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Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.

    Don't forget that we are also looking for allies in what is sure to be treacherous journey ahead into the vast and open space. For any questions relating to recruitment and/or being allies with VKF please contact us via our forums. Leave us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

    So why not take at look at us at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live long and prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.

    Don't forget that we are also looking for allies in what is sure to be treacherous journey ahead into the vast and open space. For any questions relating to recruitment and/or being allies with VKF please contact us via our forums. Leave us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

    So why not take at look at us at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live long and prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you were intrigued by Spock, you'll be fascinated by the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are a medium RP Fleet - a group of Vulcans and non Vulcans alike planning for the most enriching in-game experience possible.

    If you want to fast-track your character in-game, you need to know where the resources are, where and how to gain the skill points needed to rank up quickly, and what traits, skills and equipment are best for the various situations.

    You'll benefit from the help we can give you both in weapons and skills. You need the support of loyal Fleet-mates and who could be more loyal than Vulcans!

    Even if you’re by nature a peaceful race, you will be engaged in this time period. There is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking Vulcans who wish to engage their true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need Vulcans who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....
    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you value logic, analysis and intellect, your instincts were correct, you belong in the VKF. If you like to delve into the deepest nooks and crannies of game mechanics, find hidden nuggets of knowledge about STO and share them with your Fleet-mates, you belong in the VKF. If you want to team with friends who will not only watch your back, but let you show off your best skills and tactics while trouncing the enemy with dispatch, you belong in the VKF.

    So head over to
    and learn about how we are organized, how we operate, and how we socialize. Join the VKF now!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you are intellectual, analytical, logical, and quite assertive, the VKF is the Fleet for you. We team to accomplish missions beyond our individual capabilities. We share information to help our members new to the game advanced quickly. We share weapons, shields, and other technology that gives you an advantage over your enemies and allows you to succeed in missions with less time spent grinding. We share information so you know what to do, where to do, and when to do. We work together to enrich each of our members' in-game experience - give you more enjoyment, more loot, more satisfaction, and more exhilaration in everything you do in STO.

    If you've read the reviews of STO, you know that it is a work in progress. VKF can help you bridge the gap between 'just another MMO' and a fun and engaging experience that will have you at the edge of your seat, raring to go for another mission, and feeling the surge of adrenaline as you work with your Fleet-mates to succeed in missions beyond your current grade.

    Join the VKF and experience STO as both Cryptic and we believe it to be - the most awesome MMORPG ever!

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Welcome to the VKF! Actually we are now the new VKF/HoG! We listened to our members, who wanted to get the full experience of STO by playing both Federation and Klingon characters, so we now have a Klingon faction Fleet, the House of Gore. We have updated our graphics to reflect this new expanded aspect of our forum, and have created new sub forums to support this new Fleet. At this time, we will share the same forum (since we're all the same gamers anyway), in the future we may explore having a separate forum for each Faction Fleet.

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet/House of Gore is a group of avid Star Trek Online gamers whose goal is to enjoy STO to the fullest. We may engage in some role play, and certainly work in the PvE and PvP environments. Some of our members are either Federation or Klingon, but quite a few have characters on both sides. In RP there may be conflict, but our overarching objective is for us to enjoy STO.

    We have also been hard at work developing forum accolades - medals and ribbons our members earn. Along with new rank insignia and a new Fleet Banner, we are looking quite good! Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see the new VKF - just in time for 2410!

    Accompanying this new look, our members have been hard at work delving into the mysteries of different builds, respec plans, and strategies for the various STFs, Fleet Actions, and the new episodes. We dig out the nuggets of information and put them in easy reach for our members so everyone doesn't have to do hours and hours of research to find out the ins and outs of STO. You'll find us a diverse group of gamers, encompassing many different interest areas and styles of play - there's just about something for everyone in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet and House of Gore!

    So, peruse our forums and discussion threads, and you will see we are from all over the world, and from all walks of real life. In-game we are many playable races, both factions, and all the specialties and career paths. We encompass a lot of different aspects of STO and do a lot of communicating in-game and outside - via forum, chat, our Ventrilo voice chat server, even the occasional mind-meld - I know you will fit in just fine!

    So stretch out, relax and chat with us, and let's play STO! Live Long and Prosper!

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    With well over 1,000 Fleets in STO, you may find it difficult to decide which is the right Fleet for you. There are several tools that can help you out, including Trace_Thorne's Fleet listing http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=115661, the StarFleet Database at www.starfleetdb.com/main/ and RogeRabbit's Fleet database at www.rportal.nl/fleetfinder/viewfleet.php?id=17

    Or simply warp over to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet - logic dictates that if you are reading this, you are considering the VKF - and we have prepared our Home section to give you enough data to make an informed choice.

    Our Fleet is strong and is growing quickly. We are light to medium RP, have a Ventrilo server at your disposal, and our members enjoy teaming to enrich the gameplay for everyone. We are Vulcans and other races who embrace logic and (in 2409) the use of controlled emotion to decisively win battles and protect the Federation. We ally with other Federation Fleets to expand teaming possibilities in-game, and have a worldwide membership of avid STO gamers who have high interest in game mechanics, strategy and tactics, and team coordination so that each member plays to their unique character and ship strengths. We have members who specialize in crafting, others who enjoy Tribble breeding, and others who have rolled new characters simply to be able to team on an even footing with new people to STO and new members. We enjoy discovering new features (and well-hidden old features!) of STO, and are actively discussing a number of subjects including skill point distribution, crafting and breeding tips, ship selection, and specific career field tips. We have a discussion area for Engineering, one for Science and one for Tactical as well as a "Main Hall" for discussions that are common to all career fields and/or don't fit in any of our other sub-forum categories.

    Follow your logic to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet and join us - the quadrant needs your help to protect Federation interests!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you are intellectual, analytical, logical, and quite assertive, the VKF is the Fleet for you. We team to accomplish missions beyond our individual capabilities. We share information to help our members new to the game advanced quickly. We share weapons, shields, and other technology that gives you an advantage over your enemies and allows you to succeed in missions with less time spent grinding. We share information so you know what to do, where to do, and when to do. We work together to enrich each of our members' in-game experience - give you more enjoyment, more loot, more satisfaction, and more exhilaration in everything you do in STO.

    If you've read the reviews of STO, you know that it is a work in progress. VKF can help you bridge the gap between 'just another MMO' and a fun and engaging experience that will have you at the edge of your seat, raring to go for another mission, and feeling the surge of adrenaline as you work with your Fleet-mates to succeed in missions beyond your current grade.

    Join the VKF and experience STO as both Cryptic and we believe it to be - the most awesome MMORPG ever!

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you were intrigued by Spock, you'll be fascinated by the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are a medium RP Fleet - a group of Vulcans and non Vulcans alike planning for the most enriching in-game experience possible.

    If you want to fast-track your character in-game, you need to know where the resources are, where and how to gain the skill points needed to rank up quickly, and what traits, skills and equipment are best for the various situations.

    You'll benefit from the help we can give you both in weapons and skills. You need the support of loyal Fleet-mates and who could be more loyal than Vulcans!

    Even if you’re by nature a peaceful race, you will be engaged in this time period. There is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking Vulcans who wish to engage their true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need Vulcans who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....
    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I am Phoenix_Lord, High Executive Officer (in-game 1st of Many@Phoenix_Lord) of the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. I would like to welcome you to the VKF, and invite you to consider joining our Fleet. We are worldwide, medium RP, and enjoy teaming with each other in space and away teams. We have a Fleet Bank with items that can upgrade your armament, shields, or other items. We devote time to making sure our Fleet Forum has good information and Intel on game mechanics, resource locations, mission tips and other good stuff to help our members progress in their career field and ranking in STO. We offer opportunities for leadership positions in the VKF for members interested in such. And we offer camaraderie and kinship as we forge through 2409 in STO.

    If you wish to join the VKF, you simply need to post your intent in the Recruiting Center threads as soon as you can. By posting in the Recruiting Center, you will be applying for a commission in the VKF, and when we accept your application and grant your commission, we will change your username to add a prefix [VKF], so the next time you log in (after applying), you should log in with the username [VKF] <your name here> (we will not change your password, and can’t view it anyway). Once you are a member of the VKF, you will have access to much more of our Fleet forums.

    Also, if you can include in your application your in-game character@handle so we can invite you to the Fleet inside of STO, that would help us get you integrated into the Fleet quickly. I am available on the forum to assist you with orienting you to the Fleet, and will be contacting you within the Fleet Forum.

    If by chance you are a diplomat from another Fleet and wish to retain your account at the VKF, please visit the forum and post in the Foreign Relations threads so our Fleet Ambassador can grant you diplomatic status.

    Feel free to email me directly, pm, or post in our forums if you need any additional information. I hope you will consider the VKF for your Fleet!

    High Executive Officer
    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you value logic, analysis and intellect, your instincts were correct, you belong in the VKF. If you like to delve into the deepest nooks and crannies of game mechanics, find hidden nuggets of knowledge about STO and share them with your Fleet-mates, you belong in the VKF. If you want to team with friends who will not only watch your back, but let you show off your best skills and tactics while trouncing the enemy with dispatch, you belong in the VKF.

    So head over to
    and learn about how we are organized, how we operate, and how we socialize. Join the VKF now!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The year is 2409. You will be entering a hostile time in Federation history. The Course is set. War is the answer for our time! This is taken from "Episode Missions Explained" and I do quote:

    "As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

    The Episodes are based on conflict, much like the main storylines in the Star Trek franchise. Conflict drives drama - will your negotiations with the captain of a Klingon Bird of Prey break down and come to blows? How far do you need to go to apprehend a spy on another vessel? 2409 is a time of war, which means even the most resolute captains will need to make tough choices and come to blows to ensure the survival of their faction.

    We do, however, want to make the battles you fight believable. You can make diplomatic overtures toward characters in Episodes, but on the front lines it's very rare to avoid confrontation when dramatic forces have guided you into hostile territory with combat-ready antagonists nearby. While there are missions in Star Trek Online that don't feature combat at all, Episodes will by and large demand your abilities as a tactician be put into play."

    Even if you are by nature a peaceful race, you will be engaged in this time period. There is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking those races who wish to engage the true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need compatriots who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....VKF chooses aggression.

    Many say Vulcans are peaceful. That they are weak. Too much into their logic and beliefs. A change has come. VKF, an expanding Vulcan Fleet will specialize in Universal Warfare! Total Domination! Who wish to join VKF on this Epic Journey into a new era of Enlightenment? VKF is organizing the greatest Fleet known to VULCAN!

    Brothers! Will you be a part of this? VKF doors are open! Any species may join us! Its up to YOU! Come! My Brothers! Go through the door now open to you and take hold of your true DESTINY!


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I would like to fill a few people in on our growing and great fleet. We are fun, easy going, driven and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that’s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet Ventrilo that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well.

    If anyone wants information on the [VKF] don’t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Bump for our new friends!:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    If you value logic, analysis and intellect, your instincts were correct, you belong in the VKF. If you like to delve into the deepest nooks and crannies of game mechanics, find hidden nuggets of knowledge about STO and share them with your Fleet-mates, you belong in the VKF. If you want to team with friends who will not only watch your back, but let you show off your best skills and tactics while trouncing the enemy with dispatch, you belong in the VKF.

    So head over to
    and learn about how we are organized, how we operate, and how we socialize. Join the VKF now!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    With well over 1,000 Fleets in STO, you may find it difficult to decide which is the right Fleet for you. There are several tools that can help you out, including Trace_Thorne's Fleet listing http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=115661, the StarFleet Database at www.starfleetdb.com/main/ and RogeRabbit's Fleet database at www.rportal.nl/fleetfinder/viewfleet.php?id=17

    Or simply warp over to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet - logic dictates that if you are reading this, you are considering the VKF - and we have prepared our Home section to give you enough data to make an informed choice.

    Our Fleet now is over 80 active members strong and is growing quickly. We are medium RP, have a Ventrilo server at your disposal, and our members enjoy teaming to enrich the gameplay for everyone. We are Vulcans and other races who embrace logic and (in 2409) the use of controlled emotion to decisively win battles and protect the Federation. We ally with other Federation Fleets to expand teaming possibilities in-game, and have a worldwide membership of avid STO gamers who have high interest in game mechanics, strategy and tactics, and team coordination so that each member plays to their unique character and ship strengths. We have members who specialize in crafting, others who enjoy Tribble breeding, and others who have rolled new characters simply to be able to team on an even footing with new people to STO and new members. We enjoy discovering new features (and well-hidden old features!) of STO, and are actively discussing a number of subjects including skill point distribution, crafting and breeding tips, ship selection, and specific career field tips. We have a discussion area for Engineering, one for Science and one for Tactical as well as a "Main Hall" for discussions that are common to all career fields and/or don't fit in any of our other sub-forum categories.

    Follow your logic to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet and join us - the quadrant needs your help to protect Federation interests!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    /bump from the 12th. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Another bump from the 12th:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I am Phoenix_Lord, High Executive Officer (in-game 1st of Many@Phoenix_Lord) of the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. I would like to welcome you to the VKF, and invite you to consider joining our Fleet. We are worldwide, medium RP, and enjoy teaming with each other in space and away teams. We have a Fleet Bank with items that can upgrade your armament, shields, or other items. We devote time to making sure our Fleet Forum has good information and Intel on game mechanics, resource locations, mission tips and other good stuff to help our members progress in their career field and ranking in STO. We offer opportunities for leadership positions in the VKF for members interested in such. And we offer camaraderie and kinship as we forge through 2409 in STO.

    If you wish to join the VKF, you simply need to post your intent in the Recruiting Center threads as soon as you can. By posting in the Recruiting Center, you will be applying for a commission in the VKF, and when we accept your application and grant your commission, we will change your username to add a prefix [VKF], so the next time you log in (after applying), you should log in with the username [VKF] <your name here> (we will not change your password, and can’t view it anyway). Once you are a member of the VKF, you will have access to much more of our Fleet forums.

    Also, if you can include in your application your in-game character@handle so we can invite you to the Fleet inside of STO, that would help us get you integrated into the Fleet quickly. I am available on the forum to assist you with orienting you to the Fleet, and will be contacting you within the Fleet Forum.

    If by chance you are a diplomat from another Fleet and wish to retain your account at the VKF, please visit the forum and post in the Foreign Relations threads so our Fleet Ambassador can grant you diplomatic status.

    Feel free to email me directly, pm, or post in our forums if you need any additional information. I hope you will consider the VKF for your Fleet!

    High Executive Officer
    Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Kuhr wrote: »
    Your Treachery runs deep! To take away a Fleet that I built from the ground up is beyond words! Your "Grand Admiral Keysailor" calls himself a Leader? Meet me PvP ingame fool! Bring "Raw" as well!
    Pay back is a **** Take overs has happened in time past and vengence isnt pretty!:mad:

    "Why do we show so much emotion?" Look up our history. You ever heard of Maximus? Well known in Human history. A great Gladiator of his time. I studied him,....his warfare......His fighting skils, was exceptional indeed my friend. See for yourself. And when you reach 1:13 of this video, it vividly shows how a 2 headed serpent, as your self will be delt with!!!


    Kuhr was the first, and only member of this fleet for a long time. I serve as a witness and give my testimony o all who care to listen. This was the fleet of Kuhr, at one time an enemy of mine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I would like to fill a few people in on our growing and great fleet. We are fun, easy going, driven and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that’s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet Ventrilo that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well.

    If anyone wants information on the [VKF] don’t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.

    Don't forget that we are also looking for allies in what is sure to be treacherous journey ahead into the vast and open space. For any questions relating to recruitment and/or being allies with VKF please contact us via our forums. Leave us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

    So why not take at look at us at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live long and prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    AlienTwo wrote: »
    Kuhr was the first, and only member of this fleet for a long time. I serve as a witness and give my testimony o all who care to listen. This was the fleet of Kuhr, at one time an enemy of mine.

    Thanks for the witness man:D...Its been awhile since I seen you! The silence on this is stunning! Your the only one who threw a voice of reason my way and Im am gratefull for that friend. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    /bump from the 12th :)
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