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Crafting/Jobs: couple of ideas I'm just throwing out there.

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
ok these are just a few ideas i have come up with from my open beta and headstart play and as im waiting for a new graphics card to speed up my play i thought i would come up with some ideas and see what people think. I've focused on crafting/Jobs but it does branch into a few other ideas as i go through them.I'm not huge on Star Trek canon so i wont know proper names for certain things but again these are just ideas to bounce around and improve upon and help make STO better.

Mining/engineer crafting
These two options would suit the engineer classes, they would have to mine or source planets/nebulas or certain locations rich in certain metals,substances,crystals any types of things that would be needed to create new weapons for both ship and ground combat, or shield generators, one time abilities. maybe even interior/decorative parts for the inside of your ship if Cryptic ever go down that line.

Obviously tailored more towards the Science classes, i think from my limited experience in missions from open beta and headstart (i didn't reach my first ship so forgive my ignorance if these are in) but there doesn't seem to be enough exploring missions that dont involve combat. its either scan something or fight something. so how about having some crafting class that would involve seeking out new planets? maybe even have it as a 'trade-able' asset with engineers mining. so the science class would explore for new planets or nebulas that
are rich in a certain item that the engineer is looking for, and in exchange maybe the engineer offers 1 or a couple of crafted items for the 'hot tip'

on a side note I'm not sure how these mining places would work, maybe more planets/moons/asteroids/nebulas dotted around or in deep space instances but from what i have seen many instances seem quite random so for that i'm unsure and open to suggestions.

Scientific Advancement
possibly similar to engineer crafting but maybe rather than creating better weapons or shields etc it upgrades older ones or adds certain abilities much like scrolling in other MMOs

This could suit tactical but maybe it would benefit a civilian or ferengi type class as it doesnt tend to fit in to a star fleet type missioning this could also be linked to my last idea, but it would involve traveling between either starbases or planets trading items not for credits but for other items, the higher the level the better the items you can trade possibly take several different trade routes and if you get a certain amount of items they could be traded in for things worth alot of credits. regardless certain trade routes could fall under PvP zones or even into a specific instance where NPC piracy is rife so a well tooled up ship would help getting to the destinations.

Piracy/Raiding/Trade-Route patrol
again maybe more of a civilian type of job as this would be the underhanded type jobs. it could or couldn't involve PvP but maybe there could be established trade-routes maybe as instances where NPC trade-ships travel on a set path and as a pirate you could attack them and try to take their haul, in a similar fashion raiding could be a ground based equivalent. for the more starfleet friendly option it could be an idea to protect or escort NPC trade ships along a trade-route or seak out pirates an unsavory planets for their wares maybe with higher levels u face tougher pirates/targets for more/better treasure and much like artifacts etc u then trade these in for items.

again these are just ideas and are open to be picked apart or improved on but i feel that there could be more to do in the star trek online universe other than trying to level up.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    bump, seems my post got lost in all the non-constructive negative/moaning posts
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