not sure if this has been suggested before between this and the archived forums, but an idea came to mind customizing the uni's last night.
How bout have any saved suits for each officer available for purchase from your ship's replicator?
Right now, the replicator gives you various options for replication, why not add Uniforms? in Canon, there are several references to "replicating a new uniform" so it fits in.
for a nominal energy credit fee, a captain could quickly swap out of his bridge standard uni to his formal dress attire, or to his more rugged away mission uniform.
the dialog box for your replicator can link to the character creator, but a trimmed down version just to give you a simple look at your officer and the selectable uniforms, that you at some point have saved while at a starbase tailor
this would save having to go back to a starbase everytime they want a change of clothes, and i think would encourage people to use the option more frequently
would anyone else see value in an option like this?
Right clicking on your health bar show an option to change costume, but since they don't yet let us have multiple costumes it doesn't do anything.
We need to be able to buy and store multiple costumes. I don't mind going back to a station to do that, but I would like to be able to swap them in the field.
We need to be able to buy and store multiple costumes. I don't mind going back to a station to do that, but I would like to be able to swap them in the field.