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Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet



  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The year will soon be 2410. You will be entering a hostile time in Federation history. The Course is set. War is the answer for our time! This is taken from "Episode Missions Explained" and I do quote:

    "As the story develops, the stakes increase. While Episodes later in the game don't take longer in terms of time or the number of in-game objectives, the plot itself accelerates to a dramatic pitch. The threats you'll face are as great as any you've seen in the Star Trek movies. That's not to say early missions are anything to scoff at, however; the early Episodes are designed to be intriguing and dangerous, too.

    The Episodes are based on conflict, much like the main storylines in the Star Trek franchise. Conflict drives drama - will your negotiations with the captain of a Klingon Bird of Prey break down and come to blows? How far do you need to go to apprehend a spy on another vessel? 2409 is a time of war, which means even the most resolute captains will need to make tough choices and come to blows to ensure the survival of their faction.

    We do, however, want to make the battles you fight believable. You can make diplomatic overtures toward characters in Episodes, but on the front lines it's very rare to avoid confrontation when dramatic forces have guided you into hostile territory with combat-ready antagonists nearby. While there are missions in Star Trek Online that don't feature combat at all, Episodes will by and large demand your abilities as a tactician be put into play."

    Even if you are by nature a peaceful race, you will be engaged in this time period. There is no neutral ground. You must choose your destiny. VKF is seeking those races who wish to engage the true essence in their blood. To be the best in the sciences, research and War! We need compatriots who do not fear the edge or the unknown. Logic dictates what action we must chose....VKF chooses aggression.

    Brothers! Will you be a part of this? VKF doors are open! Any one may join us! Its up to YOU! Come my Brothers and Sisters! Go through the door now open to you and take hold of your true DESTINY!


  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would like to fill a few people in on our small fleet. We are fun, easy going, driven and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that?s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet TeamSpeak3 that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well.

    If anyone wants information on the [VKF] don?t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.

  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Welcome to the VKF! The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet is a group of avid Star Trek Online gamers whose goal is to enjoy STO to the fullest. We may engage in some role play, and certainly work in the PvE and PvP environments.

    We have also been hard at work developing forum accolades - medals and ribbons our members earn. Along with new rank insignia and a new Fleet Banner, we are looking quite good! Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see the new VKF - just in time for Free2Play and 2410!

    Accompanying this new look, our members have been hard at work delving into the mysteries of different builds, respec plans, and strategies for the various STFs, Fleet Actions, and the new episodes. We dig out the nuggets of information and put them in easy reach for our members so everyone doesn't have to do hours and hours of research to find out the ins and outs of STO. You'll find us a diverse group of gamers, encompassing many different interest areas and styles of play - there's just about something for everyone in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet!

    So, peruse our forums and discussion threads, and you will see we are from all over the world, and from all walks of real life. In-game we are many playable races, both factions, and all the specialties and career paths. We encompass a lot of different aspects of STO and do a lot of communicating in-game and outside - via forum, chat, our TeamSpeak3 voice chat server, even the occasional mind-meld - I know you will fit in just fine!

    So stretch out, relax and chat with us, and let's play STO! Live Long and Prosper!

  • misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Peace and Long Life hope everyone is having a good day today. I just wanted to invite any one to join the VKF weather your fleet is dead, or you feel overlooked in your current fleet your fleet doesn't use Team speak, your looking to become more active in PvP we have many members who have a second home in Ker'rat or just looking to have a great build we can help to talior one to your likening so log on to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com may you all Live Long And Prosper
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a TeamSpeak3 server in place but do not require you to use it if you don't want to. Our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    I am sure you are looking for a fleet to join that will no doubt be a fleet of activity, dedication and a certain degree of maturity. Within the [VKF], you will find all of those things and so much more. Our fleet becomes more and better coordinated with each passing day. You can guarantee that this fleet is going far in the STO universe and you would be wise to join us for a fun and active environment. Be it PvE you are interested in or even PvP, we will have what best suits you.

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, it also realizes that everyone has lives as well, so therefore when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about losing your position within the fleet. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand ourselves that sometimes real life issues can interfere and some time is needed to sort it out again.

    Not only would the VKF be a stable fleet to join, it would be one that would give you an experience you will never soon forget nor wish to be parted from. You will find yourself pleased you joined our fleet.

    Part of our Fleet's activities is to plow through the mass of information on this forum, released by Cryptic, and available elsewhere in many divergent locations. We cull the important information to create tight and informative game guide info and tips for each profession.

    It can take you many hours to go through everything on STO, trying to extract fact from conjecture. Let our forum at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet help you zero in on exactly what you need to advance quickly in STO. Of course, you must be a Fleet member to see this!

    Live long and prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    With the arrival of Spires, Dilithium Mines, Embassies and Starbases we are looking to again grow the VKF. Why not join us and become a part of a truly great fleet.

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • champion1701champion1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It is good to see that VKF is still around!

    You guys were one of the few fleets from the dark days that I remember, when I was a Admiral for 12th we use to old school STF runs with your fleet ^_^

    If you are looking for new alliances, contact my admiralty here at Liberty Task Force, they are a great group to run with.


    =/\= Commodore Champion1701 =/\=

    =/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=

    =/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thanks Champion. I will do that now.
  • misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Peace And Long Life

    Hope everyone had a great weekend did everyone put the hurt on some Voth while the event is going i know myself and other fleetmate's have been grinding away :) If you are tired of soloing the grind or just tired of your inactive fleet then Log on to www.VulcanKolinahrFleet.com And join us we are alway's looking for another friend to join our rank's and as alway's

    Live Long And Prosper
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We are actively recruiting for like-minded individuals who crave the positive aspects of collaborative gameplay. We have a TeamSpeak3 server in place, our members are world-wide, and you will always have a Fleet member available somewhere for support and group efforts. In group work, our Fleet coordination strives to be unparalleled, and we will decimate our enemies with dispatch. We will explore and discover everything STO has to offer, and share our findings with our Fleet members so all are enriched.

    Join us and move into 2410 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch.

    Don't forget that we are also looking for allies in what is sure to be treacherous journey ahead into the vast and open space. For any questions relating to recruitment and/or being allies with VKF please contact us via our forums. Leave us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

    So why not take at look at us at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live long and prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We are the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet, made up of Vulcans and other races who value logic and analysis, are very organized around our central concept: To enhance and enrich the STO experience for our members. We help each other with info and game items (shared in our Fleet Bank), we don't require our members to do much more than share info and Intel, and we respect RL - always. We have members on odd schedules and our membership is worldwide - there will always be at least one VKF member around to team with, and often more. Away missions are real fun with a group of players coordinating on TeamSpeak (faster than the chat box), and space battles are...epic!

    Check us out at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com/forum.php and see if we are what you want.

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We see lots of posts by players who are looking for an active fleet. I'm guessing that what they are looking for could be one or more of the following:
    • people online when they are, who they can chat with in-game.
    • people online when they are, and there's a Ventrilo or TeamSpeak server so they can voice chat with them.
    • people online when they are, and available to team up for missions or PvP.

    Just about all fleets will affirm that they are active, but they may be responding to only one or two of the above indicators, or with another rationale entirely. For example, they could be active on their forum (i.e., lots of recent posts and discussion going on), or they have a dedicated group into one or more specific activities (such as role-play).

    Fleets work hard to maintain a good activity level. Some fleets try to maximize their in-game activity by focusing on one playtime range (or they may focus on one time zone, and you can assume that the evening hours in that time zone are the most popular playtime range).

    Some fleets go for maximum numbers of members, so that there's a better chance there will be a good number of members online at the same time.

    Some fleets focus on making sure there are a few dedicated and hardcore players online all the time, so there's always someone to talk to (think duty officer).

    And some fleets encumber their members with check-in and/or participation requirements to help make sure there's always someone to talk to or team.

    Of course, this is all quantitative, not qualitative. Here at the VKF, we focus on qualitative. We're not interested in being the largest fleet, or having the most players lined up for a photo shoot, or even fielding a ton of members for joint fleet actions, We are interested in attracting other gamers who share our core values, and who want to have friends like us. We may fly solo sometimes, we may fly together. We may chat with each other, we may remain silent. We do what each of us wants to at any point in time, and don't enforce specific activity on each other.

    The VKF is a group of gamers who play mostly STO, who value logic and intellect in gameplay, and who treasure both diversity and the freedom to do what we want, when we want. There are enough of us so that there's usually someone to chat with, at least some parts of every day. There's often someone to team with, at least some parts of every day. And we have a TeamSpeak server for any whom wish to use it - when they want to. And we engage in a little light role-play now and then - when the mood strikes us.

    We have an active forum at The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet where we share information and game tips, chat on (we have a live chat box) about whatever we want, and in general, spend time together as friends. We often find ourselves chatting and posting on the forum, and also chatting and playing in STO at the same time. I find most days there are 3-5 people on during the daytime and evening hours (US), and often late into the night and early in the morning there's often one or two around.

    So yes, I call that active, but it's likely not nearly as active as some of the fine, larger Fleets in STO. I'm not knocking them either; there are some great fleets out there! But we feel the VKF has found its niche, and we seem to continue to attract people who share our values, and our friendship pool is continuing to grow. We've been around since before Launch Day, and will be around...well perhaps forever is pushing it, but I can count at least a handful of members who will remain with us for as long as they can click a mouse button (myself included).

    Before you make a choice for joining a Fleet, please take my advice and research your choices carefully. Make sure the fleet you join is the one you'll be happy with. Imo, a bad decision up-front can sour you on some of the best aspects of STO for a long time to come. You might as well take enough time to make an informed choice that fits you. If it happens to be the VKF, that's great! If it's another Fleet, then I'm sure we'll see you in the quadrant from time to time, we do quite a bit of joint fleet activity, and have alliances with lots of other Fleets in STO.

    Regardless of where you go in STO, know that the VKF members will act honorably in battle (thanks to learning from the Klingons), will use our logic and intellect to control the power of emotion (thanks to learning from Earthlings), and will answer all Federation or Klingon hails & distress calls.

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We are a military organization, and have decided for ourselves that a matrix-management method works best for us. While no member of the VKF is required to serve in any position of responsibility or leadership, we certainly encourage our members to help out in any way.

    Our first matrix is the hierarchical leadership, aka the chain-of-command. Most Fleets in STO are headed by the Fleet Admiral, and we are no different. However, we do have some extra layers:

    For overall strategic direction, we depend on the Vulcan High Command. This is headed by our Grand Admiral Keysailor and is made up of selected members of the Fleet who've proven their loyalty and pledged long-term commitment to the VKF. Membership is by invitation only. The Vulcan term we use in-game for the VHC is V'Ket. This body is served by our Speaker for the Vulcan High Command, T'Kota - who provides the voice for the V'Ket.

    A subset of the Vulcan High Command is our V'Shar - our "Keepers of the Fleet". This is a permanent and small group of members who are charged with preserving and protecting the VKF - forever.

    For day-to-day operational and tactical direction, we depend on the Fleet Admiral and his/her Executive Officer, and the chain of command underneath them:

    We have two Wing Commanders, one for Operations and one for Administration.

    In Operations, we have the PVP Wing Commander, the PvE Wing commander, our KDF Wing Commander, and our VELA SNR Exploration Wing Commander. They are supported by Battle Group Commanders (for PvP) and Task Force Commanders (PvE). Under them are the Strike Force Leaders (PvP) and Patrol Team Leaders (PvE).

    In Administration, we have the Chief Engineer, the Chief Scientist, and the Chief Tactician, who oversee and organize the in-game career progression for each career field. We also have our Kevet-dutar or Fleet Ambassador with his/her diplomatic corps, our Chief Recruiting Officer, our Chief Supply Officer, and our Chief Personnel Officer, all of who have staff positions to help support each of their missions.

    So on one side of the matrix, you may report to a Patrol Team Leader, who reports to a Task Force Commander, who reports to the PvE Wing Commander, who reports to the Fleet Admiral.

    On another side, you may report to the Chief Science Officer, who reports to the Administrative Wing Commander, who reports to the Fleet Admiral.

    So you would report (i.e., work) through the chain of command depending for the activity that you engage. Dealing with Fleet Bank issues? See the Chief Supply Officer. Interested in a job in VKF management/leadership? See the Chief Personnel Officer. It works pretty well for us.

    In the Fleet, we also have military ranks for members to progress (if they choose). While they roughly correlate to standard military ranks, they have no relationship with your in-game character's rank, but are simply a way to allow our Fleet members to progress within the Fleet regardless of whether they take on management/leadership jobs - although doing so is an easy and quick way to rank up in the VKF! These ranks are (from lowest to highest):
    [*] Ne-lan (this is the lowest cadet or recruit rank, think of it as similar to the tutorial level of STO)
    [*] Ot-lan (this is the basic rank of a VKF member, think of it as similar to the Lieutenant rank)
    [*] Tra-lan (this is an advancement rank, similar to Lt. Commander)
    [*] Zhel-lan (this is the next level, similar to Commander)
    [*] Khart-lan (this is our top rank below admiralty, similar to Captain)
    [*] Nik'el-lan (this is our first admiralty rank, similar to Rear Admiral)
    [*] Shaltra-lan (this is the next admiralty rank, similar to Vice Admiral)
    [*] Halitra-lan (this is the top admiralty rank, similar to Admiral)
    We have special designations for certain members that either match or exceed the above ranks. These include the F-rel-barr (or Grand Admiral), our Pid-Trensu (or High Executive Officer), our Speaker for the VHC, our Ton-Barr (or Fleet Admiral), and our Qang (or Chancellor of the KDF Command) positions.

    In-game, we have the seven ranks that are used for Fleet permissions. They are (from lowest to highest):
    1. Ang'jmizn - Starship Captain (new members)
    2. Kadvin - Commissioned Officer (members who've passed the Ne-lan rank)
    3. Pelq-ari k'puu - VDF Captain, 3rd Rank (members who've accepted their first position of responsibility and/or demonstrated their loyalty to the Fleet, long-term)
    4. Pelq-ari lik'rt - VDF Captain, 2nd Rank (members who've worked in more than one position of responsibility)
    5. Pelq-ari - VDF Captain, 1st Rank (demonstrated leaders who've worked in multiple positions of responsibility and proven themselves 'fit leaders')
    6. V'Ket - VDF Leadership (our top leaders of the Fleet and the Vulcan High Command)
    7. V'Shar - Keepers of the Fleet (our permanent long-term protectors of the Fleet)
    These ranks allow us to manage the Fleet permissions for all our members in-game (such as withdrawal permissions from the Fleet Bank).

    Of course, any member may communicate with any other member, rank or position notwithstanding. Same for teaming, helping out or helping each other, etc... These ranks and positions are simply a way for each of our Fleet members to find their own niche, participate however they choose to for their own enjoyment.

    And finally, we do have an accolade system in place, that awards ribbons for exemplary action or conduct, both in-game and elsewhere. Some of these ribbons are tied to in-game activities, and some are for service to the Fleet. You'll see these accolades displayed on this forum beneath the avatar of the Fleet member (at the left of their posts or on their profile). Our goal is to recognize any and all accomplishments of our members, and celebrate their achievements.
    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    With Fleet Starbases, Embassies, Mines and now the Spire here, you're going to want to join a fleet so that you'll have access to all the items you'll only be able to purchase in the Starbases. The bigger Fleets can offer you a better chance to get all of these things because their shops will be up and running quickly as they soar through the Tiers to get their Starbase up and fully operational. But the possibility exists that they run the risk of having more items to donate then there is a demand for. Which mean that you may not get all that many Fleet Credits you want to purchase things from the Stores.

    However, within the VKF, you'll have the chance to donate much more to the various projects, which also means that you'll have the ability to purchase more from the Stores. We are working to have something in place so that everyone gets a good crack at Fleet Credit. If you want to get the most out of the Starbases and Embassies and you're not a part of a Fleet just yet, then you'll want to take a serious, long look at the VKF. We might be small, but we feel that we can actually offer more out of our Starbase and Embassy then the larger fleets; which is something that you'll literally be able to take to the bank.

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would like to fill everyone in on our small fleet. We are fun, easy going, driven and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that?s what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game. We have a fleet TeamSpeak3 that we use not just for the game but to hang out as well.

    If anyone wants information on the [VKF] don?t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.

  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hello everyone. If you're looking for a fleet, this is one of the ones you should check out first. We have members of all shapes and sizes, and from all walks of life. If you're serious gamers who strive to be as good as you possibly can, boy do we have people you should meet; if you like to go accolade hunting, we have people who will grind it out with you; if you're the casual gamer, just looking for a good time, we can most definitely help with that. So, come by our forums and check us out. :D
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Good afternoon. I hope you will take a moment and consider the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are a small but great fleet. We are easy going, dedicated and friendly. We all come from different backgrounds and have different ways of doing things, but that?s part of what makes us great.

    Anyone in our fleet is happy to help others when needed, in almost any aspect of the game and in some cases RL. We have a fleet TeamSpeak3 server that we use for voice chat not just in-game but also to hang out as well and get to know each other better (not required, just available). Many of us are located on the East Coast and Midwest (USA), Canada, England and we recently re-established our Australian branch. :D

    Although I say our fleet is dedicated, we also realize that everyone has lives as well, so when you need to take the time, you don't need to be concerned about losing your position within the fleet due to RL too. We do not discriminate against such things because we understand that sometimes real life issues and problems can take time to resolve, and that some time is needed to sort things out.

    So please, think about joining and moving with us into 2410 armed with the best Intel, the most specific and targeted body of knowledge about STO, and a group of Fleet-mates who will be there with you in the crunch. Our Starbase is well into Tier 4 and we have started making inroads into advancing towards a Tier 2 Spire. Our Embassy and Mine are fully complete. We also provide many commodities to all for donation to the projects.

    The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

    Live Long and Prosper!

    If you would like additional information on the [VKF] please don?t hesitate to contact me or any of our members.
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Welcome to the VKF! The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet is a group of avid Star Trek Online gamers whose goal is to enjoy STO to the fullest. We may engage in some role play, and certainly work in the PvE and PvP environments.

    We have also been hard at work developing forum accolades - medals and ribbons our members earn. Along with new rank insignia and a new Fleet Banner, we are looking quite good! Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see the new VKF - just in time for Free2Play and 2410!

    Accompanying this new look, our members have been hard at work delving into the mysteries of different builds, respec plans, and strategies for the various STFs, Fleet Actions, and the new episodes. We dig out the nuggets of information and put them in easy reach for our members so everyone doesn't have to do hours and hours of research to find out the ins and outs of STO. You'll find us a diverse group of gamers, encompassing many different interest areas and styles of play - there's just about something for everyone in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet!

    So, peruse our forums and discussion threads, and you will see we are from all over the world, and from all walks of real life. In-game we are many playable races, both factions, and all the specialties and career paths. We encompass a lot of different aspects of STO and do a lot of communicating in-game and outside - via forum, chat, our TeamSpeak3 voice chat server, even the occasional mind-meld - I know you will fit in just fine!

    So stretch out, relax and chat with us, and let's play STO! Live Long and Prosper!

  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    With 100?s of new and old Fleets in STO, you may find it difficult to decide which right Fleet is for you. Please, learn everything that is possible there is to about all the fleets out there.

    Or simply warp over to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet - :D logic dictates that if you are reading this, you are considering the VKF - and we have prepared our Home section to give you enough data to make an informed choice.

    Our Fleet is small but looking to grow. We have a TeamSpeak3 server at your disposal, and our members enjoy teaming to enrich the gameplay for everyone. We are Vulcans and other races who embrace logic and (in 2409) the use of controlled emotion to decisively win battles and protect the Federation. We ally with other Federation Fleets to expand teaming possibilities in-game, and have a worldwide membership of avid STO gamers who have high interest in game mechanics, strategy and tactics, and team coordination so that each member plays to their unique character and ship strengths. We have members who specialize in crafting, others who enjoy Tribble breeding, and others who have rolled new characters simply to be able to team on an even footing with new people to STO and new members. We enjoy discovering new features (and well-hidden old features!) of STO, and are actively discussing a number of subjects including skill point distribution, crafting and breeding tips, ship selection, and specific career field tips. We have a discussion area or "Main Hall" for discussions that are common to all career fields.

    Follow your logic to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet and join us - the quadrant needs your help to protect Federation interests!
  • misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Peace and Long Life

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm during these what seem's like non-stop cold and snowy day's so why not Join the VKF to spend those boring day's at home with an awesome group of people. Have fun with our awesome fleet join us for Fleet wedensday both EU fleet day that morning or US fleet day that afternoon Our Starbase is moving toward T5 fast Spire heading for T3 dilithum done and Embassy done aswell so why not join us and enjoy the Fruit's of victory with us!! So yield to the Logic and Join us


    and as alway's may you all

    Live Long and Prosper
  • misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Peace and Long Life Did everyone take advantage of the dilithum weekend?? I know I sure did and I seen many teams the last few days really grinding STFs and crystalline Entity. Really helped move the KDF and Fed side along so why not join us and be ready for next weekends event so log on to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and of course Live Long and Prosper
  • madblooddollmadblooddoll Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I had some questions about your fleet. Would it be at all possible, for me to message you in game through mail?
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Sure Madblooddoll. You can send them to me if you like - handle is @Phoenix_Lord. :D
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Welcome to the VKF! The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet is a group of avid Star Trek Online gamers whose goal is to enjoy STO to the fullest. We may engage in some role play, and certainly work in the PvE and PvP environments.

    We have also been hard at work developing forum accolades - medals and ribbons our members earn. Along with new rank insignia and a new Fleet Banner, we are looking quite good! Visit us at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and see the new VKF - just in time for Free2Play and 2410!

    Accompanying this new look, our members have been hard at work delving into the mysteries of different builds, respec plans, and strategies for the various STFs, Fleet Actions, and the new episodes. We dig out the nuggets of information and put them in easy reach for our members so everyone doesn't have to do hours and hours of research to find out the ins and outs of STO. You'll find us a diverse group of gamers, encompassing many different interest areas and styles of play - there's just about something for everyone in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet!

    So, peruse our forums and discussion threads, and you will see we are from all over the world, and from all walks of real life. In-game we are many playable races, both factions, and all the specialties and career paths. We encompass a lot of different aspects of STO and do a lot of communicating in-game and outside - via forum, chat, our TeamSpeak3 voice chat server, even the occasional mind-meld - I know you will fit in just fine!

    So stretch out, relax and chat with us, and let's play STO! Live Long and Prosper!

  • petrif666petrif666 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Glad to be in this fleet :cool:
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks Petrif. We are glad that you are a part of the VKF. :D
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hope everyone is doing well today. :D
  • misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hope everyone is taking advantage of the Bouns Fleet Mark event weekend I know the VKF sure is we filled the Fleet mark part of T3 Spire Research in less the a few hour's 9k marks. But we still have a way's to go so we spent yesterday at dyson Battleground and had two team's toghter fighting it out with the Voth!! Alway's looking to get more player's to join us!!!


    So why not join us and Enjoy our Spoils of war log onto www.VulcanKolinahrFleet.com

    Live Long and Prosper /\/\

    Mopar out
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you value logic, analysis and intellect, your instincts were correct, and you have visited the appropriate recruiting thread in Starbase One.

    If you like to delve into the deepest nooks and crannies of game mechanics, find hidden nuggets of knowledge about STO and share them with your Fleet-mates, you belong in the VKF. If you want to team with friends who will not only watch your back, but let you show off your best skills and tactics while defeating the enemy with dispatch and
  • vkfphoenixlordvkfphoenixlord Member Posts: 1,991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I want to welcome everyone to the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. We are looking to reconnect with our long lost Romulan family. Please join us in building a new future where Romulans and Vulcan along with all species are united against those that would seek to extinguish the flames of freedom.

    So head over to The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet, learn about how we are organized, how we operate, and how we socialize. Our Fleet forum is stocked with knowledge, and our Fleet bank is stocked with equipment to enrich your STO experience. Join the VKF now!

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