..."it's almost certainly the Gorns", says T'Rao, my highly trained Science Officer, and alumni of the Vulcan Academy for spotting the B****y Obvious.
"Why yes, T'Rao...I think it might possibly be the Gorns attacking the shipping in this system", says I, Captain Sojei, "seeing as we've engaged 6 Gorn Frigates, 2 Cruisers and 2 Battleships in the past 10 minutes."
"Oh...", says T'Rao. "That means...."
"Yes, Ensign...report to the Agonizer Booths immediately please. I had them specially installed by the same guy who was trying to sell me Klingon Disruptors for my ship"

Don't get me wong...I like STO thus far. It has its problems, as any starting MMO does, and I'm sure most of these will be addressed in due course.
However, the thing that prompted me to write this was a sudden flash of annoyance at what I perceive as a lack of thought that has gone into some of the dialogue...It seems very generic and bland, and I'm sorry...it's really, reallly obvious.
I repeat here an opinion that I've expressed in other threads that immersion in the Star Trek Universe is going to be what keeps people paying for this game for a long time to come. Without immersion, or with things that spoil immersion, the game is much less fun.
This includes stupidly obvious dialogue, and unimaginative dialogue. How much effort is it to be looking for something other than antiprotons
....and yes, I know its the Gorns.
The Gorn have been at peace with the Federation for decades and now there is a small conflict happening against them. So you have these prejudice against Gorns? So, if we turned this to real life. A bomb blast destroys a local school... would you run to a specific type of person and cliam they and their family did it?