Any way to target and fire at multiple ships in space combatl? I'm talking about giving my rear weapon something to do besides wait for broadsides. If not, anyone else like to see it added?
while one is firing pan your camera in a different direction, target that and then fire, quickly target back to your original one and fire again at that. its complicated but possible.
In most PvE situations where its applicable you can just tab around or something and your rear stuff will start shooting things. Every weapon in the game takes a bit to fire and has a significant downtime before it can fire again so you don't need to be all that intensive in your targetting to hit stuff.
In PvP when it matters more what you shoot it's a lot tougher, though.
Likely a similar one for cannons.
In PvP when it matters more what you shoot it's a lot tougher, though.