This is of course, where Cryptic shut the game down in 2 months because they can't afford the equipment to support the masses of people wanting to play.
... I bought a lifetime subscription too. I must be mad.
This is of course, where Cryptic shut the game down in 2 months because they can't afford the equipment to support the masses of people wanting to play.
... I bought a lifetime subscription too. I must be mad.
Thanx, I havent had much sleep due to worrying about not getting it in time. But thank the trek gods I managed to get in just in the nick of time...even though its like 6am here and i havent slept yet...arg...if your mad then what am I....I must be NUTS! lol
I think the game will do great and cant wait to see the years go by and the community becomming bigger and bigger.
Lifer here also.......heres to hoping it only gets better!! With City of Heroes there has been 16 content updates in 6 STO possibilites should be endless!!
DAK13, I think STO will do great, may have some glitches at the start but theyll work them out. The dev team seems to be alot better then what i was use to before...ahem SOE *pukes*
i have a lifetime sub too, i actually wonder how many people have them. i have seen more than 1 or 2 borg about....
for some reason i thought i remember a post you made reguarding that, but maby not...again iam tired as hell 7am and no sleep yet. With all the people who cant understand a few things about launches ive seen alot of people post that they were trying to get refunds on there lifes, but to be frank I think theres alot of lifers. Its just the smart move if you ask me, i think i calculated it out that if you divide the amount they were offering for the sub which was like 230 or so into 12 months it comes to like 19 bucks a month which is abit more then what the current rates are for monthly subs but itll save you more down the road.
I too am a lifer, but I have no interest in a borg captain.
Joined trill on the other hand? Yes.
Gotta wait for retail for that, though. No big deal, it's 24 hours away.
I too am a lifer, but I have no interest in a borg captain.
Joined trill on the other hand? Yes.
Gotta wait for retail for that, though. No big deal, it's 24 hours away.
I was looking at the trill option, and wanted to get that but couldnt
To be honest from what ive read between borg cpts and trill ect, trill are better.
I was looking at the trill option, and wanted to get that but couldnt
To be honest from what ive read between borg cpts and trill ect, trill are better.
LOCUTUS have you gone mad? Something better than the borg?
in all honesty though perhaps you are right
i mean if we were still in the collective our reactive personal shields would still work and we would be pwn now were borg nubs in space whop cant assimilate or adapt
We are the borg Please dont resist
Resistance hurts my crew
Hijacking this thread to tell Chat, that after reading a lot on this forums lately, you're the only person here that gives me the creeps. You scare me. Seriously.
LOCUTUS have you gone mad? Something better than the borg?
in all honesty though perhaps you are right
i mean if we were still in the collective our reactive personal shields would still work and we would be pwn now were borg nubs in space whop cant assimilate or adapt
We are the borg Please dont resist
Resistance hurts my crew
I may have become infected by that borg anti virus EKK!! lol.
I was reading in some of the game threads about statistics and traits ect that you recieved and it seemed the trills were more game valued then what borg cpts recieved. I do say this though...a renegade borg would be more fearsome then some trill, but thats just my two cents into the pot :P
But on that note iam off to bed...7:30am gonna sleep till 3pm lol not really need to get some stuff done today...sigh...gonna be some grumpy tonight, hope the gf isnt up for nookie lol WAIt what am i saying *smacks self* lol night gang *waves*
I may have become infected by that borg anti virus EKK!! lol.
I was reading in some of the game threads about statistics and traits ect that you recieved and it seemed the trills were more game valued then what borg cpts recieved. I do say this though...a renegade borg would be more fearsome then some trill, but thats just my two cents into the pot :P
But on that note iam off to bed...7:30am gonna sleep till 3pm lol not really need to get some stuff done today...sigh...gonna be some grumpy tonight, hope the gf isnt up for nookie lol WAIt what am i saying *smacks self* lol night gang *waves*
wish my gf was up for nookie all she does is grumble about how cold it is and about the lack of food.
oh well sometimes you have to remind them when its a choice between borg and food.
dam you chat!!! lol, HEY! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE *glares* you changed you pic!!! *attacks*
You have to admit it's a pretty good argument if you want a refund.
On a side note... Money Chat had saved up for LT was given to the bf so he could get dreads.
So LT will come at a later date. Not that Chat mind paying monthly she will stay until the game dies no matter what... Or until Chat dies.
Hijacking this thread to tell Chat, that after reading a lot on this forums lately, you're the only person here that gives me the creeps. You scare me. Seriously.
*Kosh voice* Good.
Chat sometimes wonder what kind of scene she would make if she entered the pvp world.
Chat is thinking... Angry mob.
Chat sometimes wonder what kind of scene she would make if she entered the pvp world.
Chat is thinking... Angry mob.
Nah, running mob. Then again, i just read you're from sweden, and given that i have swedish friends over for xmas and summer vacation each year, a lot is clearer for me now.
Nah, running mob. Then again, i just read you're from sweden, and given that i have swedish friends over for xmas and summer vacation each year, a lot is clearer for me now.
They also creep me out.
Must be the nationality
- G
You wouldn't be surprised at how many wants to kill Chat in a game.
Last time was in Tabula Rasa... most failed because of her needles.
"This wont hurt. *shoots needles in your face*"
Swedish people are scary. Especially the fake blonds.
You have to admit it's a pretty good argument if you want a refund.
On a side note... Money Chat had saved up for LT was given to the bf so he could get dreads.
So LT will come at a later date. Not that Chat mind paying monthly she will stay until the game dies no matter what... Or until Chat dies.
Yeah...ill admit it..sigh lol
Chat will NEVER die!!! Ill make sure of that! The Chat must go on!
This is of course, where Cryptic shut the game down in 2 months because they can't afford the equipment to support the masses of people wanting to play.
... I bought a lifetime subscription too. I must be mad.
u wasted valable play time posting this lol
Thanx, I havent had much sleep due to worrying about not getting it in time. But thank the trek gods I managed to get in just in the nick of time...even though its like 6am here and i havent slept yet...arg...if your mad then what am I....I must be NUTS! lol
I think the game will do great and cant wait to see the years go by and the community becomming bigger and bigger.
I know draz...i just too excited. Ill be ingame soon once i get some sleep, btw cant wait to meet yah in game and have some fun. cheers
woot *high five* lol
HUNTMAN! hey budday, thanx bro
DAK13, I think STO will do great, may have some glitches at the start but theyll work them out. The dev team seems to be alot better then what i was use to before...ahem SOE *pukes*
You might still get a refund.
dam you chat!!! lol, HEY! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE *glares* you changed you pic!!! *attacks*
for some reason i thought i remember a post you made reguarding that, but maby not...again iam tired as hell 7am and no sleep yet. With all the people who cant understand a few things about launches ive seen alot of people post that they were trying to get refunds on there lifes, but to be frank I think theres alot of lifers. Its just the smart move if you ask me, i think i calculated it out that if you divide the amount they were offering for the sub which was like 230 or so into 12 months it comes to like 19 bucks a month which is abit more then what the current rates are for monthly subs but itll save you more down the road.
Joined trill on the other hand? Yes.
Gotta wait for retail for that, though. No big deal, it's 24 hours away.
*tips hat*
I was looking at the trill option, and wanted to get that but couldnt
To be honest from what ive read between borg cpts and trill ect, trill are better.
That would be awesome
LOCUTUS have you gone mad? Something better than the borg?
in all honesty though perhaps you are right
i mean if we were still in the collective our reactive personal shields would still work and we would be pwn now were borg nubs in space whop cant assimilate or adapt
We are the borg
Please dont resist
Resistance hurts my crew
Hijacking this thread to tell Chat, that after reading a lot on this forums lately, you're the only person here that gives me the creeps. You scare me. Seriously.
I may have become infected by that borg anti virus EKK!! lol.
I was reading in some of the game threads about statistics and traits ect that you recieved and it seemed the trills were more game valued then what borg cpts recieved. I do say this though...a renegade borg would be more fearsome then some trill, but thats just my two cents into the pot :P
But on that note iam off to bed...7:30am gonna sleep till 3pm lol not really need to get some stuff done today...sigh...gonna be some grumpy tonight, hope the gf isnt up for nookie lol WAIt what am i saying *smacks self* lol night gang *waves*
wish my gf was up for nookie all she does is grumble about how cold it is and about the lack of food.
oh well sometimes you have to remind them when its a choice between borg and food.
On a side note... Money Chat had saved up for LT was given to the bf so he could get dreads.
So LT will come at a later date. Not that Chat mind paying monthly she will stay until the game dies no matter what... Or until Chat dies.
*Kosh voice* Good.
Chat sometimes wonder what kind of scene she would make if she entered the pvp world.
Chat is thinking... Angry mob.
Nah, running mob. Then again, i just read you're from sweden, and given that i have swedish friends over for xmas and summer vacation each year, a lot is clearer for me now.
They also creep me out.
Must be the nationality
- G
Last time was in Tabula Rasa... most failed because of her needles.
"This wont hurt. *shoots needles in your face*"
Swedish people are scary. Especially the fake blonds.
Yeah...ill admit it..sigh lol
Chat will NEVER die!!! Ill make sure of that!