal to lose if the game flops. But without my money (I'm speaking the cumulative total of lifers) up front, it's quite possible this game might not have what it needs to sustain itself in the early stages. You don't think they'd offer a deal to people so they could earn less money down the road if they didn't have a reason to generate that revenue now, do you?

    So, exactly like I said, you're saying that you feel lifers and one-year subscribers are making more of a contribution to the game. It is just an opinion but I happen to feel that any contribution is a contribution, that that all paying customers deserve the same treatment simply for being paying customers, and that it's not our fault that Cryptic offer various payment plans. :rolleyes:

    Maybe I do have less faith in Cryptic than you do, so what? If Cryptic earn the faith of monthers, and earn their money month-by-month, in the end they would be paying a lot more than you. And if they don't stay to pay month-by-month, that's what we call a free market and customers voting with their wallet, and exactly why they should be heard while they pay.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Ultimately, whether I convince you or not, I don't really care. The people I'm hoping to convince are the developers. I know you don't like my suggestion. Fair enough. I'm not forcing you to continue reading my thread. But since you keep responding to my posts with your assumptions, you simply keep it at the top of the threads where the developers are more likely to see it. Thanks!

    And I hope they don't listen to you, in fact I guarantee they won't, because if it happened there would be a massive outcry from non-lifers and non-annual subbers who feel that they are being treated like second-class customers, even if a lot of them might well end up paying more in the long-run. And I'd be right there with them.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Please direct me to the forum topic area where long-term suggestions are to be made? Cause right now I see about 20+ topic areas that are for "discussions" and "feedback"...most of which have well over 100 threads. For example, Klingon Gameplay and PVP has almost 400 threads within the last 8 days. Please don't tell me the developers are going to read all of these. I don't see an area for the long-term development of this game to be discussed in a way that developers can feasibly read, let alone consider all of the information.

    What I see are a ton of threads about annoying things that people find about the game that they hope will be fixed immediately, rather than structural or format changes that could be made to the game as a whole to improve the overall experience for everyone.

    Then let Cryptic make a moderated "long-term development and brainstorming" forum for all paying customers. :)

    Edit: I added colourful faces to my post since I keep being told to "chill out" this morning, even though I am chilled.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You may actually be worse than the media......

    I put all the words in front of you, but you only read the ones you've highlighted in yellow. Oh look at that. I can use colors too. You highlight my words, then tell me in bold that you might pay more money than me.....hmmm...I think I said that just a couple lines above. Oh yeah...there it is....but it's in white, so you may have missed it.

    You also use words like:


    to say things that I'm really not saying. You really should consider a career in journalism....but you may want to stick with the tabloids.

    You haven't really said anything of any value that I need to respond to, but thanks for the bump again.

    EDIT: Perhaps this will help you understand. A football season ticket holder has first dibs on a ticket for a playoff game. Does that mean (s)he's more important? No. Does it mean (s)he's better than a fan that individually purchased each game ticket because they either couldn't afford the season pass, or didn't want to purchase the tickets until they saw how the team was doing? No. Is it wrong for the team to offer those tickets to the season ticket holder first? Absolutely not. It's a "thank you" for your commitment to the team.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    You may actually be worse than the media......

    I put all the words in front of you, but you only read the ones you've highlighted in yellow. Oh look at that. I can use colors too. You highlight my words, then tell me in bold that you might pay more money than me.....hmmm...I think I said that just a couple lines above. Oh yeah...there it is....but it's in white, so you may have missed it.

    You also use words like:


    to say things that I'm really not saying. You really should consider a career in journalism....but you may want to stick with the tabloids.

    You haven't really said anything of any value that I need to respond to, but thanks for the bump again.

    It's called emphasis. It means "I didn't just read those words, they are the most expressive of what I am talking about".

    But well done on completely side-stepping every single one of my points, even the ones in which I was asking you for direct clarification. If I could be in the media, you would make a fine politician.
    Falkon wrote: »
    EDIT: Perhaps this will help you understand. A football season ticket holder has first dibs on a ticket for a playoff game. Does that mean (s)he's more important? No. Does it mean (s)he's better than a fan that individually purchased each game ticket because they either couldn't afford the season pass, or didn't want to purchase the tickets until they saw how the team was doing? No. Is it wrong for the team to offer those tickets to the season ticket holder first? Absolutely not. It's a "thank you" for your commitment to the team.

    Do you know why season tickets exist? Seating capacity and viewing position.

    You may now think up a new analogy, I will wait.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ulfhedjinn wrote: »
    It's called emphasis. It means "I didn't just read those words, they are the most expressive of what I am talking about".

    But well done on completely side-stepping every single one of my points, even the ones in which I was asking you for direct clarification. If I could be in the media, you would make a fine politician.

    I've already addressed most of your requests in previous replies and I see no point of saying the same thing over and over again, especially since you keep quoting my entire message for everyone to see a 2nd time. I've edited my previous post to provide an more simplified example. If you can't grasp the concept, that's not my problem.

    Nice attempt at playing the martyr, though....considering the exact example I gave in my reply showed that your response was saying exactly that I had already put in my post. But because you put it in bold, it made it seem like I hadn't already said it.

    Thanks for the bump!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Falkon wrote: »
    I've already addressed most of your requests in previous replies and I see no point of saying the same thing over and over again, especially since you keep quoting my entire message for everyone to see a 2nd time. I've edited my previous post to provide an more simplified example. If you can't grasp the concept, that's not my problem.

    I am grasping what you're saying, it just seems to me like you don't grasp the consequences of what you suggest.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Nice attempt at playing the martyr, though....considering the exact example I gave in my reply showed that your response was saying exactly that I had already put in my post. But because you put it in bold, it made it seem like I hadn't already said it.

    "Playing the martyr"? I don't see how I'm playing a martyr, I am simply asking you questions and asking you to clarify things you have said since I have supposedly misinterpreted them so much. You don't seem to want to do that.
    Falkon wrote: »
    Thanks for the bump!

    You're welcome. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know, as a happy lifer I don't feel any need to have my own forum. I don't need any special communications with the devs over what we already have.

    That said, I would like to see a new Forum area for Rants/Raves. I've seen other websites do this kind of thing. The rules would still exist for certain kinds of posts (nothing racial/political) but otherwise people who need to vent over anything STO related could post there, and keep the other forum areas for the more reasonable "I could use a hand'/"How do I?" type of posts.

    Just my $0.02 which are just as valuable and no more valuable than the rest.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kineel wrote:
    You know, as a happy lifer I don't feel any need to have my own forum. I don't need any special communications with the devs over what we already have.

    That said, I would like to see a new Forum area for Rants/Raves. I've seen other websites do this kind of thing. The rules would still exist for certain kinds of posts (nothing racial/political) but otherwise people who need to vent over anything STO related could post there, and keep the other forum areas for the more reasonable "I could use a hand'/"How do I?" type of posts.

    Just my $0.02 which are just as valuable and no more valuable than the rest.

    See, a rants/raves forum is something I'd like to see if moderation in existing forums is a problem, as long as they are careful to only throw rants/raves and trolling in there and not constructive criticism and suggestions.

    That wouldn't be segregating the community for some arbitrary reason like "loyalty" or wallet size, just encouraging posters to put all their real rubbish and rants in a kind of sin bin.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sorry, Lifetime members aren't any better than anyone else.

    TRUTH: As a Lifer, you paid more up-front than I did. As a Lifer, you will pay less over 2 years than I do.

    Who deserves the special treatment?
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