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Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Fleet bump.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good night fleet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good night all...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good morning Fleet-Mates.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Even if you aren't Vulcan, if you appreciate logic, join the VKF. If you like working with Fleet-mates who will watch your back and give you tips, join the VKF. If you play at odd hours like our worldwide members do, join the VKF. If you like medium RP, enjoy either casual or hardcore gaming, PvE or PvP (or both), join the VKF. If you aspire to all the higher qualities of the Federation...guess what? Join us!

    And lastly, if you have a superior intellect, why aren't you already in the VKF with the rest of us?

    Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see what you can gain by affiliating with the most formidible Fleet in the quadrant. Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The VKF is growing quickly, but there are still a number of open positions in leadership. If you are an experienced leader in MMOs, if you enjoy helping others, or if you just want to be involved in the management of a Fleet, look us over!

    Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com

    Some info to help you decide:

    We are medium RP. We respect RL considerations and don't enforce constant group activity. We only require that you provide valuable contributions to the Fleet, in terms of information on gameplay, career progression, mission tips, resource hints, and any other information that you or any other Fleet member would find useful and helpful. Your Fleet-mates will help you with everything from basic concepts to complex tactics and battle strategy, to help you progress in the game and have a thoroughly enjoyable and enriched in-game experience.

    We are worldwide and have players in many timezones. We actively pursue alliances with other Federation Fleets. Plus, we all game at varying schedules, so there's always a fleet member (or ally) available to team with in-game.

    Our Fleet is organized for matrix management:

    We have Four Wings:
    Fleet Matters Wing
    Administrative Wing
    PvP Wing
    PvE Wing

    Our Fleet is headed by our Fleet Admiral, Sybok Kuhr.

    Our Fleet Matters Wing is headed by our Fleet Admiral and is where we discuss game strategy and tactics, as well as internal Fleet Management and Leadership.

    Our Administrative Wing is headed by our Fleet XO, and is where we discuss issues such as career progression, recruiting, foreign relations (including alliances with other Fleets), Intelligence, Fleet Forum management, and Supply.

    Our PvP Wing is where our Battle Group Commanders and Strike Team leaders and Fleet members discuss PvP activity.

    Our PvE Wing is where our Task Force Commanders and Patrol Team Leaders and Fleet members discuss PvE activity.

    For most Fleet members, you will report to the officer in charge of your career field, plus the officer in charge of your PvP group, and the officer in charge of your PvE group. This matrix management is set up to help you progress in your career field, and enrich your in-game experiences in both PvP and PvE. Fleet members can choose whether to focus on PvP or PvE, or work both. Our PvP and PvE Wings are primarily for in-game activity, but you'll find lots of good information on their forums that can help you whether you are in group play or playing solo.

    Fleet members can also rely on the officers of the Administrative Wing to assist them with all aspects of STO. You'll get good intel from the Chief Intelligence Officer, access to the Fleet Bank and lots of game resources from the Chief Supply Officer, and of course elp with your career field progression from your Chief Engineering Officer, Chief Science Officer, or Chief Tactical Officer.

    We hope this information helps you to decide that the VKF is right for you. Visit www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com today!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The VKF is recruiting Vulcans and other races who use cold logic, insightful analysis, and superior intellect to defeat our enemies, protect the Federation, and support our fellow Fleet-mates. If you desire to belong to a formidable force in STO, join the VKF! If you wish to belong to a Fleet that actively allies with other Federation forces, come to the VKF. If you wish to have Fleet-mates who will help you in-game and offline, who will watch your back and be there in the crunch, and who will share their knowledge with you (as you will too), then the VKF is your Fleet!

    Visit www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and open hailing frequencies. To our friends, allies, and Fleet-mates, we say Live Long and Prosper. To our enemies, know that we will Live Long and Subdue.

    From Fleet Admiral Kuhr:

    The year is 2409. You will be entering a hostile time in Federation history. The Course is set. War is the answer for our time! This is taken from "Episode Missions Explained" and I do quote:

    "As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

    The Episodes are based on conflict, much like the main storylines in the Star Trek franchise. Conflict drives drama - will your negotiations with the captain of a Klingon Bird of Prey break down and come to blows? How far do you need to go to apprehend a spy on another vessel? 2409 is a time of war, which means even the most resolute captains will need to make tough choices and come to blows to ensure the survival of their faction.

    We do, however, want to make the battles you fight believable. You can make diplomatic overtures toward characters in Episodes, but on the front lines it's very rare to avoid confrontation when dramatic forces have guided you into hostile territory with combat-ready antagonists nearby. While there are missions in Star Trek Online that don't feature combat at all, Episodes will by and large demand your abilities as a tactician be put into play."

    Even if your by nature a peacful race, you will be engaged in this time period. Their is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking Vulcans who wish to engage their true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need Vulcans who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....VKF choses aggression. Many say we Vulcans are peacful. That we are weak. To much into our logic and beliefs. A change has come. VKF, an all Vulcan Fleet will specialize in Universal Warfare! Total Domination! Complete Annihilation of the Klingons dungy Houses that fester the known Quadrants of Space! Who wish to join VKF on this Epic Journey into a new era of Enlightenment? VKF is organizing the greatest Vulcan Fleet known to VULCAN! Brothers! Will you be part of this? VKF doors are open! At this time, other species may join us! Its up to YOU! Come! My Brothers! Go through this door which is open to you and take hold of your true DESTINY!


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good evening Fleet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    good morning VKF!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good morning Admiral. Good morning Fleet-Mates.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Quick fleet bump
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    To help you decide on which Fleet to join, we would like to provide you some good information to help you make an informed choice. Here is the basic ranking and management structure of the VKF:

    Matrix Management: There are two chains of command, both headed by Fleet Admiral Kuhr:
    The first chain is modeled after the STO ranking system. We use Vulcan names for the ranks.

    When you first join the VKF, you are assigned Cadet status, and your rank is Ne-lan. You will be promoted once you have chosen a career path and have taken the time to learn and understand a bit about the Fleet, and have provided some contribution to the Fleet. Think of Ne-lan as the tutorial part of STO.
    Officer Ranks are roughly equivalent to the STO ranks:
    • Ot-lan = Lieutenant
    • Tra-lan = Lieutenant Commander
    • Zhel-lan = Commander
    • Khart-lan = Captain
    • Halitra-lan = Admiral

    You will progress through these ranks based on your demonstrated performance. This includes providing value on this forum through posting, posting on the VKF Recruitment thread in the STO forum, and in-game performance. VKF Officers see a need, and they fill it. VKF Officers help each other, and respect each other. VKF Officers are trustworthy, honest, and logical, among many other positive traits. We do not flame, we do not gank, camp, grief, or in any way diminish the enjoyment of STO for anyone else, other than by defeating our enemies with dispatch. We share our Intel and game tips with each other. We respect and work with our allies. We answer all Federation Distress Calls.

    Your officer rank above is managed by the career Chief Officer. Each Fleet member chooses a career path (Tactical, Engineering, or Science) and reports to the Chief Tactical Officer, Chief Engineering Officer, or Chief Science Officer for career guidance. You also gather and report to the career Chief Officer any information and Intel on in-game activity including game mechanics, tactics and strategy, mission aspects, location of resources and new discoveries, etc. The career Chief Officers will organize this information along with that from other Fleet members and provide it on their thread so all may benefit.

    Separate from the above ranking structure, is the chain for designated 'area of responsibility' assignments. These are exclusive of the above ranking, in that even a junior officer may be assigned an area of responsibility, given demonstrated performance, capability, and desire - the needs of the Fleet take precedence as determined by the Vulcan High Council. You should note that being offered a Command position entails a significant contribution to the Fleet, so your rank above will be affected by the valuable contributions you make as a leader in one or more of these positions.
    These areas of responsibility currently include:

    • Fleet Admiral
    • VKF Ambassador to Other Fleets
    • Chief Tactical Officer
    • Chief Engineering Officer
    • Chief Science Officer
    • Wing Marshall
    • Battle Group Commander
    • Task Force Commander
    • Strike Team Leader

    The Fleet Admiral is Admiral Kuhr, who is our V'las, our Administrator of the High Command, and Head of the Fleet and of the Vulcan High Council. The Ambassador position is our forward face to our allies and potential allies, this position negotiates alliances and treaties on behalf of the Fleet. The Chief [Career] Officers are in charge of career development for all Fleet members in their career path.

    The remaining positions are primarily in-game group Commanders. Currently we have one Battle Group Command (for PvP) and one Task Force Command (for PvE), as well as any number of Strike Teams (both PvP and PvE) - all of these need leaders who can leverage the strengths of individual players in all career fields to create a force that will accomplish all missions, win all battles, and help each other in engagements. The leaders selected for these positions will have the honor of naming their Wing, Group, Force, or Team - choose wisely (there is a handy Vulcan-English dictionary at http://www.starbase-10.de/vld/).

    These positions may be supplemented by additional positions as the Fleet requires. We expect our Officers to make their qualifications and command aspirations known up-front, so that the Vulcan High Council can assess and make the right assignments.

    If you desire a position of responsibility, we have a position for you. Join the VKF! Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Do you want to have mates who will watch your back and help you when you need it?
    Do you want a rich experience in-game?
    Do you want to fast-track your character, and find resources quickly?
    Do you want to know what traits, skills and equipment are best for your character/career?

    Part of our Fleet's activities is to plow through the mass of information on this forum, released by Cryptic, and available elsewhere. We cull the important information to create tight and informative game guide info and tips for each profession. It can take you many hours to go through everything on STO, trying to extract fact from conjecture. Let our forum at http://vulcankolinahrfleet.forumotion.com/forum.htm help you zero in on exactly what you need to advance quickly in STO. Of course, you must be a Fleet member to see this!

    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination will be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch. Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The VKF is recruiting Vulcans and other races who use cold logic, insightful analysis, and superior intellect to defeat our enemies, protect the Federation, and support our fellow Fleet-mates. If you desire to belong to a formidable force in STO, join the VKF! If you wish to belong to a Fleet that actively allies with other Federation forces, come to the VKF. If you wish to have Fleet-mates who will help you in-game and offline, who will watch your back and be there in the crunch, and who will share their knowledge with you (as you will too), then the VKF is your Fleet!

    Visit www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and open hailing frequencies. To our friends, allies, and Fleet-mates, we say Live Long and Prosper. To our enemies, know that we will Live Long and Subdue.

    From Fleet Admiral Kuhr:

    The year is 2409. You will be entering a hostile time in Federation history. The Course is set. War is the answer for our time! This is taken from "Episode Missions Explained" and I do quote:

    "As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

    The Episodes are based on conflict, much like the main storylines in the Star Trek franchise. Conflict drives drama - will your negotiations with the captain of a Klingon Bird of Prey break down and come to blows? How far do you need to go to apprehend a spy on another vessel? 2409 is a time of war, which means even the most resolute captains will need to make tough choices and come to blows to ensure the survival of their faction.

    We do, however, want to make the battles you fight believable. You can make diplomatic overtures toward characters in Episodes, but on the front lines it's very rare to avoid confrontation when dramatic forces have guided you into hostile territory with combat-ready antagonists nearby. While there are missions in Star Trek Online that don't feature combat at all, Episodes will by and large demand your abilities as a tactician be put into play."

    Even if your by nature a peacful race, you will be engaged in this time period. Their is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking Vulcans who wish to engage their true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need Vulcans who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....VKF choses aggression. Many say we Vulcans are peacful. That we are weak. To much into our logic and beliefs. A change has come. VKF, an all Vulcan Fleet will specialize in Universal Warfare! Total Domination! Complete Annihilation of the Klingons dungy Houses that fester the known Quadrants of Space! Who wish to join VKF on this Epic Journey into a new era of Enlightenment? VKF is organizing the greatest Vulcan Fleet known to VULCAN! Brothers! Will you be part of this? VKF doors are open! At this time, other species may join us! Its up to YOU! Come! My Brothers! Go through this door which is open to you and take hold of your true DESTINY!


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Fleet bump.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good night Fleet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good morning Fleet!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The year is 2409. You will be entering a hostile time in Federation history. The Course is set. War is the answer for our time! This is taken from "Episode Missions Explained" and I do quote:

    "As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

    The Episodes are based on conflict, much like the main storylines in the Star Trek franchise. Conflict drives drama - will your negotiations with the captain of a Klingon Bird of Prey break down and come to blows? How far do you need to go to apprehend a spy on another vessel? 2409 is a time of war, which means even the most resolute captains will need to make tough choices and come to blows to ensure the survival of their faction.

    We do, however, want to make the battles you fight believable. You can make diplomatic overtures toward characters in Episodes, but on the front lines it's very rare to avoid confrontation when dramatic forces have guided you into hostile territory with combat-ready antagonists nearby. While there are missions in Star Trek Online that don't feature combat at all, Episodes will by and large demand your abilities as a tactician be put into play."

    Even if you are by nature a peaceful race, you will be engaged in this time period. There is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking those races who wish to engage the true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need compatriots who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....VKF chooses aggression.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Many say Vulcans are peaceful. That they are weak. Too much into their logic and beliefs. A change has come. VKF, an expanding Vulcan Fleet will specialize in Universal Warfare! Total Domination! Who wish to join VKF on this Epic Journey into a new era of Enlightenment? VKF is organizing the greatest Fleet known to VULCAN!

    Brothers! Will you be a part of this? VKF doors are open! Any species may join us! Its up to YOU! Come! My Brothers! Go through the door now open to you and take hold of your true DESTINY!

    [url] http://www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com/ [/url]
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I would like to fill a few people in on our small but great fleet, we are easy going, driven and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that’s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet Ventrilo that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well.

    If anyone wants information on the [VKF] don’t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place but do not require you to use it if you don't want to. Our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    I am sure you are looking for a fleet to join that will no doubt be a fleet of activity, dedication and a certain degree of maturity. Within the [VKF], you will find all of those things and so much more. Our fleet becomes more and more co-ordinate with each passing day. You can guarantee that this fleet will go far in the STO universe and you would be wise to join us for a fun and active environment. Be it PvE you are interested in or even PvP, we will have what best suits you.

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, it also realizes that everyone has lives as well so therefore when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about your position within the fleet being lost. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand ourselves that sometimes real life can become interfere and some time is needed to sort it out again.

    Not only would VKF be a stable fleet to join, it would be one that would give you an experience you will never soon forget or wish to be parted from. You will find yourself pleased you joined our fleet.

    Part of our Fleet's activities is to plow through the mass of information on this forum, released by Cryptic, and available elsewhere. We cull the important information to create tight and informative game guide info and tips for each profession.

    It can take you many hours to go through everything on STO, trying to extract fact from conjecture. Let our forum at [url] http://www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com [/url] help you zero in on exactly what you need to advance quickly in STO. Of course, you must be a Fleet member to see this!

    Live long and prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The following is a bit of detailed information about our Fleet, how we are operating and intend to operate in-game, and...the why of VKF. There are lots of recruiting messages that simply say, join us! This isn't one of them. This note is intended to provide you with what you need to know about VKF so you can make an informed decision for Fleet Affiliation.

    First, why affiliate with a Fleet at all? You may ask yourself can't I have a good in-game experience without belonging to a Fleet? My answer is that, while you can have lots of fun by yourself (actually with your NPC BOs and other NPC elements), an MMO is truly enhanced by collaborative/cooperative game play. MMOs are designed to give you more fun by interacting with other players - you can accomplish or achieve more in the game with more people. Having other brains working on the same problem will nearly always yield a better solution than without.

    Second, why not wait, see how the game goes and then decide which Fleet to choose? My answer to this, now that STO has launched, most of us will want to spend our available time in-game, accomplishing missions, participating in battles, and exploring. Right now, is the time to do your research and find out game mechanics - how it will work and what to do in STO. It's also the time (thanks in part to the universe of Trek fans who have decades invested in their fandom) to find folks that you'll want to be with in STO. We think you'll want mates who will help you gear up for STO as well as in-game.

    At this point, you are probably trying to figure out what are our Fleet values, goals and objectives, how they will operate, and what you can expect to gain from affiliation with the VKF. That's the primary info that you need to make an informed decision about whether to join us, or some other Fleet. So without further ado...

    The VKF's goal is to enrich in-game experiences for all our Fleet members. We will do this by providing valuable Intel to our members on game mechanics, location of resources, strategies for skill-building and ranking up, and extensive collaborative game play coordination. We get valuable info through our Fleet members, who channel information to the specific areas of our forum - and we organize the forum so you can find the info you need quickly. We will organize our in-game group play to leverage the specific skills and abilities of our Fleet members. We have a Ventrilo server ready for use in-game, and will use open beta time to get an advance start on game info for our Fleet members.

    The VKF is a medium RP Fleet engaging in strong PVP and PVE game play, with these missions: Search & Destroy, Annihilation of all Klingon Houses, Deep Space Exploration, Diplomacy, Pacts and Trade Agreements, Intelligence Gathering, Strong Resourcing, Building Starbases, Alliances, Conquering Hostile New Worlds, Building State-of-the-Art Starships, Science/Research, Escorts, First Contact.

    Our Fleet is organized using matrix management. Fleet Chief Officers manage the three career progressions, and collect career advancement info to help folks rank up quickly, gain resources, etc. All Fleet members report also to one or more Battle Group (PVP) or Task Force (PVE) Commands for coordinated group play in-game. Our BG/TF Commanders (would you like to vie for one?) leverage members from all the career paths to build on our Fleet members' strengths. We believe that coordinated Fleet action in both PVP and PVE environments will enhance both the individual game experience and the 'spoils of war'. We believe away missions will be much more successful if you often go dirt-side with other Starship Captains rather than your junior BOs all the time.

    Our membership is world-wide, although we are not huge (yet) - the idea is that there will always be Fleet members online when you are, mates to help out in the crunch. English is the lingua franca although we sprinkle Vulcan words and phrases in liberally for RP. RL always takes precedence, but with our membership and alliances, there will be plenty of gamers to play with. We accommodate hard-core and casual gamers, and will use whatever talent we have. Our command structure is designed to get the best out of all Fleet members while giving them enriched game-play and access to the best Intel for resources and skill-point building.

    Our rank structure will follow STO in general, plus we use the Vulcan ranking structure (Ot-lan, Tra-lan, etc.) for hierarchy inside the Fleet, and titles for area of responsibility (like Chief Science Officer, BG Commander, etc.) for coordination of Fleet action and activity.

    Unlike most Fleets, we have (and need) only one Admiral at this time. We have openings for experienced MMO toon leaders and organizational leaders (in STO we're using BG/TF Commanders, Strike Force Leaders, Mission Commanders, etc.). We aren't overly focused on promotion for its' own sake, but more for getting the right people with the right skills in the right positions to get the best performance in-game out of our Fleet members. If you want to rank up and/or gain positions of authority in the VKF, applying your skills in the STO and VKF forums now, and in-game once we go to open beta and after launch will earn the rewards you want.

    Even if you are new to MMOs in general, or group play, the VKF has a place for you, and will help you go much further and faster than you could on your own. Our objective is for every member of the VKF to have the most fun and engaging game experience possible.

    You should by all means check out other Fleets if you want to really make an informed choice. We think that if you've read this far, you've probably already looked a few over, and with the info above, should be ready to make a choice. Choose VKF!

    Feel free to visit our forum at http://vulcankolinahrfleet.forumotion.com/index.htm. Once you join our Fleet, you will have access to (and will contribute towards) salient information that you and we all need to enjoy STO to the fullest. Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Are you a natural or trained leader?
    Then consider the VKF, we need individuals (any race, any sex) who can lead others in PVE or PVP action in-game. Read some of our recruiting posts and see if the VKF is right for you - it would be logical to assume yes, if you answer yes to the subject question.

    If the answer is no, and you would rather be in the ranks, the VKF also needs you, and you can benefit greatly from the help your Fleet-mates will provide. Consider your options, then choose VKF!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Do you want to have mates who will watch your back and help you when you need it?
    Do you want a rich experience in-game?
    Do you want to fast-track your character, and find resources quickly?
    Do you want to know what traits, skills and equipment are best for your character/career?

    Part of our Fleet's activities is to plow through the mass of information on this forum, released by Cryptic, and available elsewhere. We cull the important information to create tight and informative game guide info and tips for each profession. It can take you many hours to go through everything on STO, trying to extract fact from conjecture. Let our forum at http://vulcankolinahrfleet.forumotion.com/forum.htm help you zero in on exactly what you need to advance quickly in STO. Of course, you must be a Fleet member to see this!

    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a Ventrilo server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination will be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch. Live Long and Prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good night fleet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good evening Fleet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good evening Fleet.

    Congrats on your promotion!:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Effective immediately, 1st of Many@Phoenix_Lord is entitled to display 3 stars on his avatar picture. 1st of Many is a former Borg who has joined the VKF and embraced logic, and is a credit to our Fleet. And, he is fun to team with too!

    Check us out at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see if you are meant to be in the VKF!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good morning Fleet-mates. Thank you again for the promotion. Just need to upgrade my sigpic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Good morning. I hope you will take a moment and consider the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. Ours is a small but great (and growing) fleet. We are easy going, dedicated and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that’s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet Ventrilo that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well. Many of us are located on the East Coast (USA) but we do have members scattered across the globe.

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, it also realizes that everyone has lives as well so therefore when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about your position within the fleet being lost. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand ourselves that sometimes real life can become interfere and some time is needed to sort it out again.

    So please think about joining us and move into 2409 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.


    Live Long and Prosper!

    If you or anyone else wants additional information on the [VKF] don’t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.
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