Yeah I really dislike when people change there phaser colors and I can see it. However if crypitc makes it so only they see it sound like a great solution to me!
Best of Both Worlds Pt 1 - Enterprise-D starts cycling thorugh phaser frequencies creating such lovely colors as blue, green, red, etc... in an attempt to break away from the borg.
Precedent set.
Best of Both Worlds Pt 1 - Enterprise-D starts cycling thorugh phaser frequencies creating such lovely colors as blue, green, red, etc... in an attempt to break away from the borg.
Precedent set.
This man has a solid point, and I'm someone who considers canon along with "fun." I won't be too effected if they remove this, but it does seem like something fun.
I certainly wouldn't run around with pink phasers. But being able to change some of that stuff would be fun for different ships. Like, blue phasers on the TOS Connie along with blue torps that aren't quantums etc.
Customizeable phaser colors is a must, especially if you're in a group setting and don't want to confuse your squadmates' disruptors with your enemies' disruptors.
I also support the option to include a setting so that you can choose whose custom colors to see. That way everybody's happy. Those who don't want to see it don't have to, and those who do can continue to enjoy it.
I also support an option to not have to see other people's armors and kits, because to me, they don't feel very Star Trek and are very immersion breaking. I'm not against other people seeing it but I don't want to feel like I'm in Star Wars or a superhero game.
As for now, I'm gonna go pwn some Klingons with my purple phasers and cross my fingers that they don't get removed.
Precedent set.
This man has a solid point, and I'm someone who considers canon along with "fun." I won't be too effected if they remove this, but it does seem like something fun.
I certainly wouldn't run around with pink phasers. But being able to change some of that stuff would be fun for different ships. Like, blue phasers on the TOS Connie along with blue torps that aren't quantums etc.
I also support the option to include a setting so that you can choose whose custom colors to see. That way everybody's happy. Those who don't want to see it don't have to, and those who do can continue to enjoy it.
I also support an option to not have to see other people's armors and kits, because to me, they don't feel very Star Trek and are very immersion breaking. I'm not against other people seeing it but I don't want to feel like I'm in Star Wars or a superhero game.
As for now, I'm gonna go pwn some Klingons with my purple phasers and cross my fingers that they don't get removed.
I know this is a double post, but I don't know how to quickly and efficiently add this quote to my previous post. Besides, this deserves a bump.
This option should also be implemented for armor and kits.
I would guess that the "team" option would also mean "team and/or self" so you still see your own if you're not in a team.