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Ummm...is this a joke? I don't get it...

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Cryptic has steadfastly refused to let us pitch our ships up or down more than the current 45 degrees.

The Ponor System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on roughly a 70 DEGREE ANGLE. We are FORCED to circle the drain to get to the mission objectives on this map.

What the heck, Cryptic? Is this a joke? Some level designer pulling a gag on us? I don't enjoy being forced to deal with a design flaw (either controls or the map) in order to complete a mission, especially WHEN IT ISN'T A BUG. The map and the controls are both BY DESIGN.

Big fail here, guys.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this thread brings up points that are both new and exciting!

    but I agree..the flight mechanics are BS..lazy..and shouldn't be acceptable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The OP isn't just dredging up the old 45 deg flight limit again. This is about poor level design.

    I ran into my own example the other night: Cryptic knows that bridge officer path finding on the ground sucks. So, for goodness sakes, why make ground maps that require us to cross a room full of tightly packed crates to get to the exit? It's like the level designer wants to make us scream as our officers get stuck on every nook and corner.

    Good level design should work around and conceal the limitations of the engine, not bring them into stark relief.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic has steadfastly refused to let us pitch our ships up or down more than the current 45 degrees.

    The Pon0r System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on roughly a 70 DEGREE ANGLE. We are FORCED to circle the drain to get to the mission objectives on this map.

    What the heck, Cryptic? Is this a joke? Some level designer pulling a gag on us? I don't enjoy being forced to deal with a design flaw (either controls or the map) in order to complete a mission, especially WHEN IT ISN'T A BUG. The map and the controls are both BY DESIGN.

    Big fail here, guys.

    Let me try to say what you should have said that would have made this constructive rather than yet another "let's rip the hell out of Cryptic" thread...

    Hey Devs... The Ponor System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on a 70 degree angle elative to where we enter the zone. Could you please look into adjusting the vertical position of the objectives so that we do not have to fight against the 45% pitch limit our ships have? Thanks in advance...

    See? That wasn't so hard... It addresses the problem with the mission in question in a calm and constructive manner. No name calling. No Cryptic bashing. Our attitude is a choice. We have the power to decide th be either constructive or disruptive. Nothing good can come from the latter, and nothing bad can come from the former. So why don't we all give it a trie...

    Make requests in stead of demands. Explain your issues; don't complain about them. Try to help build up rather than tear down. It's as simple as a choice. And we have the power to make it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic has steadfastly refused to let us pitch our ships up or down more than the current 45 degrees.

    The Pon0r System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on roughly a 70 DEGREE ANGLE. We are FORCED to circle the drain to get to the mission objectives on this map.

    What the heck, Cryptic? Is this a joke? Some level designer pulling a gag on us? I don't enjoy being forced to deal with a design flaw (either controls or the map) in order to complete a mission, especially WHEN IT ISN'T A BUG. The map and the controls are both BY DESIGN.

    Big fail here, guys.

    My ship pitches more than 45 degrees... its more like 70, but yes still annoying.

    Especially in systems like Ponor in the Iota Povonis Sector block... -.-

    Whoever makes missions like Ponor should be flogged publicly, by the customers.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Plain and simple
    The whole huge banking turn in space thing is kind of childish. It's space, you wouldn't need to fly that way, you would be able to simply fire a thruster and spin the ship around.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MrBlinker wrote:
    My ship pitches more than 45 degrees... its more like 70, but yes still annoying.

    It doesnt, I promise - what you are seeing is the ship AND the camera pitched which makes it look like the ship is climbing at a greater angle than it actually is.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's not worth bringing up...They've already flat out said that it's not something they are changing, which is most likely due to too much coding needed since it's copy pasted from Champions Online...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tylendel7 wrote: »
    It's not worth bringing up...They've already flat out said that it's not something they are changing, which is most likely due to too much coding needed since it's copy pasted from Champions Online...

    in champions online i can fly in practically any direction, added to the fact that I can stop near instantly, and change direction immediately any time I want

    and this is a big issue that would really open the game up. even if we never achieve 90 degrees, getting even a bit closer would help so much
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The point is that Cryptic KNOWS they have this limitation, so why on EARTH would they design a map that clashes with it?

    The inability to pitch your ship is something the community has gone on about for a long time, and I'm not interested in starting the fight over it again. Cryptic has assured us that this does not affect game play in a substantial way. Then they go ahead and include a map that forces us to fight against this limitation, which is particularly fun in a large slow cruiser.

    This is flat out sloppy work, and that it was never addressed from a map design perspective shows that Cryptic may just not have the manpower to deal with an IP this large.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is flat out sloppy work, and that it was never addressed from a map design perspective shows that Cryptic may just not have the manpower to deal with an IP this large.

    OR... and this is a big "or" here... maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, in an attempt to render dozens of planets, sectors, space stations and all other things they may have just made an honest error that would most assuredly be addressed if it were brought to their attention. You have done so, albeit in a typically dickish manner that has become only too apparent on these forums.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OR... and this is a big "or" here... maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, in an attempt to render dozens of planets, sectors, space stations and all other things they may have just made an honest error that would most assuredly be addressed if it were brought to their attention. You have done so, albeit in a typically dickish manner that has become only too apparent on these forums.

    I have been supportive of Cryptic when they do things well (please go ahead and use the search function to look up posts I've made). This has been reported in closed AND open beta. Like other errors (such as the Aceton Field skill error) it gets reported ad nauseum, and IGNORED.

    I am sick of that, and if making a stink is the only way to get Cryptic to deal with a problem, then so be it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For starters just because they do not say anything on the forums doesn't mean it is being ignored. I may feel like it but listening to them talk I've heard them say things that were on the forums so I believe they are reading them. Second if someone named called you over an error you made would you jump on it and fix it for them or would you work on something that a polite person asked you to do that is equally as important?

    I agree that it is frustrating to have to make it somewhere that you should be able to easily in space. My major issue is that we are in three dimensional space but all our maps and indicators only exist on two dimensions. There is a cieling and floor to every map yet we have no inidication of where that is. I would love to have three dimensional maps and some sort of 'alitiude' indicator for our ships. It gets frustrating when I cannot tell on what plane I am on in relations to things I see on the map.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just did the mission, and it's really frustrating with that high angle.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic has steadfastly refused to let us pitch our ships up or down more than the current 45 degrees.

    The Ponor System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on roughly a 70 DEGREE ANGLE. We are FORCED to circle the drain to get to the mission objectives on this map.

    What the heck, Cryptic? Is this a joke? Some level designer pulling a gag on us? I don't enjoy being forced to deal with a design flaw (either controls or the map) in order to complete a mission, especially WHEN IT ISN'T A BUG. The map and the controls are both BY DESIGN.

    Big fail here, guys.

    YA its a joke, you dont get it?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Let me try to say what you should have said that would have made this constructive rather than yet another "let's rip the hell out of Cryptic" thread...

    Hey Devs... The Ponor System patrol map (part of the Bolarus Sector patrol) is on a 70 degree angle elative to where we enter the zone. Could you please look into adjusting the vertical position of the objectives so that we do not have to fight against the 45% pitch limit our ships have? Thanks in advance...

    See? That wasn't so hard... It addresses the problem with the mission in question in a calm and constructive manner. No name calling. No Cryptic bashing. Our attitude is a choice. We have the power to decide th be either constructive or disruptive. Nothing good can come from the latter, and nothing bad can come from the former. So why don't we all give it a trie...

    Make requests in stead of demands. Explain your issues; don't complain about them. Try to help build up rather than tear down. It's as simple as a choice. And we have the power to make it.

    Interesting way to reforn the wording. I would suggest a less "mother may I" tone and run with a "hay I found an issue and it's not fun to play issue."

    Hay Devs, The poner system patrol map is on a 70 degree angle elative to where we enter the zone.( strong and streight to the point) I suggest you look in to the adjusting vericle position of the objective so that we do not have to fight against the 45 degree pitch limit on our ships. ( see you can be more demnading now because you ae paying for the game.) Thank you, A paying subscriber. ...
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