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So am I going to Like this game?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I just installed it am waiting for the server to come online, like everyone else.

I enjoyed watching some of the original Star Trek series, and really enjoyed TNG.

I never read the books.

I typically play mmo's like WoW, Aoc, War, and Aion, (fantasy) so this is my first sci-fi mmo.

I don't like really fast paced button mashing battles since I don't have the reflexes I did 20 years ago.

I like to do some questing, pvp'ing, a little crafting, a little mindless grinding, etc.

I've been through several mmo launches so put that aside, am I going to like this game as a fantasy based mmo player with a mild Star Trek background?
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