Hmm.. to watch the Super Bowl or to play STO... Decisions decisions. Well I will probably take break and watch the game but then again if everyone is doing that then that would be the best time to log in a play STO..
Hmm.. to watch the Super Bowl or to play STO... Decisions decisions. Well I will probably take break and watch the game but then again if everyone is doing that then that would be the best time to log in a play STO..
Super Bowls come and go but there's only one STO! :cool:
I am having problems accessing the site and I wanted to let everyone know I would be out of game until Friday. I will still be accessing the site, but I cannot log in game. While I am gone have fun Lotus Fleet.
I remember my first experience with Lotus Fleet. I was cruising the STO forums and happened upon a post by Admiral Nova, Commander of Lotus Fleet. The name piqued my interest, I went to and boom! I was hooked. The Academy experience was the most intense educational experience I'd had since real life college and after graduation I felt as though I had really acoomplished something to be proud of.
The experience continued as I met members of the Fleet, engaged in conversations in the website Shoutbox, attended bi-weekly Fleet meetings, and explored anything and everything the Lotus Fleet experience had to offer.
I really encourage anyone out there in STO and Trek Fandom looking for a unique, rewarding experience that has the power to positively affect your life to check out - you will never look at Star Trek the same way again.
I can only see great things coming from the fleet and now that the game has launched I look to see a great many things added such as academy courses and a host of new fleet features. The fleet just continues to grow and add to so many things that are already great while also adding in totally new things. I'm proud to be a member..
I just wanted to post at the moment as we are having one of our weekly meetings. I am so excited to hear what's coming down the pipe from all the departments in the fleet. If you're still looking to join a great fleet, please do check Lotus Fleet out, you'll be blown away by all that's going on!
Part of Lotus Fleet's draw is that we have space for all sorts of players. If you have any questions about the fleet, feel free to ask; we're always happy to pass along what info we can!
Super Bowls come and go but there's only one STO! :cool:
Looking forward to share this galaxy with you, Templar Fleet.
See you out there.
The experience continued as I met members of the Fleet, engaged in conversations in the website Shoutbox, attended bi-weekly Fleet meetings, and explored anything and everything the Lotus Fleet experience had to offer.
I really encourage anyone out there in STO and Trek Fandom looking for a unique, rewarding experience that has the power to positively affect your life to check out - you will never look at Star Trek the same way again.
My computer works again, and can actually run STO without creating fire like simulations
I have my own issue now. I have to go buy another microphone!
It wil be my third one in about a year!:mad:
No, that's me.
Man...those were the days. XD
Now I listen to fluffy J-Pop XD XD XD
Welcome Back! Great to see you again!!
Would you expect anything less from the government...besides a time sink?
Toon's name: Eric M. O'brian
Class Engineer
rank: Lieutenant rank 9.4
Please take a look and let me know if there's any errors, or if you'd like to be listed in any additional categories!