In the Options you can edit the keys for 1 through = for the bar options. But in game you only get 8 in space, unless you like hitting Ctrl or Alt.
It would be nice to get a full Action bar for BOTH enviroments and the ability to have some on the side wall, all along the bottom as well i.e. the common user interface that WoW, Aion, and EQ employ. By LtCmd i'm running out of places to put my skills, BO Skills, and weapons, to say the least about batteries.
Also having the ability to map a second set of controlls to a Playstation/X-box style controler for the PC would make flying SO much more enjoyable. As it is i'm hanging on my mouse and pulling left and right to manuver. Fun but it could be SO MUCH MORE.
You can have 10 keys in space, but only when you select the option to have all three bars showing (which removes the BO graphics, you assign their powers directly to the tray). No side bars. You can rearrange the HUD somewhat, but it is a bit limited.
how do you alter the hud as my hud is over lapping each other or a massive space/gap between speed meter and chat box . If i could re-arrange it to push it all across it would stop it.
how do you alter the hud as my hud is over lapping each other or a massive space/gap between speed meter and chat box . If i could re-arrange it to push it all across it would stop it.
any help be much appreciated.
open the game menu (esc) and click Re-arrange hud, then drag the green boxes as needed.
It would be nice if I could just get the game to remember what I placed in buttons 4 and 5 when I beam down for away missions. I'm tired of re-asigning my keys.
any help be much appreciated.
open the game menu (esc) and click Re-arrange hud, then drag the green boxes as needed.
Thanks mate that was a massive help!
If anyone wants to add me ingame my ingame thing is Locutus@Locutus852
Have fun guys & gals.
For faster access to arranging your HUD hit F12.