Last night i tested it and Klingon War Zones are not working. ( FIX ASAP )
Also if the situtation is the same with the Klingon Nebula missions 21+ (not there or not working) they need a fix asap. ( just double check em , to be sure ).
Klingons have only PvP and it seems those Ques take now 30mins each (lastnight was really bad).
same problem with the fed side. You scan the nodes and destroy the repair hubs in Borg Hunt and it doesnt even register as being a completed mission. Come on DEV's this mission has had major issues since Beta so why isnt it fixed yet?
Havent tried the ground combat one yet but i expect that its the same just like it was in Beta too.
This game is beyond the joke. and i accepted these problems during beta, but this is not beta anymore devs, you really need to get this sorted aswell as the server lag issues
well i dropped the mission for borg hunt but when i go back to Deepspace K7 and speak to the commander there that gives you the mission, he has no missions for me. So i can't even get the mission back so i can go and do it again when and if they get it working properly. i just hope that they allow you to get the mission back when they do fix it.
I dropped the quest and can't pick it up again from the K7 NPC. I'll be pretty ****ed if they fix the quest and I can't obtain it from the NPC again. I guess it's a double bug? haha
Havent tried the ground combat one yet but i expect that its the same just like it was in Beta too.