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I'd like to play now... please?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Ok... Soo, of when I've been on, we had a crash 40 minutes from launch, we had a 2 hour 'maintenance' earlier today, then servers went down about a half hour ago, and now AGAIN. Shouldn't this have been sorted in Beta? Seeing, we are now paying customers, the beta excuse doesn't cut it...
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    These things happen, whether we like it or not. I have many days on my 5 year wow account page showing where Blizzard have had to credit players with full day refunds because of a huge realm crash that lasted not 40 mins, but more like 40 hours. If this is your first MMO, i can understand you have issues and are wondering what the hell is going on here, but please, far too many people seem to have come from playing PS3/XBOX and assume that as a game rolls out, its complete, it works, its perfect in the eyes of the Lord, and nothing from here on will go wrong. Its annoying we have down time, but it gets fixed, things will always get fixed.

    But really, the more threads i see where its just a whiney complaint, and that we should have had maybe a 14 year long Beta just to be fully sure nothing would ever go wrong is beyond me. Half of you have the patience of...wait, you don't have any patience at all it seems.
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