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Quality Control....a Lack Thereof.

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Let me start off by mentioning this is not my first time playing a launch of a MMO, and frankly coming from those experiences I think what I'm about to say is pretty valid.

You cannot sell an incomplete product...which the current build is certainly so.

You cannot sell Pre-Orders on the promise of a "Headstart" period, and have major downtime during that period. I came home at 6 AM EST to find out that STO is down for unscheduled maintenance. Ok...I'm a little annoyed but hey, its 6 AM EST, thats pretty reasonable time to take it down. Go to sleep and wake up at 3 PM EST...and now we have a server crash? What precisely did we maintain?

If I hadn't had the Pre-Order bought as a gift for me, I'd be pretty upset right now. Hell, I would be livid.

The last time I saw a launch fiasco of this caliber was Age of Conan, and that game has suffered severely because of the launch issues. In this day and age of MMO saturation, your first month can make or break your next two years on a success plan.

So Cryptic, if you are reading this, with all due respect, fix these problems, or you face thousands of players bailing on you when that trial period runs out. I know it is no easy task. However when you make a bid to the rights to the Intellectual Property with the history and scrutiny aspect of Star Trek, you better be bringing your A-Game, and right now...I'm not seeing it.

Thats all I'm gonna say for now, I had planned on ranting about how the launch build is almost exactly what the last O Beta build was, but I don't feel like trolling.

- MS
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Odd, as the majority of MMOs have worse problems than this one at launch.

    The most recent disaster of a launch was Aion. Lag and not even enough servers for the majority of people to log into anyway. Plus NCSoft refused to add new ones for quite some time. Resulting in high numbers just simply not bothering with the game anymore. Some not even getting to play at all. EU servers had 7-10 hour queues for weeks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Were you part of the Open Beta?

    I only ask, because Open Beta started with server stability and login issues that were several magnitudes worse than what exists now. No, what we have is not as good as any of us would like (including Cryptic, I suspect), but it has gotten much better over time.

    It will continue to do so, like all things of an ongoing developmental nature.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LOL i love these posts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Let me start off by mentioning this is not my first time playing a launch of a MMO, and frankly coming from those experiences I think what I'm about to say is pretty valid.

    You cannot sell an incomplete product...which the current build is certainly so.

    You cannot sell Pre-Orders on the promise of a "Headstart" period, and have major downtime during that period. I came home at 6 AM EST to find out that STO is down for unscheduled maintenance. Ok...I'm a little annoyed but hey, its 6 AM EST, thats pretty reasonable time to take it down. Go to sleep and wake up at 3 PM EST...and now we have a server crash? What precisely did we maintain?

    If I hadn't had the Pre-Order bought as a gift for me, I'd be pretty upset right now. Hell, I would be livid.

    The last time I saw a launch fiasco of this caliber was Age of Conan, and that game has suffered severely because of the launch issues. In this day and age of MMO saturation, your first month can make or break your next two years on a success plan.

    So Cryptic, if you are reading this, with all due respect, fix these problems, or you face thousands of players bailing on you when that trial period runs out. I know it is no easy task. However when you make a bid to the rights to the Intellectual Property with the history and scrutiny aspect of Star Trek, you better be bringing your A-Game, and right now...I'm not seeing it.

    Thats all I'm gonna say for now, I had planned on ranting about how the launch build is almost exactly what the last O Beta build was, but I don't feel like trolling.

    - MS

    Not to be rude here, I'm not even going to flame you for this post. Because I understand your aggrivation with downtime. But yeah, it happens during the start of new MMOs...alot. And not just with Cryptic, but with almost ALL game software companies that create MMOs.

    The anger I feel twords Cryptic is for another reason entirely, some of the decisions made during the end of open beta and now during the head start REALLY have me wondering what in the hell is Jack thinking!?

    No C-Store at all so far during the head start? Why even have a C-Store if there's going to be nothing in it. None of the pre order perks will become available till Nov. 2nd? WTF is this? Why even have the headstart if the people who want to play certin character combinations like the Joined Trill cannot do so till the 2nd. Who would enjoy playing for 4 days just to throw it all away on the 2nd and start over again. Yeah, that's a rather stupid move Cryptic.

    Anywho the servers are down, and it's the first time since the game went live yesterday. So I'll pull out Mass Effect 2 and play that whlie the Cryptic Tech crew figures out what's wrong. But one word of warning guys.

    Bioware's hunting you right now as we speak, they're working on maing a MMO to kill this game and others that are out right now. And while I think STO will be ok, I'm far from all knowing and all seeing. So dont think you guys have any fouls to give cause you dont.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Were you part of the Open Beta?

    I only ask, because Open Beta started with server stability and login issues that were several magnitudes worse than what exists now. No, what we have is not as good as any of us would like (including Cryptic, I suspect), but it has gotten much better over time.

    It will continue to do so, like all things of an ongoing developmental nature.

    Yes and it was expected during Beta.

    Its not Beta anymore Toto.

    To the above troll (Not Thomas), love it all you like. Just think that you wouldn't be reading posts like these if the server was up.
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