UBF's 20th MACO Corps is looking for good officers, Company level Command is open to anyone that applies and wishes for combat, also looking for a Combat Commander to lead the Force Recon unit of Easy Company, higher level positions are open as well, all you need to do is ask once you download teamspeak, and type in UnitedBritFleet.com, port 9988,look for Gen Pasternak
UBF recruiting for good officers!!!!!!! if you are interested in joining the ranks of a great fun fleet with great people to help you through the game and make the game even more interesting contact us now, when you meet the friendly officers and experiance STO the UBF way you`ll never look back.
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening or night UBF how are you all today, bet you were sat at work watching the clock counting the seconds till you can get home and play STO (i know i was lol)
also, i find it quite annoying when random users PM me with offers for STO gold or w/e. for example, from the user "tger" i received this: "Hellon,Cheap_Sto_Energy 100K only 23$ .Power-leveling 1-50 sale 319$, All kinds of Games' Cheap In-game Currency on (i wont put the URL)".
another, titled "stogold" sent from "Johnfdg. John says "<<(URL)>> Cheapest Star Trek Online Energy Credits 100K sale 21$, Powerleveling 1-10 only 9$, Supper Best Services ! <<(URL)>>"
my question, have u guys gotten mail like this? literally, i received 5 like those since last night. i find it quite annoying, and if it actually works, could fill the game with cheaters and the like (which, honestly, being an honest player surrounded by cheaters in admiral ships, is not fun at all). hopefully these ppl are brought to some sort of justice.
also, i find it quite annoying when random users PM me with offers for STO gold or w/e. for example, from the user "tger" i received this: "Hellon,Cheap_Sto_Energy 100K only 23$ .Power-leveling 1-50 sale 319$, All kinds of Games' Cheap In-game Currency on (i wont put the URL)".
another, titled "stogold" sent from "Johnfdg. John says "<<(URL)>> Cheapest Star Trek Online Energy Credits 100K sale 21$, Powerleveling 1-10 only 9$, Supper Best Services ! <<(URL)>>"
my question, have u guys gotten mail like this? literally, i received 5 like those since last night. i find it quite annoying, and if it actually works, could fill the game with cheaters and the like (which, honestly, being an honest player surrounded by cheaters in admiral ships, is not fun at all). hopefully these ppl are brought to some sort of justice.
Yep i've had these as well six so far and they were deleted straight away.I can hardly afford to feed the kids so they are well targeting the wrong type of custoner in me.
you get that in all mmo games people will sell if people will buy and a lot of them will buy of them if they need something and cant wait for it and then you get the ones that want to play the game but dont want to do the work so they will pay someone to power lvl them .
i think that there is a thread you can report things like that cant think where it is
and a big hi to the fleet sorry not been able to speak with any of you yet still trying to get a mic sorted should have one soon:eek:
need help- Salvaged Relations in the Neutral Zone
received this mission from one of the npc's at Deep Space K7. it says i need to "win any war zone". could i have some clarification on what this means? does it mean i need to win a pvp battle...or? enlightenment would be appreciated!
if you find a red cloud go in it thats a war zone should be other in there with you its not a pvp its a pve but the one where it tells you to go had a bug when ityred it we would win and it would just restart without giving you the win
if you find a red cloud go in it thats a war zone should be other in there with you its not a pvp its a pve but the one where it tells you to go had a bug when ityred it we would win and it would just restart without giving you the win
thanks! i think i tried one of those ("borg hunt") i beat it, yet it didnt give me anything. nor did it say i cmpleted the mission. ill look around for more of them, try again.
"As of this moment we are at war...
We will not surrender. We will not back down. We will not let ourselves be intimidated. The United Federation of Planets has stood for more than 250 years. We will not let it fall to our former allies. We trusted the Klingon Empire to be our ally in times of need; they helped us achieve victory with honour. We helped them achieve victory with peace and prosperity. But we have been assaulted, by a bloodthirsty empire that does not wishes to be our ally anymore. We will retaliate. We will show what the Federation and Starfleet is made of. We will be victorious, in diplomacy or at war. We shall fight for peace. They shall die for war." (quoted from Fleet Captain Wavy Lajeunesse of Omega Fleet).
It is finally here. A most historic day. A long awaited (and over due) day. For today, my friends, is the launch of the Star Trek: Online. Many of us have waited for this day for months...others for years. Finally, you will be able to experience Star Trek like never before. You surely will boldly go...where no man has gone before! I wish all of you the best of luck in fighting the Klingon menace. While you are out fighting, my diplomats and I will be trying to resolve the situation peacefully. We have tried before, yet gotten no where. Regardless, do not show an ounce of fear. Only by the sweat of your brow, the long and laborious work from you, your crew, and your ship can we bring peace back to the Galaxy. As we look towards the Klingons, trouble brews elsewhere. The Borg are wreaking havoc as they have for decades. Yet I can't help but think that there is a larger picture! For every conflict, there is someone behind it. While it may sound a bit paranoid, I can't help but think that the Undine (Borg Species Designation: 8472) are behind all of this. That they, and their shape-shifting ways, have occupied, secretly, the top spots in all quadrants, and have caused this conflict to escalate into what it has become. Yet, there's a time for speculation, and this is not one of those times. I wish all of you best of luck in your ventures, and I wish you luck and victory in all of your battles. These are troubling times indeed, but I know that we, as a UNITED FEDERATION can stand strong, one amongst each other. Friend fighting next to friend. Brother and brother. One of our forefathers once said "These are the times that try men's souls" (Thomas Paine 'The Crisis'). I urge you not to give yours up! Thank you all, and good luck. Live long and Prosper.
UBF recruiting for good officers!!!!!!! if you are interested in joining the ranks of a great fun fleet with great people to help you through the game and make the game even more interesting contact us now, when you meet the friendly officers and experiance STO the UBF way you`ll never look back.
PM me or any of the other UBF officers for info. For the fastest, easiest way to join log in to our teamspeak channel on the address and port shown below.
my computer went down for the last time. once i get back up, i will not be down again. so i place john as my AFA, till i get back. I do not want any changes till i return...
my computer went down for the last time. once i get back up, i will not be down again. so i place john as my AFA, till i get back. I do not want any changes till i return...
no problem. once u get back, i need to talk to u about a few things. both regarding, and not regarding, my division. thx
Hi barr im not bad thanks. Yea his made captain he`s got his defiant class. how is the fleet?
im good. tbh, i dont see the fun in leveling up so quickly. granted, there are 2/4 more characters, but still... rushing through a game, through leveling, imo is not a fun way to play a game. just my little opinionative post for today
Interested in Diplomacy? Diplomacy division is recruiting! Ranks START at Ambassador, the equiv to Cpt! No working your way up to be a Cpt, just sign up*! PM me if you interested and for more details!
*diplomacy division is not a sign up and join division. because the ranks start so high, there is an interview process to go through, to see if you are right for Diplomacy. for more info. pm me.
still recruiting if your interested, PM me or call in to teamspeak and see what you thing of our growing friendly fleet
also, i find it quite annoying when random users PM me with offers for STO gold or w/e. for example, from the user "tger" i received this: "Hellon,Cheap_Sto_Energy 100K only 23$ .Power-leveling 1-50 sale 319$, All kinds of Games' Cheap In-game Currency on (i wont put the URL)".
another, titled "stogold" sent from "Johnfdg. John says "<<(URL)>> Cheapest Star Trek Online Energy Credits 100K sale 21$, Powerleveling 1-10 only 9$, Supper Best Services ! <<(URL)>>"
my question, have u guys gotten mail like this? literally, i received 5 like those since last night. i find it quite annoying, and if it actually works, could fill the game with cheaters and the like (which, honestly, being an honest player surrounded by cheaters in admiral ships, is not fun at all). hopefully these ppl are brought to some sort of justice.
Yep i've had these as well six so far and they were deleted straight away.I can hardly afford to feed the kids so they are well targeting the wrong type of custoner in me.
i think that there is a thread you can report things like that cant think where it is
and a big hi to the fleet sorry not been able to speak with any of you yet still trying to get a mic sorted should have one soon:eek:
if you find a red cloud go in it thats a war zone should be other in there with you its not a pvp its a pve but the one where it tells you to go had a bug when ityred it we would win and it would just restart without giving you the win
thanks! i think i tried one of those ("borg hunt") i beat it, yet it didnt give me anything. nor did it say i cmpleted the mission. ill look around for more of them, try again.
did u finish the mission? which battle zone did u do?
"As of this moment we are at war...
We will not surrender. We will not back down. We will not let ourselves be intimidated. The United Federation of Planets has stood for more than 250 years. We will not let it fall to our former allies. We trusted the Klingon Empire to be our ally in times of need; they helped us achieve victory with honour. We helped them achieve victory with peace and prosperity. But we have been assaulted, by a bloodthirsty empire that does not wishes to be our ally anymore. We will retaliate. We will show what the Federation and Starfleet is made of. We will be victorious, in diplomacy or at war. We shall fight for peace. They shall die for war." (quoted from Fleet Captain Wavy Lajeunesse of Omega Fleet).
It is finally here. A most historic day. A long awaited (and over due) day. For today, my friends, is the launch of the Star Trek: Online. Many of us have waited for this day for months...others for years. Finally, you will be able to experience Star Trek like never before. You surely will boldly go...where no man has gone before! I wish all of you the best of luck in fighting the Klingon menace. While you are out fighting, my diplomats and I will be trying to resolve the situation peacefully. We have tried before, yet gotten no where. Regardless, do not show an ounce of fear. Only by the sweat of your brow, the long and laborious work from you, your crew, and your ship can we bring peace back to the Galaxy. As we look towards the Klingons, trouble brews elsewhere. The Borg are wreaking havoc as they have for decades. Yet I can't help but think that there is a larger picture! For every conflict, there is someone behind it. While it may sound a bit paranoid, I can't help but think that the Undine (Borg Species Designation: 8472) are behind all of this. That they, and their shape-shifting ways, have occupied, secretly, the top spots in all quadrants, and have caused this conflict to escalate into what it has become. Yet, there's a time for speculation, and this is not one of those times. I wish all of you best of luck in your ventures, and I wish you luck and victory in all of your battles. These are troubling times indeed, but I know that we, as a UNITED FEDERATION can stand strong, one amongst each other. Friend fighting next to friend. Brother and brother. One of our forefathers once said "These are the times that try men's souls" (Thomas Paine 'The Crisis'). I urge you not to give yours up! Thank you all, and good luck. Live long and Prosper.
PM me or any of the other UBF officers for info. For the fastest, easiest way to join log in to our teamspeak channel on the address and port shown below.
Fleet Website:
TeamSpeak 3 Download link
TS3 Address:unitedbritfleet.com, Port:9988
no problem. once u get back, i need to talk to u about a few things. both regarding, and not regarding, my division. thx
Hi barr im not bad thanks. Yea his made captain he`s got his defiant class. how is the fleet?
im good. tbh, i dont see the fun in leveling up so quickly. granted, there are 2/4 more characters, but still... rushing through a game, through leveling, imo is not a fun way to play a game. just my little opinionative post for today
So, if you want to play team, get help and hang out with some cool people while you're playing then join up, (sound like a member already!)
*diplomacy division is not a sign up and join division. because the ranks start so high, there is an interview process to go through, to see if you are right for Diplomacy. for more info. pm me.
and how are you doing, I hope to say welcome to the UBF!!!
My character's name is Tobik although for some reason the game thinks my name is also Fur'il, wierd.