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Steam/Cryptic Launcher Issue - I need a straight answer

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I don't want any stupid replies to this, and I basically want an answer from a Cryptic person with an honest opinion here of what I should do.

I redownloaded the whole game thanks to Steam (directly from the Cryptic Launcher, not from Steam)

Upon clicking ENGAGE after waiting 14 hours for it to freakin' download, it crashed right away. I figured it would since of course, it'll need to patch to get up to date right?

I restart the launcher, and it starts patching... for 9811MB?!?!?!!? WTF!

Why am I downloading a patch that's almost the same size as the freakin' game itself????

At this point I'm basically thinking why should I even bother as this obviously isn't worth my time if all I'm going to be doing is downloading massive files over and over again. Is this a patch or what? I wanted to get my headstart in but thanks to Steam and your launcher doing this, I'm not going to be able to play one damn bit before tonight AT THE EARLIEST.

Should I just cancel my order and buy the retail version? or am I still gonna be stuck downloading a 9.8GB patch? Is this patch necessary and would it also be downloaded with the retail version?

Basically I'm asking you why I should even bother still buying and paying for your game at this point, cuz I'm darn close to saying TRIBBLE it, it's not worth this much hassle and strain on my Internet.

Please reply soon since I'll be cancelling my Pre-Order on the 1st if I don't get an answer I feel is adequate.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You know, you're more likely to get a reply from a Cryptic employee by filing a support ticket/e-mail.

    But I'm curious, what do you want them to say? 'Sorry, we'll fix that patch for you so it doesn't take as long?' Anytime you download a full game from an external source, especially one that at this time is constantly getting edited and updated, you're going to encounter these load times. It's inevitable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The Steam forums are full of threads of people complaining about this.

    Somehow the Steam updater deletes your client when updating since the headstart. It happened to me too and I am having to redownload the whole client now.

    The damage is done now, all you can do is skip the Steam launcher and simply use the launcher of the game itself into the Star Trek online folder. Do the patching from the launcher itself and don't touch the Steam donwloader from now on.

    I am not sure it's a problem created by Cryptic. It might be Steam.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I quick search would have netted you he answer you need. If you have Vista or 7, use shadow copy to retrieve your files in about 10 minutes, saving yourself the huge download. (if you don't know what shadow copy is, google it). Then, after you have your files rescued, start the game form the .exe in the file rather than form steam, just turn off steam for the time being until this issue is resolved.

    Being demanding and issuing ultimatums are not particularly effective, fyi.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm fairly certain Shadow Copy is disabled on my system, so that doesn't do me a whole lot of good.

    The main thing I want an answer to right now is am I going to be downloading another 10GB file after this one or not? Cuz 9.6GBs after 10 is a little freakin' ridiculous. And it's not an ultimatum, it's a simple question with a simple answer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Posted a how-to and its still on the first page. Fixed everything for me.

    Brother also said he set steam to do its thing last night, and this morning everything is fine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Xariann wrote: »
    The Steam forums are full of threads of people complaining about this.

    Somehow the Steam updater deletes your client when updating since the headstart. It happened to me too and I am having to redownload the whole client now.

    The damage is done now, all you can do is skip the Steam launcher and simply use the launcher of the game itself into the Star Trek online folder. Do the patching from the launcher itself and don't touch the Steam donwloader from now on.

    I am not sure it's a problem created by Cryptic. It might be Steam.

    Like I said, i already DOWNLOADED the 10GB game DIRECTLY with the Cryptic launcher. Now I'm downloading an ADDITIONAL 9.6GB. My MAIN issue is I want to know IS THAT 9.6GB IT or not? Is that a cumulative update to get my game back to where it was before Steam f*cked it up so I can play, or not? If they can't answer that, well then I'm just gonna cancel the whole deal and be done with it, at least until i can get my hands on a hard copy of the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Like I said, i already DOWNLOADED the 10GB game DIRECTLY with the Cryptic launcher. Now I'm downloading an ADDITIONAL 9.6GB. My MAIN issue is I want to know IS THAT 9.6GB IT or not? Is that a cumulative update to get my game back to where it was before Steam f*cked it up so I can play, or not? If they can't answer that, well then I'm just gonna cancel the whole deal and be done with it, at least until i can get my hands on a hard copy of the game.

    I gave you the answer, you just need to carefully read what I said.

    Your client has been deleted by Steam. You have to download it again. Those 9GB are basically all the files that your Steam downloader deleted.

    You have no choice but to download again (or try to recover the file through third party software like the other user suggested and patch up then) and then it should work after.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Welp, good news is the ShadowExplorer thing did access my Shadow Copy. Bad news is my Shadow Copy has no trace of ST:O ever being installed.

    So I'm back to my original question, is the 9.6GB Update it, am I just downloading the game again, am I stuck in a loop here or what?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    just an fyi, you're not special.

    obviously the first download was corrupted somehow. you really should re downloaded through steam and if it didn't work verified the integrity of the local cache through steam.

    i was hit by steam deleting and redownloading STO too, but i didn't panic, i let steam download then i ran the launcher and patched a 59mb patch and it worked just fine. although results may vary.

    cryptic may be to blame for the initial fiasco with the steam wanting to download a new version fo the client from scratch, but i doubt they can answer why you have to download such a big patch after downloading the client through their launcher.

    so you've suffered a set back. it's unfortunate but **** happens.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What part of it already downloaded the entire game again and now it's wanting to download 9.6GB more is not getting through to you people?

    To Hellcane: Seems your idea my work afterall, I found my other shadow copy was from the 24th like yours, I am tryin' that now gonna see how it works out. I'll post back here and in reply to your thread with my results.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    steam messes up... i meam every game thats released. you should never let steam downlaod and install anything.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm in the same boat here, yesterday after closing the game, Steam deleted my client. I was angry, but understood, so I let it redownload, and like previous posters, let it go overnight. Now my patcher crashes, and I can't launch the game. Validated files, 9 missing, steam deletes them yet again and I'm on download 3 as I type this.

    I understand these things happen, but Spencer has a very valid complaint. Why hasn't there been an official explaination on what action we should take to resolve this? Even a simple "We don't know, stand by" would be better than silence, because I've been on the forums all morning trying various methods posted by other users, all at odds with one another on what I should do.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What part of it already downloaded the entire game again and now it's wanting to download 9.6GB more is not getting through to you people?

    What part of what I said and what other people suggested to you is not getting through to you? I have had your EXACT problem, I am having to download again 9GB like you worth of client because it got deleted by Steam.

    On a second thought, maybe acting out on your threat and quit entirely might help.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ah ive not posted for acouple of days at 5:36 uk timle so 44 mins from launch my pc died on me i just got it back harddrive just gave out on me that close after playing thro ob i was rly looking farward to 4 days of head start so i am a lil behind went to redownload the game get patches and all that.

    had a quick look on my emails while downloading steam again and find a email from the 25th from steam saying they have refunded my credit card for my pre order delux sto lol wtf i even downloaded that lil 59 mg patch i dident ask or even go any where nere a link or anything to ask for a refund there was enuff money there to pay for it so very strange so its a retail copy for me now well atleast the exchange will have some nice gear in it help with lvling sigh:confused::(:confused:

    ps seriously **** steam
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    OK Sparky, going to say this real slow for you...

    If you don't have restore turned on(causing shadow copy to not see any previous install), turn it on now.

    Then, download the 10 gig patch again.

    BEFORE playing it after you download it again, make a copy of that folder (where it installed) and store it safely on your desktop. That way, if it goes bad again, you have a 10 gig headstart on whatever you need to download. For a file this big, that's just kind of a good idea anyway.

    If you would lose the nerdrage a little bit, you could've done enough critical thinking to figure this out on your own. But it appears your mommy told you that you are a unique and special snowflake too many times, and have a "i deserve everything I want RIGHT NOW" complex, and get mad rather than getting smart. You've even been sniping at the people who want to help you here.

    Good luck in life, your attitude spells doom.

    Edit: this is for the raging OP, not anyone else
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    To Scorpy: Suck a big one dude, don't talk to me like a child and I won't treat your opinion like that of one.

    To Hellcane: Thank you very much for your helpful post unlike the rest of these nitwits. Worked like a charm and I've been playin' since my last post in your thread (3-4 hours now) with no issues. Least SOMEONE around here knows how to help without being a total jacka$$ in the process.
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