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Grumps, grievances, and a plethora of annoyances in STO...!

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Petty grumps, grievances, and a plethora of trivial annoyances in STO...!

--- It's worthless. Rarely works. Has a 3 MINUTE! cooldown. Wasted points in char creation. Rifle butt is better! Well, except for...
--- So I slam someone in the jaw hard enough to knock them on their TRIBBLE... but do no damage whatsoever? (as far as I can tell). It needs to do at least a LITTLE damage.

--- Remember how the Defiant could shoot both torps SIMULTANEOUSLY? Well STO won't allow that. Okay, it's a necessary game mechanic. So be it. But must all the torpedoes fire from ONLY ONE SIDE? For example, with the "High Yield" skills, ALL your torps fire from one side of your ship! Can't we have it go back and forth? L,R,L,R? While this may really seem petty, it's so idiotic when you see it as it is now. It's like one of your launchers is broken or something!

If you can't do both simultaneiously, then do a fast alternating between L and R sides. (I assume this topic only applies to Escorts, as I doubt Cruisers or Science ships have this problem because their ship designs, they only have 1 launcher, IDK)

--- I know many games (especially FPS) have a "mouse sensitivey" option, though usually just for cursor movement. Call me crazy, but I swear I gotta hammer the damn mouse BUTTONS to get things to activate in STO. Maybe my mouse is going bad?

--- What is the purpose of food? You can't use it during combat, and out of combat, you heal exponentially. Food is worthless isn't it? (well, technically not worthless, since you can sell it for peanuts, and by peanuts, I don't mean more food)

--- So I get my Cmdr Heavy Escort, I'm experimenting with a name... And apparently I RUN OUT OF "MERITS???" So now, I can't rename my own damn ship? -cause it costs merits?!? Are you kidding me? I never even noticed before. This is ABSURD!

--- Dropping items (commodities) into the bank inventory; shouldn't have to drop them exactly onto the same slot for it to stack; should just be able to whip them over, drop them wherever in the inventory, and they'll "auto-stack" on the appropriate pile/stack. After several hundred mineral, radiation, artifact, and other assorted "worthless commodities," it starts to get real tedious.

--- The portion of the skill tree, with what ship you're commanding... they don't go in order. (Just look at it if you don't understand what I'm saying)

--- Why do they do this? I don't remember this happening in OB. The Admirals give you missions... before you're even done with the one before it. And in doing so, it functions as a spoiler, giving you the outcome of the earlier mission.

--- Admirals actually give weaker rewards for later missions than earlier ones. WHY?!?

--- Self-explanatory. Hope I'm wrong about this one. Is there anything to do w/ lower-tier badges once you are promoted?

Okay, that is all my nitpicks.

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Probably the most common use for food is to breed tribbles. Put one in your inventory with some food, and you'll have another pretty soon.

    Also, isn't the first ship rename free? Why must you change it more often than that?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArykGrev wrote: »
    --- I know many games (especially FPS) have a "mouse sensitivey" option, though usually just for cursor movement. Call me crazy, but I swear I gotta hammer the damn mouse BUTTONS to get things to activate in STO. Maybe my mouse is going bad!

    This is a problem i seem to have, i try to flow from one ability to the other during a fight but have to keep going back a step to repetedly mash a button for an ability that didnt trigger. Gah so frustraiting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The food is just in game so you can try to remember what episode you saw it in.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Bendyboy wrote: »
    This is a problem i seem to have, i try to flow from one ability to the other during a fight but have to keep going back a step to repetedly mash a button for an ability that didnt trigger. Gah so frustraiting.

    Glad I'm not the only one!

    I think part of it is that certain buttons have a "sensitive area" much smaller than the icon pic. So you have to click right in the very center of the button or it won't activate.

    Though I also noticed last night that "Alpha Strike" actually got turned OFF because I rapid-fire clicked it twice.

    Add to all this "click problem" the whole issue of cooldown timers on the weapons... And there's definitely some annoying things happening.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Probably the most common use for food is to breed tribbles. Put one in your inventory with some food, and you'll have another pretty soon.

    Also, isn't the first ship rename free? Why must you change it more often than that?

    I must have screwed up naming or something... I tried to take the same name from the light escort and keep it for my heavy escort. Maybe it wouldn't allow that and yet still took my merits? IDK.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just got kicked off the server, so decided to add a few more I just noticed!

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArykGrev wrote: »
    --- Why do they do this? I don't remember this happening in OB. The Admirals give you missions... before you're even done with the one before it. And in doing so, it functions as a spoiler, giving you the outcome of the earlier mission.

    That one was driving me up the wall. My personal solution was to stop reading quests when I first receive them and rather do it after when i start and complete them in their correct order. (Going by difficulty indicators Com0, Com5 and so on)

    Edit: Btw this was especially annoying in those "Person X turned out to be a shapeshifter!" followups
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My biggest gripe.......LOAD SCREENS

    There has to be something done about these.

    Currently sitting at a load screen to Sol system for over 15 minutes, I know it will finally load me in and then I'll be logged out for inactivity.

    Either need to increase afk timers or do something about the load in the system.

    Other than the load screens, enjoying the heck out of the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Winnuting wrote: »
    The food is just in game so you can try to remember what episode you saw it in.

    Yeah I can't imagine how many manhours went into making the art, animations, and mechanics of food that could have been better used on fixing bugs or adding meaningful content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    AidenPryde wrote: »
    Yeah I can't imagine how many manhours went into making the art, animations, and mechanics of food that could have been better used on fixing bugs or adding meaningful content.

    Considering most of the items are the same with different names and, in many cases, the same artwork... not too much time. One or maybe two guys could've done that over a weekend.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The UI lag irritates me. I click the button to switch to my alt. weapon and it doesn't activate or activates so slowly I end up clicking it again and then am back to where I started. Also I miss my exploit shot because of this lag sometimes, also irritating.

    Why is the 'warp to' friend feature disabled? If I am hooking up with a friend I should be able to click that button and join them instead of having to travel for 15 minutes.

    Beaming down to a mission and the mission objectives didnt spawn, or my BO's disappear before my eyes.

    Server instability. I got kicked 5 times today, more than all the times in OB combined.

    The fact that there are 12 types of currency. In a future where money is no longer used....Really....Ok, I have it all figured out now, is this needed? Just make higher level items cost more.

    No hair parted on side swept up style. Only one long hair style except for pony tails. What the heck...

    Iconic items being affiliated with exclusive offers. Damn I'm playing a Star Trek game and I cant use the TOS era uniforms? I paid about 350 bucks for this game to date....

    More costume slots. I only have one and I'm not in a fleet. You should get one ever rank...it would be good insentive to level.

    I don't know what the heck stats do, where is the tool tip for stats.

    Poorly worded descriptions of what things do.

    Zoning into an instance in the middle of 5 cruisers and a couple battleships and being blown to bits two or three times because the npcs are camping the spawn point.

    Long load times if I use hi res setting. This one could be my fault since I have a single core cpu. Otherwise the game is running as well as I expected.

    High Yield Torpedoes doesnt activate sometimes. Broken?

    Many more...but it's time for lunch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The UI lag irritates me. I click the button to switch to my alt. weapon and it doesn't activate or activates so slowly I end up clicking it again and then am back to where I started. Also I miss my exploit shot because of this lag sometimes, also irritating.

    Why is the 'warp to' friend feature disabled? If I am hooking up with a friend I should be able to click that button and join them instead of having to travel for 15 minutes.

    Beaming down to a mission and the mission objectives didnt spawn, or my BO's disappear before my eyes.

    Server instability. I got kicked 5 times today, more than all the times in OB combined.

    The fact that there are 12 types of currency. In a future where money is no longer used....Really....Ok, I have it all figured out now, is this needed? Just make higher level items cost more.

    No hair parted on side swept up style. Only one long hair style except for pony tails. What the heck...

    Iconic items being affiliated with exclusive offers. Damn I'm playing a Star Trek game and I cant use the TOS era uniforms? I paid about 350 bucks for this game to date....

    More costume slots. I only have one and I'm not in a fleet. You should get one ever rank...it would be good insentive to level.

    I don't know what the heck stats do, where is the tool tip for stats.

    Poorly worded descriptions of what things do.

    Zoning into an instance in the middle of 5 cruisers and a couple battleships and being blown to bits two or three times because the npcs are camping the spawn point.

    Long load times if I use hi res setting. This one could be my fault since I have a single core cpu. Otherwise the game is running as well as I expected.

    High Yield Torpedoes doesnt activate sometimes. Broken?

    Many more...but it's time for lunch.

    Dang, that's a good list!

    Especially the "UI ground combat lag" issue. I have on numerous occasions switched "right past" my secondary gun back to the first, missing an exploit. There's actually a lot of that sort of thing that happens.

    Somewhat analogous with space combat, with the cooldown timers and so on, how certain abilities won't work when they're supposed to, or I've even somehow "missed" a skill seemingly by double-clicking it; it went straight to recount, w/o ever firing.

    I nearly got blown up today in a Romulan mission because of that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Winnuting wrote: »
    The food is just in game so you can try to remember what episode you saw it in.

    Root beer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Haruen wrote:
    Root beer.

    That scene was actually an AMAZING analogy, Quark, Garak, and root beer... on the eve of the impending battle with the Klingons on DS9 that would end the decades-long alliance... and Quark likens the Federation to root beer.

    Bubbly and happy and coy... yet so insidious, over time, you actually start to like it... "just like the Federation." Wow, I can't believe I still remember that, being as I've not seen that episode in years and years.

    I should buy all the DS9 DVDs. To watch when the servers boot me off.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A lot of that is kinda nitpicky but I agree about food. When you could use it in combat during beta it was worthwhile to have. It wasn't a huge heal, but it gave you a little heal over time tick which was nice. As it is now my science officer has everyone healed up by the time the combat flag clears, or I can just pet a tribble and be done with it.
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