As far as I can tell, every non-patrol mission or Patrol XXXX sector mission is not completing on the first try. I've had to do the Hobus Ground Zero mission twice and the Great Bloom Further Investigation mission twice. I get to the end of both, the warp out message says Your Mission is complete... but no check mark next to admiral whatsername to claim my reward.
As, every deep space encounter, in Romulan space, is generating a deep space encounter to Destroy Klingon Ships that does not complete. The kill the Rommies mission does complete, but the Klingon mission stays in my episode log.
Just had this with the badlands it's **** annoying, I ****ing hate that kill 10 million cardies, now kill another 10 million cardies, kill the ****ing boss, do this all with a ton of rubber banding, and then go back in to actually complete it, **** it tbh.
I swear I killed more cards in that mission than the entirety of DS9 series.
I swear I killed more cards in that mission than the entirety of DS9 series.