Human, Andorian, Bajoran, Trill, Alien - Borg Skin Option, for Ears:
Between 'Eyes' and 'Hairstyle' (or 'Earring' for Bajorans) I am seeing a dropdown labeled 'Humanoid' which has two choices in it: "Skin" and "Skin Ears Borg 01". This is likely due to the Liberated Borg only Ear piece getting mixed in with the general costume bit population.
For it to occur with Alien you need to select humanoid for the 'Ears' type, and then the Borg skin option shows up in a 'Humanoid labeled' dropdown beneath that.
Andorian - Head Attach Organic:
Drop down is disabled and doesn't allow me to change between styles of antennae, two color boxes attached to that dropdown appear to change absolutely nothing.
Andorian - Hairstyle - Dreads:
I had thought the three dreads hairstyles had become Klingon only, but I can still choose them as an Andorian which brings up a box beneath 'Hairstyle' labeled 'Klingon Long' which only goes to make it seem even more out of place on an Andorian.
I bugged the Andorian stuff last week. If choose an alien you can pick several antenna. But just the stock if you are andorian.
This isnt a bug but more of a pet peeve... I had 2 face choiced for Vulcan. They have differnt eyes and noses. So if I choose head 2 because I like the eyes I get stuck with a stubby nose. There is no way to tweak it with sliders. If I choose head 1 so I have a decent nose I am stuck with those eyes. So I have very asian features with am "irish nose"
The CC was better last week and it was mess then too!
Vulcans can't wear visors. Why not?!
Most of the options for Gorn are gone....
I bugged the Andorian stuff last week. If choose an alien you can pick several antenna. But just the stock if you are andorian.
This isnt a bug but more of a pet peeve... I had 2 face choiced for Vulcan. They have differnt eyes and noses. So if I choose head 2 because I like the eyes I get stuck with a stubby nose. There is no way to tweak it with sliders. If I choose head 1 so I have a decent nose I am stuck with those eyes. So I have very asian features with am "irish nose"
The CC was better last week and it was mess then too!